Война на Тихом океане и общество США (1941–1945). С. О. Буранок
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Название: Война на Тихом океане и общество США (1941–1945)

Автор: С. О. Буранок


Жанр: История


isbn: 978-5-9765-1780-6


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      586



      Operational Archives, Naval Historical Centre, World War II Action Reports. USS Oglala, Report of Pearl Harbor Attack; National Archives and Records Administration. College Park, MD. Record Group 19: Records of the Bureau of Ships 1940–1966. U.S.S. Oglala Torpedo and Bomb Damage.


      Damage to ships of the Pacific Fleet resulting from Enemy Attacks at Pearl Harbor, 7 December 1941 //Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt.,24. Washington, 1946. P. 1602.


      Operational Archives, Naval Historical Centre, World War II Action Reports. USS Utah, Report of Pearl Harbor Attack.


      Damage to ships of the Pacific Fleet resulting from Enemy Attacks at Pearl Harbor, 7 December 1941 //Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt.,24. Washington, 1946. P. 1602.


      Operational Archives, Naval Historical Centre, World War II Action Reports. USS Curtiss, Report of Pearl Harbor Attack; National Archives and Records Administration. College Park, MD. Record Group 19: Records of the Bureau of Ships 1940–1966. U.S.S. Curtiss Bomb Damage.


      Damage to ships of the Pacific Fleet resulting from Enemy Attacks at Pearl Harbor, 7 December 1941 //Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt.,24. Washington, 1946. P. 1602.


      Operational Archives, Naval Historical Centre, World War II Action Reports. USS Vestal, Report of Pearl Harbor Attack.


      Damage to ships of the Pacific Fleet resulting from Enemy Attacks at Pearl Harbor, 7 December 1941 //Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt.,24. Washington, 1946. P. 1602.


      Сулига C.B. Большая Пятёрка. M., 1997. С. 20.


      Именно ему адресовано донесение. Выводы военно-морской министр изложил в своём докладе президенту Рузвельту: Report by Secretary of Navy to the President//Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt.,24. Washington, 1946. P. 1749–1756.


      Этот документ имеет и второе название: «Краткий отчёт о повреждениях кораблей Тихоокеанского флота в результате вражеских атак Пёрл-Харбора 7 декабря 1941 г.»: Summary of damage sustained by ships of Pacific Fleet from enemy attacks at Pearl Harbor, 7 December 1941 //Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 24. Washington, 1946. P. 1602.


      Supplementary partial report of damage to ships // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 24. Washington, 1946. P. 1603.




      Cp.: Damage to Ships Pacific Fleet Resulting From Japanese Attack 7 December 1941 // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 24. Washington, 1946. P. 1601; Supplementary partial report of damage to ships // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 24. Washington, 1946. P. 1602–1603.


      Material Damage sustained in attack on December 7,1941. Naval Historical Centre. Wallin Papers.


      Supplementary partial report of damage to ships // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 24. Washington, 1946. P. 1603.


      Material Damage sustained in attack on December 7,1941. Naval Historical Centre. Wallin Papers.


      Operational Archives, Naval Historical Centre, World War II Action Reports. USS Arizona, Report of Pearl Harbor Attack.




      Supplementary partial report of damage to ships // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 24. Washington, 1946. P. 1603.


      Ibid. P. 1602.




      Wallin H.N. Pearl Harbor: Why, How, Fleet Salvage and Final Appraisal. Washington, 1968. P. 223.


      Summary of War Damage to U.S. Battleships, Carriers, Cruisers, Destroyers 17 October, 1941 to 7 December, 1942. National Archives and Records Administration. C ollege Park. Modem Military Records. Records of the Bureau of Ships. Record Group 19.


      Supplementary partial report of damage to ships // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 24. Washington, 1946. P. 1603.


      Ibid. Линкор выйдет из Пёрл-Харбора для полного ремонта 7 июня 1942 г.: Breyer S. Battleships and Battlecmisers 1905–1970. New York, 1973. P. 226.


      Supplementary partial report of damage to ships // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 24. Washington, 1946. P. 1603.




      Operational Archives, Naval Historical Centre, World War II Action Reports. USS Nevada, Report of Pearl Harbor Attack.


      Supplementary partial report of damage СКАЧАТЬ