Война на Тихом океане и общество США (1941–1945). С. О. Буранок
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Название: Война на Тихом океане и общество США (1941–1945)

Автор: С. О. Буранок


Жанр: История


isbn: 978-5-9765-1780-6


СКАЧАТЬ авианосцы «Сёкаку» и «Дзуйкаку». М., 1995. Р. 5–7; Skwiot М., Jarski A. Shokaku, Zuikaku / Mongrafie Morskie No. 3. AJ Press, 1994.


      Шерман Ф. Война на Тихом океане: Авианосцы в бою. М.; СПб., 1999. С. 21–27. Проводится мысль, что нападение было ожидаемым для всех военных и логичным следствием политики, и это нельзя было не заметить. Кроме него, адмирал Тернер заявил расследованию Харта, что атака Пёрл-Харбора для него не была сюрпризом. См.: Hart Inquiry Proceedings // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 26. Washington, 1946. P. 273–274.


      BenfordT. Pearl Harbor Amazing Facts! New York, 2001. P. 15.


      Joint estimate covering Joint Anny and Navy air action in the event of sudden hostile action against Oahu or Fleet Units in the Hawaiian area // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 26. Washington, 1946. P. 535.


      Имеются в виду «Акакги» и «Kara».


      Joint estimate covering Joint Anny and Navy air action in the event of sudden hostile action against Oahu or Fleet Units in the Hawaiian area // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 26. Washington, 1946. P. 535.


      Денлингер С., Гери Ч. Война на Тихом океане. М.; Л., 1939. С. 87.


      Joint estimate covering Joint Anny and Navy air action in the event of sudden hostile action against Oahu or Fleet Units in the Hawaiian area // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 26. Washington, 1946. P. 535.




      Asada S. From Mahan to Pearl Harbor: the Imperial Japanese Navy and the united States. Annapolis, 2006. P. 340–344.


      Joint estimate covering Joint Anny and Navy air action in the event of sudden hostile action against Oahu or Fleet Units in the Hawaiian area // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 26. Washington, 1946. P. 5 3 5. Подобного рода информация содержалась в других отчётах.


      KimmelH.E. AdmiralKiimneFs Story by HusbandE. Kimmel. Chicago, 1955. P. 19.


      Full text of report to President on Pearl Harbor Investigation // Anny and Navy Journal. 31.01.1942; Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 39. Washington, 1946. P. 1—21; Report by Secretary of Navy to the President // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 24. Washington, 1946. P. 1749–1756; Brief report of conduct of naval personal during Japanese attack, Pearl Harbor, December 7,1941 //Navy Department Communiques 1—300 and Pertinent Press Releases: December 10, 1941 to March 5, 1943. Washington, 1943. P. 3–7.


      Roberts Commission Proceedings // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 22. Washington, 1946. P. 7—24.


      Ibid. P. 37–45.


      Hart Inquiry Proceedings // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 26. Washington, 1946. P. 2.


      Top Secret Report of Army Pearl Harbor Board // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 39. Washington, 1946. P. 231.


      Report ofNaval Court oflnquiry //Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 39. Washington, 1946. P. 298.


      Addresses and Messages of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Washington, 1942. P. 125–126; Рузвельт Ф. Беседы у камина. М., 2003. С. 244–250; Addresses and Messages of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Washington, 1942. P. 145.


      U.S. Congressional Joint Committee on Pearl Harbor Attack Hearings. 40 Pt. Washington, 1946.


      United States Strategic Bombing Survey [Pacific]: Interrogations of Japanese Officials. Washington, 1946; United States Strategic Bombing Survey Summary Report (Pacific War). Washington, 1946; The Campaigns of the Pacific War. United States Strategic Bombing Survey (Pacific). Naval Analysis Division. Washington, 1946.


      Japanese Monograph. Washington, 1945–1960.


      Political Strategy Prior to the Outbreak of War. Part V / Japanese Monograph № 152. Washington, 1945. P. 70.


      Была высказана в выступлениях 1941–1942 гг.: Addresses and Messages of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Washington, 1942.


      Political Strategy Prior to the Outbreak of War. Part V / Japanese Monograph № 152. Washington, 1945. P. 70.


      Van der Vat, D. The Pacific Campaign: World War II, the U.S. – Japanese Naval War, 1941–1945. New York, 1991. P. 43–46; Fitzgerald S. Pearl Harbor: Day of Infamy. Bloomington, 2006. P. 14; Hamen S. Pearl Harbor. Edina, 2009. P. 16; Britton T. Pearl Harbor. Edina, 2002. P. 18–10; Borg D. The United States and The Far Eastern Crisis of 1933–1938. Cambridge (Mass.), 1964. P. 549; White S. Pearl Harbor: A Day of Infamy. New York, 2007. P. 5.


      Report of the Joint committee on the investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack. Washington, 1946. P. 1.
