An Annotated Bibliography of the Apollo Program. J. D. Hunley
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Название: An Annotated Bibliography of the Apollo Program

Автор: J. D. Hunley

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Документальная литература


isbn: 4064066455194


СКАЧАТЬ York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1969, 2d edition. This is a large-format, illustrated history that emphasizes the history of the U.S. space program and Project Apollo. It was written by one of the most significant popularizers of space flight and one of his leading space information specialists.

      ______, Space Travel. New York: Harper & Row, 1985. This update of History of Rocketry & Space Travel contains an excellent summary of the early visions of space flight.

      Weaver, Kenneth F. "What the Moon Rocks Tell Us." National Geographic Maga- zine. 136 (December 1969): 788-91. A popular rather than scientific account of the moon rocks. Together with "Next Steps in Space" by NASA Administrator Thomas O. Paine (pp. 792-7), this rounds out the "First Explorers on the Moon" series in this issue (see Chapter 5, Apollo 11).

      What Made Apollo a Success? Washington, DC: NASA SP-287, 1971. A reprint of articles by George M. Low, Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, Scott H. Simpkinson, Christopher C. Kraft, and others from the March 1970 issue of Astronautics & Aeronautics. Each of these articles is discussed separately in the appropriate sections of this bibliography.

      Wilbur, Ted. "Support Forces." In Wilbur, Ted. Space--And the United States Navy. Prepared by the Editors of Naval Aviation News (November 1970): 73-77. Covers various support the Navy provided for NASA during Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo ranging from satellite information through recovery following splashdown of spacecraft.

      Young, Hugo; Silcock, Bryan; and Dunn, Peter. Journey to Tranquillity: The History of Man's Assault on the Moon. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1970. A ponderous "anti-Apollo" broadside, this book seeks to cast aspersions on the entire space program. Handled deftly by investigative journalists who are writing an expos‚, the first chapter sets the stage by characterizing Wernher von Braun as a self-righteous traitor and John F. Kennedy as an adolescent exhibitionist. They then describe a conspiracy of bureaucrats, industrialists, and politicians who promote space as a means of feathering their own nests. The authors used the Apollo fire that killed three astronauts as the evidence that "proves" the dishonesty and criminal behavior of NASA and other space advocates. The authors were journalists with the London Sunday Times and they provided a fast-paced if highly critical analysis of Project Apollo.

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