A Treatise of the Laws of Nature. Richard Cumberland
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Название: A Treatise of the Laws of Nature

Автор: Richard Cumberland

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Философия

Серия: Natural Law and Enlightenment Classics

isbn: 9781614871859


СКАЧАТЬ Hon. Sir Charles Wager, one of the Commissioners of the Admiralty.

      *Captain William Wade.

      Mr. William Wahup.

      Mrs. Sarah Wahup.

      Mr. Henry Walker.

      *Col. John Waller.

      *Robert Waller, Esq;

      Robert Waller, Esq;

      Capt. George Walsh.

      Capt. John Walsh.

      The Rev. Mr. Thomas Walsh.

      Philip Walsh, Esq;

      *Mr. Jacob Walton.

      *Richard Warburton, Esq; for 6.

      The Rev. Mr. James Ward, Dean of Cloyne.

      Michael Ward, Esq; for 2 Books.

      Nicholas Ward, Esq;

      Henry Ware, Esq;

      Samuel Waring, Esq;

      Mr. Thomas Warner.

      The Rev. Mr. Simon Warner.

      Mr. John Warren.

      Richard Wastfield, Esq;

      John Webber, Esq;

      The Rev. Mr. William Webster.

      Paul Whichcote, Esq;

      *The Rev. Mr. John Whitcombe, Fellow of Dublin-College.

      *John White, Esq;

      Boyle White, Esq;

      The Rev. Mr. William White.

      *Mr. Conway Whithorne.

      Mr. John Whitlock.

      The Rev. Mr. Peter Wibrants.

      The Rev. Mr. Wigget.

      Mr. Wilford.

      The Rev. Mr. George Wilkins.

      The Rev. Mr. Charles Wilkinson.

      *Mr. Roger Williams.

      Hugh Willoughby, Esq;

      *James Wills, Esq;

      *Col. Thomas Wilson.

      *The Rev. Mr. Thomas Wilson, Dean of Baliol-College.

      Thomas Wilson, Esq;

      Ezekiel. Davys Wilson.

      The Rev. Mr. William Wilson of Shinglis.

      Joseph Wilson, Esq;

      The Rev. Mr. Winter, Dean of Kildare.

      Mr. George Woodcraft.

      Mr. Thomas Woodward.

      Mr. Thomas Worrall.

      William Worth, Esq;

      Mr. Bruen Worthington.

      The Rev. Mr. Henry Wright.

      Mr. Thomas Wyat.

      The Rev. Mr. Wyat.

      The Rev. Dr. Mossum Wye.

      *Thomas Wylde, Esq; Commissioner of the Revenue in Ireland.

      The Rev. Mr. John Wynne.


      *The Rt. Hon. Sir Will. Yonge, one of the Lords of the Treasury.

      The Rev. Mr. Francis Yarborough, Fellow of Brazen-nose-College.

      The Rev. Mr. Young.

      NAMES omitted.

      The Rev. Mr. Bennet.

      The Rev. Mr. Benson.

      Mr. John Brindley.

      Mrs. Mary Brown.

      The Rt. Rev. the Lord Bp. of Durham.

      The Library of the Chapter of Durham.

      I. Concerning the CITY, or KINGDOM, of GOD in the Rational World, and the Defects in HEATHEN DEISM.

      II. Concerning the Imperfectness of the HEATHEN MORALITY; from both which, the Usefulness of REVELATION may appear.


      Printed in the YEAR, MDCCXXVII.


       Of the City, or Kingdom, of God in the Rational World, and the Defects in Heathen Deism

      Man consider’d in his various Capacities.

      “Know thy-self,” was certainly the Wisest of the Sayings of the seven Wise-Men of Greece; that Knowledge being the greatest Wisdom, as being the only Method, by which we are enabled to discharge those Duties and Obligations we lie under, and to obtain Happiness.

      Man is consider’d, in a double Capacity, Natural and Political.

      Man, in his natural Capacity, is compos’d of two Parts, Body and Mind.

      His Body is consider’d, by the Anatomist, as it is an Organiz’d Body; and by the Physician, and Surgeon, as it is a Body liable to Distempers, that may be prevented, or remedied.

      The Natural Philosopher, commonly so call’d, considers СКАЧАТЬ