The Landleaguers. Anthony Trollope
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Название: The Landleaguers

Автор: Anthony Trollope

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066190927


СКАЧАТЬ afternoon. Biddy Ryan saw him. If he went on he must have seen the water coming in."

      "What shall we do?" asked Ada.

      "Ah!—that's just it. What shall we do? If he could be made to tell the truth, that would be best. But as he denies it, father will believe him. Florian will say that we are spiting him because of his religion."

      "But, Edith, we must tell father." At last it was decided that Edith should take the boy and talk to him. He was more prone to listen to Edith than to Ada. Edith did find her brother, and talked to him for an hour,—but in vain. He had managed to collect himself after his past breakdown, and was better able to bear the examination to which his sister put him, than at the first moment. He still blushed when he was questioned; till he became dogged and surly. The interview ended with repeated asseverations on Flory's part, that he knew nothing of the meadows.

      Mr. Jones and his eldest son returned to the house, having been absent the entire day. "As sure as I am a living man, Pat Carroll has been at the doing of it," said Frank.

      "He cannot have done it alone," said Ada.

      "There have been others in it."

      "That has been the worst of it," said the father. "Of course I have known since the beginning of the year, that that man would do any devil's turn of work against me. But one man cannot do much."

      "Too much! too much!" said Edith.

      "One man can murder me, of course. But we haven't yet come to such a state of things as that. Twelve months ago I thought there was not a man about the place who would raise his hand to do me an ill turn. I have done them many good turns in my time."

      "You have, father," said Ada.

      "Then this man came to me and said that because the tenants away in County Mayo were not paying their rents, he could not pay his. And he can sell his interest on his holding now for £150. When I endeavoured to explain this to him, and that it was at my cost his interest in the farm has been created, he became my enemy. I don't mind that; one has to look for that. But that others should be joined in it, and that there should be no one to say that they had seen it! There must have been five pairs of hands at work, and twenty pairs of eyes must have seen what the others were doing."

      The two sisters looked at each other, but they said nothing. "I suppose we shall work it out of them some day," said Frank.

      "I suppose nothing of the kind," said the father. "There are eighty acres of meadow lying under Lough Corrib this moment which will not give a ton of hay next summer, or food for a sheep next autumn. The pastures will be saturated, and sheep would perish with foot-rot and fluke. Then money must be laid out again upon it, just that Mr. Carroll may again wreak his vengeance." After that there was silence, for the children felt that not a word could be spoken which would comfort their father.

      When they sat down to dinner, Mr. Jones asked after Florian. "He's not well," said Edith.

      "Florian not well! So there's another misfortune."

      "His ill-health is rather ill-humour. Biddy will take care of him, father."

      "I do not choose that he should be looked after by Biddy in solitude. I suppose that somebody has been teasing him."

      "No, father," said Edith, positively.

      "Has anyone been speaking to him about his religion?"

      "Not a word," said Edith. Then she told herself that to hold her tongue at the present moment would be cowardly. "Florian, father, has misbehaved himself, and has gone away cross. I would leave him, if I were you, till to-morrow."

      "I know there is ill-will against him," said the father. All this was ill-judged on behalf of Mr. Jones. Peter, the old butler, who had lived in the family, was in the room. Peter, of course, was a Roman Catholic, and, though he was as true as steel, it could not but be felt that in this absurd contest he was on the side of the "young masther."

      Down in the kitchen the conversion of the "young masther" to the true religion was a great affair, and Mr. Frank and the young ladies were looked upon as hard-hearted and cruel, because they stood in the way of this act of grace. Nothing more was said about Florian that night.

       Table of Contents


      Edith, before she went to bed that night, crept up to her brother's bedroom and seated herself on the bedside. It was a little room which Florian occupied alone, and lay at the back of the house, next to that in which Peter slept. Here, as she sat on the bed, she could see by a glance that young Florian feigned to be asleep.

      "Flory, you are pretending to be asleep." Flory uttered a short snore,—or rather snort, for he was not a good actor. "You may as well wake up, because otherwise I shall shake you."

      "Why am I to be shaked up in bed?"

      "Because I want to speak to you."

      "Why am I to be made to speak when I want to sleep?"

      "Papa has been talking about you downstairs. He has come home from Ballintubber, very tired and very unhappy, and he thinks you have been made to go to bed without your supper because we have been attacking you about religion. I have told him that nobody has said a word to you."

      "But you did."

      "Not a word."

      "You didn't tell him all that you told me—about letting in the water?" This was asked in a tone of great anxiety.

      "Not a word,—not as yet."

      "And you won't? Mind, I tell you it's all untrue. What do I know about letting in the water?"

      "Who did it?"

      "I'm not going to tell."

      "You know, then?"

      "No, I don't. But I'm not going to tell as though I knew it. You don't care about it in your religion, but we Catholics don't like telling lies."

      "You saw nothing?"

      "Whatever I saw I'm not to tell a lie about it."

      "You've promised not, you mean?"

      "Now, Edy, you're not going to trap me. You've got your own religion and I've got mine. It's a great thing in our religion to be able to hold your tongue. Father Malachi says it's one of the greatest trials which a man has to go through."

      "Then, Flory, am I to gather that you will say nothing further to me?" Here the boy shook his head. "Because in that case I must tell father. At any rate, he must be told, and if you do not tell him, I shall."

      "What is there to be told?"

      "I shall tell him exactly what I saw,—and Ada. I saw,—we saw,—that when the news came about the flood, you were conscious of it all. If you will go to father and tell him the truth he СКАЧАТЬ