Around the World with Josiah Allen's Wife. Marietta Holley
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Название: Around the World with Josiah Allen's Wife

Автор: Marietta Holley

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664625236


СКАЧАТЬ wimmen would have held a grudge aginst the man that murdered her husband and not bore the sight of the one who loved and mourned him so constant. But Arvilly had too much good horse sense for that; she contends that neither of the men who wuz fightin’ wuz much to blame. 103 She sez that if a sane, well man should go out and dig a deep pit to catch men for so much a head, and cover it all over with green grass and blossoms and put a band of music behind it to tempt men to walk out on it, to say nothin’ of a slidin’ path leadin’ down to it, all soft with velvet and rosy with temptations, if a lot of hot-headed youth and weak men and generous open-minded men who wuzn’t lookin’ for anything wrong, should fall into it and be drownded for so much a head, she sez the man who dug the pit and got so much apiece for the men he led in and ruined would be more to blame than the victims, and she sez the man who owned the ground and encouraged it to go on would be more to blame than the man who dug the pit. And further back the men who made the laws to allow such doin’s, and men who voted to allow it, and ministers and the Church of Christ, who stood by like Pilate, consenting to it and encouraged by their indifference and neglect what they might have stopped if they wanted to––they wuz most to blame of all.

      Well, this is what Arvilly has went through.

      Day by day we sailed onwards, and if the days wuz beautiful, the nights wuz heavenly, lit by the glowin’ moon that seemed almost like another sun, only softer and mellerer lookin’; and the lustrous stars of the tropics seemed to flash and glitter jest over our head almost as if we could reach up and gather ’em in our hands into a sheaf of light.

      The weather seemed to moderate and we had to put on our thinnest garments in the middle of the day. But my poor Josiah could not make much change; he had to wear his pepper-and-salt costoom in publick, which wuz pretty thick, but I fixed sunthin’ for him to wear in our state-room, where we passed considerable time. I took one of my outing jackets that was cut kinder bask fashion, trimmed with lace and bows of ribbon and pinned it over in the back, and it fitted him quite well and wuz cool. He liked it; he 104 thought it become him, it wuz so dressy, but I wouldn’t let him appear in publick in it.

      I dressed Tommy in his summer suit, and wore my figgered lawn and wuz none too cool. We only had one heavy storm, but that wuz fearful; everything dashed round and wuz broke that could be. I put Tommy in his little crib and fastened him in, and fastened my most precious treasure, Josiah, to the berth. I then tied myself up, and we bore it as well as we could, though every time the ship went down into the trough of the sea I felt that it wuz dubersome about its ever comin’ out agin, and every time it mounted up on one of them stupendous billers, higher than the Jonesville meetin’ house, I felt doubtful whether or no it would fall bottom side up or not. Tommy wuz cryin’, and Josiah wuz kinder whimperin’, though for my sake he wuz tryin’ to bear up. But I’ll hang a curtain up before that seen and not take it down agin till we wuz all ontied and the sun wuz shinin’ down on smoother waters.

      At last after seven days’ stiddy sailin’ a little spec wuz seen in the distance one mornin’ gradually growin’ in size, and other little specks wuz sighted, also growin’ gradual, and at last they turned to solid land rising up out of the blue water, clad in strange and beautiful verdure behind the white foamin’ billers of surf. And instinctively as we looked on’t I broke out singin’ onbeknown to me, and Josiah jined in in deep base:

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