The Pig: Breeding, Rearing, and Marketing. Spencer Sanders
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Название: The Pig: Breeding, Rearing, and Marketing

Автор: Spencer Sanders

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066208226


СКАЧАТЬ and quite free from wrinkles.

       Objections.—Black hairs, black or blue spots, a coarse mane, inbent knees, hollowness at back of shoulders, wrinkled skin.


       Colour.—Golden red hair on a flesh coloured skin, free from black.

       Head.—Fairly long, snout moderately long and quite straight, face slightly dished, wide between ears.

       Ears.—Rather large, with fine fringe, carried rigid and inclined slightly forward.

       Neck.—Fairly long and muscular, especially in boar.

       Chest.—Wide and deep.

       Shoulders.—Fine, slanting, and well set.

       Legs.—Strong and shapely, with plenty of bone and set well outside body.

       Pasterns.—Strong and sloping.

       Feet.—Strong, and of fair size.

       Back.—Long and straight.

       Loin.—Strong and broad.

       Tail.—Set on high and well tasselled.

       Sides.—Long and deep.

       Ribs.—Well sprung and extending well up to flank.

       Belly.—Deep, with straight under line.

       Flank.—Full and well let down.

       Quarters.—Long, wide, and straight from hip to tail.

       Hams.—Broad, and full, well let down to hocks.

       Coat.—Abundant, long, straight, and fine.

       Action.—Firm and free.

       Objections.—Black hair, very light or ginger hair, curly coat, coarse mane, black spots on skin, slouch or drooping ears, short or turned up snout, heavy shoulders, wrinkled skin, inbent knees, hollowness at back of shoulders.


       Colour.—Black, with white on face, feet and tip of tail.

       Skin.—Fine, and free from wrinkles.

       Hair.—Long, fine, and plentiful.

       Head.—Moderately short, face dished, snout broad; and wide between the eyes and ears.

       Ears.—Fairly large, carried erect or slightly inclined forward, and fringed with fine hair.

       Neck.—Medium length, evenly set on shoulders; jowl full and not heavy.

       Shoulders.—Fine and well sloped backwards; free from coarseness.

       Back.—Long and straight, ribs well sprung, sides deep.

       Hams.—Wide and deep to hocks.

       Tail.—Set high, and fairly large.

       Flank.—Deep and well let down, and making straight under line.

       Legs and Feet.—Short, straight, and strong, set wide apart, and hoofs nearly erect.

       Imperfections.—A perfectly black face, foot, or tail. A white ear. A crooked jaw. White or sandy spots, or white skin on the body. A rose back. A very coarse mane, and inbent knees.


      Scale of Points

Head.—Medium length and wide between the ears 5
Ears.—Thin, inclined well over the face, and not extendingbeyond point of nose 4
Neck.—Fairly long and muscular 3
Chest.—Wide and deep 3
Shoulders.—Well developed, in line with the ribs 8
Back.—Long and level 15
Ribs.—Well sprung 5
Sides.—Very deep 8
Loin.—Broad 5
Belly and Flank.—Thick and well developed 7
Quarters.—Long, wide, and not drooping 8
Hams.—Large and well filled to hocks 10
Tail.—Set high, of moderate size 3
Legs.—Short, straight, flat, and strong 5
Skin and Coat.—Fine and soft, with moderate quantity of straight, silky hair 8

       Objections.—Head—narrow forehead or dished nose. Ears—thick, coarse, or pricked. Coat—curly or coarse, with rose, bristly mane. Skin—wrinkled.

       Disqualification.—Colour—any other than black.


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