Hello There, We've Been Waiting for You!. Laurie B. Arnold
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Название: Hello There, We've Been Waiting for You!

Автор: Laurie B. Arnold

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Детская фантастика


isbn: 9781935212614



      Hello There, We’ve Been Waiting for You!





       Chapter Eleven

       Chapter Twelve

       Chapter Thirteen

       Chapter Fourteen

       Chapter Fifteen

       Chapter Sixteen

       Chapter Seventeen

       Chapter Eighteen

       Chapter Nineteen

       Chapter Twenty

       Chapter Twenty-One

       Chapter Twenty-Two

       Chapter Twenty-Three

       Chapter Twenty-Four

       Chapter Twenty-Five

       Chapter Twenty-Six

       Chapter Twenty-Seven

       Chapter Twenty-Eight

       Chapter Twenty-Nine

       Chapter Thirty

       Chapter Thirty-One

       Chapter Thirty-Two

       Chapter Thirty-Three

       Chapter Thirty-Four

       Chapter Thirty-Five

       Chapter Thirty-Six

       Chapter Thirty-Seven

       Chapter Thirty-Eight

       Chapter Thirty-Nine

       Chapter Forty

       Chapter Forty-One



      To the real-life Madison for your sunny inspiration; and to Steve, my number one champion, and the best husband and story editor I could ever dream of

       Chapter One

      I didn’t know anything about the magic yet. I only knew my life would never be the same. It was the summer before sixth grade and there I was, a prisoner in the front seat of my grandmother’s sparkly gold Cadillac beast. She barreled at the speed of fear, north toward New Mexico on the dusty desert highway. We streaked past a blur of scrub brush and tumbleweeds. Compared to where I’d lived on Bainbridge Island in Washington State, it looked like I’d landed on the moon.

      “Honey, this isn’t what either of us wished for, but I’m sure we’ll make the best of it.”

      I stared out the passenger window trying not to cry as I watched a tumbleweed skitter across the sand.

      “And who knows? We might even have ourselves a little fun. How’d you like to be transformed into a vision of beauty? I happen to be quite the expert.”

      She shook her bouncy blond curls.

      If she thought she was going to turn me into her clone, she had another think coming. I’m a soccer-player girl, not a dress-up girly-girl.

      “Madison, darling, if you’re ignoring me because I picked you up a teensy bit late, you’ll СКАЧАТЬ