Home Gardener's Propagation (UK Only). David Squire
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Название: Home Gardener's Propagation (UK Only)

Автор: David Squire

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Сад и Огород


isbn: 9781607652427


СКАЧАТЬ have sown the seeds, the tray (flat) needs to be covered to prevent the surface of the compost drying out. There are a couple of ways of doing this:

      • The traditional method is to place a piece of glass over the seed-tray (flat). However, because condensation forms on the underside, you must wipe the glass clear each morning, then invert it so that the dry side is facing the compost. To create a dark environment (this is needed by most seeds to aid germination), place some newspaper on top of the glass.

      • More recently, transparent plastic ‘lids’ that fit seed-trays have been produced, and these are ideal where children might approach the seedlings and cut themselves on the glass. Again, cover with newspaper (see right).


       To create darkness, cover the glass or plastic lid with newspaper


      After pricking off the seedlings, keep the compost lightly moist. When leaves touch, plants to be grown as summer-flowering bedding plants can be acclimatized to outdoor conditions, then planted in beds when all risk of frost has passed.

      Plants to be grown as houseplants will need repotting, as described below.

      1. Water the compost. When drained, use a small fork to remove the plants.

      2. Fill a clean pot with potting compost and lightly firm. Hold a plant by its stem and check that it is at the same depth as before (see the dark line on the stem); trickle and firm the compost around the roots.

      3. Add and firm further compost; check the surface is 12 mm (½ in) below the pot’s rim. Water the compost from above and place in gentle warmth until established.


      Softwood cuttings

       What are softwood cuttings?

      These cuttings are taken from soft young shoots, before they show any sign of hardening. This is the normal method used for increasing chrysanthemums, many houseplants, perennials and sub-shrubs. You can take softwood cuttings throughout the year from plants that are actively growing in warm greenhouses, but only during early and mid-summer from outdoor plants. It is essential that the shoots you select are still soft; otherwise the cuttings are less likely to form roots.

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