Patriotic pieces from the Great War. Edna D. Jones
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Название: Patriotic pieces from the Great War

Автор: Edna D. Jones

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066441913


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">       That Thou hast placed me humbly in the ranks

       Where I can do my part, all unafraid—

       A simple soldier in Thy great crusade.

       I pray thee, Lord, let others take command;

       Enough for me, a rifle in my hand,

       Thy blood-red banner ever leading me

       Where I can fight for liberty and Thee.

       Give others, God, the glory; mine the right

       To stand beside my comrades in the fight,

       To die, if need be, in some foreign land—

       Absolved and solaced by a soldier's hand.

       O Lord, my God, pray barken to my prayer

       And keep me ever humble, keep me where

       The fight is thickest, where, 'midst steel and flame,

       Thy sons give battle, calling on Thy name.

      —Robert Garland


       Table of Contents



      By permission of the author

      They veiled their souls with laughter

      ⁠And many a mocking pose,

       These lads who follow after

      ⁠Wherever Freedom goes;

       These lads we used to censure

      ⁠For levity and ease

       On Freedom's high adventure

      ⁠Go shining overseas.

       Our springing tears adore them

      ⁠These boys at school and play,

       Fair-fortuned years before them,

      ⁠Alas! but yesterday.

       Divine with sudden splendor

      ⁠—Oh how our eyes were blind!—

       In careless self-surrender

      ⁠They battle for mankind.

       Soldiers of Freedom! Gleaming

      ⁠And golden they depart,

       Transfigured by the dreaming

      ⁠Of boyhood's hidden heart.

       Her lovers they confess them

      ⁠And, rushing on her foes,

       Toss her their youth—God bless them!—

      ⁠As lightly as a rose.

      —Katharine Lee Bates


       Table of Contents



      Used by permission of the author

      I did not ask for strength to let him go

      ⁠(Although he seemed so young—still but a child);

       I did not pray for courage—God, you know—

      ⁠When down the silver street, blue clad, they filed.

       More than my life went with them through the snow,

      ⁠And yet, dear God—you saw—I smiled—I smiled.

       But oh! how shall I pass each day his door

      ⁠Where still the shadow of his presence lingers?

       How touch the things he loved to touch,

      ⁠Still warm and vibrant from his dear brown fingers?

       How tread the silent floors his glad feet trod,

      ⁠Day after day—unless you help me—God!

      —Viola Brothers Shore


       Table of Contents



      The Quartermaster Corps

       Is a non-combatin' crowd,

       An' it isn't much excitin'

       Fer th' man who likes it loud;

       But it's got its own hard work t' do,

       An' they'd all be on th' floor

       If it wasn't for the non-combatin'

       Quartermaster Corps.

       The Quartermaster Corps

       Sheds no glory or renown,

       But it's got the grub that keeps you

       Comin' back when you are down;

       An' the Infantree an' Cavalree

       Would all be on the floor

       If it wasn't fer the non-combatin'

       Quartermaster Corps.

       The Quartermaster Corps

       Is ol' Jimmy-on-the-Spot

       When it comes to gettin' chow

       To th' line where things are hot;

       Why, the boys up in the trenches

       Would all be on the floor

       If it wasn't fer the non-combatin'

       Quartermaster Corps.

      ​The Quartermaster Corps
