Letters from the Battlefields of Paraguay. Richard Francis Burton
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Название: Letters from the Battlefields of Paraguay

Автор: Richard Francis Burton

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066450700


СКАЧАТЬ at, 187 ; hospitality of the natives at, 188

       Buenos Aires to Southampton, parting grumble of the voyage from, 481

       Butter, preserving for two years, 205

       Caballero, General, captured at the Battle of Lomas, 346

       Cafe de Paris at Buenos Aires the great resort for bachelors, 184 ; dining at the, 169

       Californian widows, how they make fortunes, 352

       Calle Florida, the fashionable part of Buenos Aires, 183

       Caminos, M., reported to have been shot, 428

       Camp and City men, difference in the habits of, 120

       Campos and Martinez de la Hoz taken prisoners, 333

       Capella de Ipane, the place to enjoy picnics, 426

       Carvalho, Admiral, his neglect to pursue the flying enemy, 343

       Castle of S. Joseph, view of the ruins, 99

       Cattle estate not pleasant to visit, 102

       Caxias, Marshal, repulsed at the Cierva redoubt, 348 ; his career, 377 ; his fight at Monte Caseros, 377; employed in reducing Monte Video,377; accused of being slow in his military movements, 377 ; famous for selecting the strongest point of attack, 378

       Cemetery at Humaita, 353

       Census of Paraguay, 8

       Cerriio station, flooding of the, 301 ; seizure of, by Paraguayans, 301

       Cerro de Lambare the scene of an historic fight, 42t)

       Cerro, the, a fine view of Montevideo, 100

       Chaco, paradise and elysium of savages at, 256; wants a serious exploration, 257

       Chaco islets attributed to the agency of the earth's revolution, 259

       Chain at Gran Chaco, uselessness of, 332

       Charloni, Colonel, death of, 362

       ChS,teau des Fleurs, the familiar devil's acre, 243 ; it has the genuine look of a penny gaff", 243

       Chilenas ladies destroyed by fire in a Jesuit church, 414

       Chodasiewicz, Colonel, his proposed plan of attack on Paso Pucu, 359 ; plans of his first campaign, 382 ; his projects for the future, 382

       Christie, Mr., sent as Plenipotentiary to Asuncion, 64 ; fails in his mission, 64

       Club for travellers free at Buenos Aires, 183

       Club Nacional, Brazilian soldiers plundering the, 442

       Club Progreso and its invitations, 186 ; dancing at the, 187

       Colon theatre mean and ugly, 170

       Colonel du Graty, a mutilated translation of procured at Luque, 462

       Colonel Thompson's Guarani vocabulary, 3

       Colonizing in the River Plate, 88

       Colonia, La, short description of, 143

       Commerce of Paraguay, 18

       Comte d'Eu volunteers his services as Commander-in-Chief, 469; his promptitude on hearing a salute, 470 ; his proclamation at Luque to his men, 470 ; his Order of the Day not original, 471

       Concepcion del Uruguay, description of, 196 ; provisions at, 197 ; interesting prairie gallop at, 198

       Convent of San Carlos, pronouncement of the, 251

       Cordillera, supposed rise of the, 5

       Cordoba, wandering about the quaint city of, 414

       Corpus Christi built to control the Timbu Indians, 252

       Correntine tobacco preferable to Havannahs, 287

       Corrientes, arrival of the Brazilian fleet at, 265 ; ridiculous fashion of naming the streets at, 271 ; savage mastiffs at,

       273 ; orange-farms at, 273 ; Turks painfully transmogrified at, 274 ; scarcity of provisions at, 275 ; religious

       superstition at, 276 ; family vaults in the cemetery like a Californian steam-bath, 280 ; miraculous cross at, 281 ;

       variations of temperature at, 282 ; female beauty at, 284 ; their aversion to marriage, 284 ; bitterness of political

       parties at, 285 ; revolvers at night necessary, 288 ; war at once resolved at, 289 ; piratical seizure of ships at,


       Crabtree, Mr., prevents serious national troubles, 165

       Costa, Brigadier-General, visit to the tent of, 381

       Courts marshal, specimens of sundry copies, 474

       Cuchilla de los Palmares, glorious view from, 208

       Curious party of pleasure, 253

       Curious reports in Paraguay, 30

       Curupaity, far-famed lines of, 361

       Curuzu, bombardment of, by the Allies, 303 ; capture of, 304

       Cuverville, M., ugly story concerning, 446

       Dairy, experiments for a model, 204

       Derivations of the word Paraguay, 2

       Diamente, formation of banks of patience at, 255

       Diaz, General, killed by a shell from an ironclad, 299

       Discontent, suggesting a mode to prevent, 82

       Discovery of an infernal machine to blow up the Ministry, 113

       Documents taken at Loma Valentina, inspectiug the, 472

       Elisiario, Vice-Admiral, popular rumour of, 369 ; his predictions on the campaign, 369

       El Pilar, the gaol of foreigners, 367 ; Brazilian outrages at, 367

       Emigrants, outward bound, description of, 86

       Emigrants' colony, utter failure of the, 60

       Emilio, General D., visit to, 464 ; his aptitude for warfare, 465 ; his prepossessing and military figure, 465 ; his

       praise of the Brazilian whites, 466

       English cruisers, uselessness of, 100

       English subjects enlisting in the Brazilian army, 388

       Esmerata, Padre, his devotion in the cause of humanity, 338

       Extractum carnis, a detestable kind of beef-tea, 193

       Feminine volunteers, courage of, 380
