Herschel. Hector Macpherson
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Название: Herschel

Автор: Hector Macpherson

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Документальная литература


isbn: 4064066443627


СКАЧАТЬ been insatiable. "Although," he wrote in after years, "I loved music to excess and made considerable progress in it, I yet determined with a sort of enthusiasm to devote every moment I could spare to the pursuit of knowledge, which I regarded as the sovereign good, and in which I resolved to place all my future views of happiness in life."

      This intellectual keenness was undoubtedly stimulated by the home environment. The mother, it is true, was hostile to intellectual ambition; she was a typical German Hausfrau, with no sympathy for aspirations; but, as before mentioned, Isaac Herschel encouraged his sons to talk and think on scientific and philosophical subjects. Caroline Herschel, then a little girl about five years of age, has given a very interesting glimpse into this period. ​"My brothers," she says, "were often introduced as solo performers and assistants in the orchestra of the court, and I remember that I was frequently prevented from going to sleep by the lively criticism on music on coming home from a concert, or conversations on philosophical subjects which lasted frequently till morning. . . . Generally their conversation would branch out on philosophical subjects, when my brother William and my father often argued with such warmth that my mother's interference became necessary when the names Leibnitz, Newton, and Euler sounded rather too loud for the repose of her little ones, who ought to be in school by seven in the morning."

      The family circle was temporarily dispersed in the end of 1755. The times were stormy: the Seven Years' War was raging: a French invasion of England was expected, and the Hanoverian Guards were drafted across the North Sea. Accordingly, Isaac Herschel and his two sons left Hanover with the regiment. Embarking at Cuxhaven in the end of March 1756, they reached Chatham after a passage of sixteen days. The Guards were encamped successively at Maidstone, Coxheath, and Rochester. The Herschels' sojourn in England was by no means profitless. At Coxheath as well as at Maidstone,Herschel tells us, "my father, my eldest brother and myself made several valuable acquaintances with families that were fond of music, and which, on mine and my brother's return to England, proved of great service to us". At Maidstone, too, young William Herschel purchased a copy of Locke's "Essay on the Human Understanding". The perusal of this volume—the only thing he took with him from England—not only stimulated his interest in philosophy, but familiarised him with the English language.

      In the end of 1756, the Guards were ordered back to Hanover, owing to the French threat to the country. Early in the following year, the regiment went into the ​campaign which culminated in the disastrous battle of Hastenbeck, 26th July, 1757. During the campaign they were many times forced to encamp in the wet furrows of ploughed fields. At Hastenbeck, the band was almost within reach of gunshot. Accordingly, Isaac Herschel advised his son to consider his own safety. Young Herschel thereupon, in his own words, "left the engagement and took the road to Hanover, but when I arrived there, I found that having no passport I was in danger of being pressed for a soldier". At that time Herschel was not technically a soldier, but a member of the band. Accordingly, he returned to the regiment, only to find that "nobody had time to look after the musicians—they did not seem to be wanted". The forced marches in the hot weather told on the lad's health, and his father advised him to leave the service." In September, my father's opinion was, that as on account of my youth I had not been sworn in when I was admittedto the Guards, I might leave the military service. Indeed, he had no doubt but that he could obtain my dismission, and this he after some time actually procured (in 1762) from General Spörcken, who succeeded General Sommerfeld."

      The formal discharge paper is in existence and was printed for the first time in the "Collected Scientific Papers of Sir William Herschel," published in 1912. Dr. Dreyer, in his introductory sketch of Herschel's life, gives it as his opinion that "the existence of this formal discharge paper puts an end to the legend, too long and too readily believed, that he deserted from the army and that he received a formal pardon for this offence from George III on the occasion of his first audience in 1782". Whether Herschel was technically a deserter or not, it is very difficult to determine. In some notes furnished in later years to the editor of a Göttingen scientific periodical, Herschel said: "In my fifteenth year, I enlisted in military service, only remaining in the army, however, ​until my nineteenth year, when I resigned and went over to England." On the other hand, as already noted, he gives it as his father's view that he was not really a soldier at all. The formal discharge paper is dated 29th March, 1762, so that if William Herschel was ever actually a unit of the army, the discharge paper merely registered an accomplished fact: he had been out of the army and out of the country for four and a half years. Whether or not he was ipso facto a soldier by virtue of his position in the band, there can be no doubt that his departure for England was actuated by the desire to avoid being recalled to the colours. The evidence of his sister Caroline, then a little girl of seven, is decisive on this point. "I can now comprehend," she says, "the reason why we little ones were continually sent out of the way, and why I had only by chance a passing glimpse of my brother as I was sitting at the entrance of a street door, when he glided like a shadow along, wrapped in a greatcoat, followed by my mother with a parcel containing his accoutrements. After he had succeeded in passing unnoticed beyond the last sentinel at Herrenhausen, he changed his dress. . . . My brother's keeping himself so carefully from all notice was undoubtedly to avoid the danger of being pressed, as all unengaged young men were forced into the service. Even the clergy, unless they had livings, were not exempted."

      At Hamburg, William Herschel was joined by his brother Jacob, and they embarked together for England. Arriving in London, they were greatly assisted by the friends whom they had made on the occasion of their previous visit. Nevertheless, they seem to have had a hard struggle. William Herschel had not half a guinea in his possession when he arrived in London. He went into a music shop and asked if he could be of any use in copying music. An opera was placed in his hands, and his promptitude in returning the copy so impressed the master of the shop that he kept him in his employment for a ​considerable time. Jacob Herschel contrived to gain a livelihood by teaching music. At length, the brothers found that they could not make a living in London. Accordingly, Jacob decided to return to Hanover in the autumn of 1759 to compete for a place in the court orchestra, which he was successful in gaining. For a time, William was, in his own words, "involved in great difficulties". Fortunately, however, he succeeded in procuring an appointment in Yorkshire. The Earl of Darlington, Colonel of the Durham militia, was desirous of obtaining a good musician as leader of the band. Herschel's name was brought to his notice, and he received the offer of the post, which he accepted and held for two years. These two years appear to have been very crowded. The brief entries in his diary record the composition of various symphonies, and he seems to have travelled a great deal over the north of England. In 1761 he applied for an important post in Edinburgh—"the manager of the concerts intending to leave that place"—and in anticipation of receiving the appointment, he terminated his engagement with Lord Darlington. However, Herschel was disappointed, as the concert manager altered his plans and decided to remain at his post. On arriving in Edinburgh, he records in his diary: "I was introduced to Mr. Hume, the metaphysician, and a few days after, at one of their regular concerts, I was appointed to lead the band of musicians, while some of my symphonies and solo concerts were performed. Mr. Hume, who patronised my performance, asked me to dine with him, and accepting of his invitation, I met a considerable company."

      During the next few months, Herschel held temporary appointments at Newcastle and Pontefract, and in April, 1762, he accepted a post as manager of concerts at Leeds, where he remained for about four years. During this time, his public engagements multiplied, and he was rapidly acquiring a notable position as a teacher ​of music—in which he was greatly aided by his friend, Dr. Miller, organist at Doncaster, who advised him to compete for the post of organist at Halifax. In his memorandum for 7th March, 1766, Herschel states that the "Messiah" was performed at a private club of chorus singers in Halifax, where it was agreed to rehearse the same oratorio every other Friday in order to perform it in the church at the opening of a new organ erected there. "... I was a candidate for the place of organist, which, by the interest of the Messrs. Bates and many musical families I attended, I had great hopes to obtain". On 30th August, 1766, he was unanimously chosen as organist, but he had already been asked to allow himself to be nominated as organist of the Octagon Chapel at Bath, where a new organ was in process of erection. On 30th November, he played the organ at Halifax СКАЧАТЬ