The House of Torchy. Ford Sewell
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Название: The House of Torchy

Автор: Ford Sewell

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066162474


СКАЧАТЬ says Vee. "It's a gem, and the older the better."

      "We'll need some new rugs, won't we," says I, "in place of some of these faded things?"

      "Faded!" says Vee. "Why, those are Bokharas. I will say for Mr. Crane that he has good taste. This is furnished so much better than most studios—nothing useless, no mixing of periods."

      "Oh, when I go out after a home," says I, "I'm some grand little shopper."

      "Pooh!" says Vee. "Who couldn't do it the way you did? Why, the place looks as if he'd just taken his hat and walked out. There are even cigars in the humidor. And his easel and paints and brushes! Do you know what I'm going to do, Torchy?"

      "Put pink and green stripes around the cigars, I expect," says I.

      "Smarty!" says she. "I'm going to paint pictures."

      "Why not?" says I. "There's no law against it, and here you got all the tools."

      "You know I used to try it a little," says she. "I took quite a lot of lessons."

      "Then go to it," says I. "I'll get a yearly rate from a pressing club to keep the spots off me. I'll bet you could do swell pictures."

      "I know!" says Vee, clappin' her hands. "I'll begin with a portrait of you. Let me try sketching in your head now."

      That's the way Vee generally goes at things—with a rush. Say, she had me sittin' with my chin up and my arms draped in one position until I had a neck-ache that ran clear to my heels.

      "Hal-lup!" says I, when both feet was sound asleep and my spine felt ossified. "Couldn't I put on a sub while I drew a long breath?"

      At that she lets me off, and after a fifth-innin' stretch I'm called round to pass on the result.

      "Hm-m-m!" says I, starin' at what she's done to a perfectly good piece of stretched canvas.

      "Well, what does it look like?" demands Vee.

      "Why," says I, "I should call it sort of a cross between the Kaiser and Billy Sunday."

      "Torchy!" says Vee. "I—I think you're just horrid!"

      For a whole week she sticks to it industrious, jottin' down studies of various parts of my map while I'm eatin' breakfast, and workin' over 'em until I come back from the office in the afternoon. Did I throw out any more comic cracks? Never a one—not even when the picture showed that my eyes toed in. All I did was pat her on the back and say she was a wonder. But say, I got so I dreaded to look at the thing.

      "You know your hair isn't really red," says Vee; "it—it's such an odd shade."

      "Sort of triple pink, eh?" says I.

      She squeezes out some more paints, stirs 'em vigorous, and makes another stab. This time she gets a bilious lavender with streaks of fire-box red in it.

      "Bother!" says she, chuckin' away the brushes. "What's the use pretending I'm an artist when I'm not? Look at that hideous mess! It's too awful for words. Take away that fire-screen, will you, Torchy?"

      And, with the help of a few matches and a sportin' extra, we made quite a cheerful little blaze in the coal grate.

      "There!" says Vee, as we watches the bonfire. "So that's over. And it's rather a relief to find out that I haven't got to be a lady artist, after all. What is more, I am positive I couldn't write a book. I'm afraid, Torchy, that I am a most every-day sort of person."

      "Maybe," says I, "you're one of the scarce ones that believes in home and hubby. "

      "We-e-e-ell," says Vee, lockin' her fingers and restin' her chin on 'em thoughtful, "not precisely that type, either. My mind may not be particularly advanced, but the modified harem existence for women doesn't appeal to me. And I must confess that, with kitchenette breakfasts, dinners out, and one maid, I can't get wildly excited over a wholly domestic career. Torchy, I simply must have something to do."

      Me, I just sits there gawpin' at her.

      "Why," says I, "I thought that when a girl got married she—she—— "

      "I know," says she. "You think you thought. So did I. But you really didn't think about it at all, and I'm only beginning to. Of course, you have your work. I suppose it's interesting, too. Isn't it?"

      "It's a great game," says I. "Specially these days, when doin' any kind of business is about as substantial as jugglin' six china plates while you're balanced on top of two chairs and a kitchen table. Honest, we got deals enough in the air to make you dizzy followin' 'em. If they all go through we'll stand to cut a melon that would pay off the national debt. If they should all go wrong—well, it would be some smash, believe me."

      Vee's gray eyes light up sudden.

      "Why couldn't you tell me all about some of these deals," she says, "so that I could be in it too? Why couldn't I help?"

      "Maybe you could," says I, "if you understood all the fine points."

      "Couldn't I learn?" demands Vee.

      "Well," says I, "I've been right in the thick of it for quite some years. If you could pick up in a week or so what it's taken me years to——"

      "I see," cuts in Vee. "I suppose you're right, too. But I'm sure that I should like to be in business. It must be fascinating, all that planning and scheming. It must make life so interesting."

      I nods. "It does," says I.

      "Then why shouldn't I try something of the kind, all my very own?" she asks. "Oh, in a small way, at first?"

      More gasps from me. This was gettin' serious.

      "You don't mean margin dabblin' at one of them parlor bucket-shops, do you?" I demands.

      "No fear," says Vee. "I think gambling is just plain stupid. I mean some sort of legitimate business—buying and selling things."

      "Oh!" says I. "Like real estate, or imported hats, or somebody's home-made candy? Or maybe you mean startin' one of them Blue Goose novelty shops down in Greenwich Village. I'll tell you. Why not manufacture left-handed collar buttons for the south-paw trade? There's a field. "

      Vee don't say any more. In fact, three or four days goes by without her mentionin' anything about havin' nothing to do, and I'd 'most forgot this batty talk of ours.

      And then, one afternoon when I comes home after a busy day at doin' nothing much and tryin' to look important over it, she greets me with a flyin' tackle and drags me over to a big wingchair by the window.

      "What do you think, Torchy?" says she. "I've found something!"

      "That trunk key you've been lookin' for?" says I.

      "No," says she. "A business opening."

      "A slot-machine to sell fudge?" says I.

      "You'd never guess," says she.

      "Then shoot it," says I.