The Grafters. Lynde Francis
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Название: The Grafters

Автор: Lynde Francis

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664571373


СКАЧАТЬ I told you it would be impossible, and you said you were strong enough to make it possible."

      He looked at her with narrowing eyes.

      "It is possible, in a way. But I'd like to know what door of your heart it is that I haven't been able to open."

      She ignored the pleading and took refuge in a woman's expedient.

      "If you insist on going back to the beginnings, I shall go back, also—to Abigail and the trunk-packing."

      He planted himself squarely before her, the mask lifted and the masterful soul asserting itself boldly.

      "It wouldn't do any good, you know. I am going with you."

      "To Abigail and the trunk-room?"

      "Oh, no; to the jumping-off place out West—wherever it is you are going to hibernate."

      "No," she said decisively; "you must not."


      "My saying so ought to be sufficient reason."

      "It isn't," he contended, frowning down on her good-naturedly. "Shall I tell you why you don't want me to go? It is because you are afraid."

      "I am not," she denied.

      "Yes, you are. You know in your own heart there is no reason why you should continue to make me unhappy, and you are afraid I might over-persuade you."

      Her eyes—they were the serene eyes of cool gray that take on slate-blue tints in stressful moments—met his defiantly.

      "If you think that, I withdraw my objection," she said coldly. "Mother and Penelope will be delighted, I am sure."

      "And you will be bored, world without end," he laughed. "Never mind; I'll be decent about it and keep out of your way as much as you like."

      Again she made the little gesture of petulant impatience.

      "You are continually placing me in a false position. Can't you leave me out of it entirely?"

      It is one of the prime requisites of successful mastership to know when to press the point home, and when to recede gracefully. Ormsby abruptly shut the door upon sentiment and came down to things practical.

      "It is your every-day comfort that concerns me chiefly. I am going to take all three of you in charge, giving the dependable young person a well-earned holiday—a little journey in which she won't have to chaffer with the transit people. Have you chosen your route to the western somewhere?"

      Miss Brentwood had the fair, transparent skin that tells tales, and the blue-gray eyes were apt to confirm them. David Kent's letter was hidden in the folds of her loose-waisted morning gown, and she fancied it stirred like a thing alive to remind her of its message. Ormsby was looking past her to the old-fashioned ormolu clock on the high mantel, comparing the time with his watch, but he was not oblivious of the telltale flush.

      "There is nothing embarrassing about the choosing of a route, is there?" he queried.

      "Oh, no; being true Americans, we don't know one route from another in our own country," she confessed. "But at the western end of it we want to go over the Western Pacific."

      Ormsby knew the West by rail routes as one who travels much for time-killing purposes.

      "It's a rather roundabout cow-path," he objected. "The Overland Short Line is a good bit more direct; not to mention the service, which is a lot better."

      But Elinor had made her small concession to David Kent's letter, and she would not withdraw it.

      "Probably you don't own any Western Pacific stock," she suggested. "We do; and we mean to be loyal to our salt."

      Ormsby laughed.

      "I see Western Pacific has gone down a few points since the election of Governor Bucks. If I had any, I'd wire my broker to sell."

      "We are not so easily frightened," she asserted; adding, with a touch of the austerity which was her Puritan birthright: "Nor quite so conscienceless as you men."

      "Conscience," he repeated half absently; "is there any room for such an out-of-date thing in a nation of successfulists? But seriously; you ought to get rid of Western Pacific. There can be no possible question of conscience involved."

      "I don't agree with you," she retorted with prompt decision. "If we were to sell now it would be because we were afraid it might prove to be a bad investment. Therefore, for the sake of a presumably ignorant buyer, we have no right to sell."

      He smiled leniently.

      "All of which goes to prove that you three lone women need a guardian. But I mustn't keep you any longer from Abigail and the trunks. What time shall I send the expediters after your luggage?"

      She told him, and went with him to the door.

      "Please don't think me ungrateful," she said, when she had thrown the night-latch for him. "I don't mean to be."

      "I don't think anything of you that I ought not to think: in that I am as conscientious as even you could wish. Good-by, until this evening. I'll meet you all at the station."

      As had come to be the regular order of things, Elinor found herself under fire when she went above stairs to rejoin her mother and sister.

      Mrs. Brentwood was not indifferent to the Ormsby millions; neither had she forgotten a certain sentimental summer at the foot of Old Croydon. She was a thin-lipped little person, plain-spoken to the verge of unfriendliness; a woman in whom the rugged, self-reliant, Puritan strain had become panic-acidulous. And when the Puritan stock degenerates in that direction, it is apt to lack good judgment on the business side, and also the passivity which smooths the way for incompetence in less assertive folk.

      Kent had stood something in awe, not especially of her personality, but of her tongue; and had been forced to acquiesce silently in Loring's summing-up of Elinor's mother as a woman who had taken culture and the humanizing amenities of the broader life much as the granite of her native hills takes polish—reluctantly, and without prejudice to its inner granular structure.

      "Elinor, you ought to be ashamed to keep Brookes Ormsby dangling the way you do," was her comment when Elinor came back. "You are your father's daughters, both of you: there isn't a drop of the Grimkie blood in either of you, I do believe."

      Elinor was sufficiently her father's daughter to hold her peace under her mother's reproaches: also, there was enough of the Grimkie blood in her veins to stiffen her in opposition when the need arose. So she said nothing.

      "Since your Uncle Ichabod made such a desperate mess of that copper business in Montana, we have all been next door to poverty, and you know it," the mother went on, irritated by Elinor's silence. "I don't care so much for myself: your father and I began with nothing, and I can go back to nothing, if necessary. But you can't, and neither can Penelope; you'd both starve. I should like to know what Brookes Ormsby has done that you can't tolerate him."

      "It isn't anything he has done, or failed to do," said Elinor, wearily. "Please let's not go over it all again, mother."