Unique English Course. Александр Чумаков
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Название: Unique English Course

Автор: Александр Чумаков

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 9785005333599


СКАЧАТЬ was a cat. Her name was Jane.

      Was there a cat or was there a dog?

      There was a cat. There was no dog. So there was a cat.

      What was her name?

      Right! Her name was Jane.

      Jane had blue eyes and she was grey.

      Did Jane have blue or yellow eyes?

      Blue. Jane had blue eyes.

      Who had blue eyes?

      Jane. Jane had blue eyes.

      What colour was Jane? Yellow?

      No, not yellow. Jane was grey. And she wanted to be

      like Supercat, because Supercat was her heroine.

      What did Jane want to be like?

      She wanted to be like Superсat.

      Why did Jane want to be like Supercat?

      Because Superсat was her heroine. Jane wanted to be

      like Supercat, because Supercat was her heroine.

      Was Supercat her sister?

      No, she wasn’t her sister. Supercat was her heroine.

      What did Supercat look like?

      Superсat had super-green eyes and she was purple.

      Who was purple? Jane?

      No, not Jane. Jane was greу, but Supercat was purple.

      Did Supercat have super-green eyes?

      Yes, she did. Supercat had super-green eyes.

      Her eyes were very, very, very green.

      Who wanted to be just like Supercat?

      Jane. Jane wanted to be just like Superсat.


      Because Supercat was her heroine. And Jane wanted to be

      just like Supercat.

      Did Jane want to look like Supercat?

      Yes, she did.

      Did Jane want to run and jump like Supercat?

      Yes, she did. Jane wanted to jump and run like Supercat.

      Did Jane want to walk and talk like Supercat?

      Yes, she did. Jane wanted to walk and she wanted to talk

      like Supercat.

      Did Jane want to dress like Supercat?

      Yes, of course. She wanted to dress like Supercat.

      She wanted to wear clothes exactly like Supercat did.

      Why did Jane want to run and jump, to talk and

      walk and dress like Supercat?

      Because Supercat was her heroine. And because she

      wanted to be just like Supercat. Exactly like Supercat.

      Just like Supercat.

      What did Jane wear every day? Remember?

      Right! She wore Supercat outfit. Every day Jane wore

      Superсat outfit (a special set of clothes).

      Did Jane wear Supercat outfit or did Jane wear

      Superman outfit?

      No, not Superman outfit. Jane wore Supercat outfit.

      One day Jane was walking along the street.

      Who was walking along the street one day? Supercat?

      No, not Supercat. Jane. Jane was walking along the street.

      And what did she see?

      She saw raccoons robbing a jewelry shop.

      Who saw raccoons robbing a jewelry shop?

      Jane did. Jane saw raccoons robbing a jewelry shop.

      Did Jane see raccoons taking jewelries from

      the shop illegally?

      Yes, exactly. She saw raccoons taking jewelries from

      the shop illegally. Jane saw raccoons robbing a jewelry


      Were the raccoons dancing when Jane saw them?

      No, they were not dancing.

      What were the raccoons doing when Jane saw them?

      They were robbing a jewelry shop. Jane ran to the

      jewelry shop. She caught the raccoons.

      Where did Jane run to?

      She ran to the jewelry shop.

      Who did Jane catch?

      The raccoons. She caught the raccoons. Jane ran to the

      jewelry shop and she caught the raccoons.

      What happened when Jane caught the raccoons?

      When Jane caught the raccoons, suddenly Supercat


      Who suddenly appeared?

      Supercat. Suddenly Supercat appeared. Wow!

      And what did Supercat do?

      Supercat helped Jane bring the raccoons to the

      police station.

      Did Supercat help Jane take the raccoons to the

      police station?

      Yes, exactly. Supercat helped Jane take the raccoons

      to the police station. Supercat helped Jane bring the

      raccoons to the police station.

      Who СКАЧАТЬ