A Theodicy, or, Vindication of the Divine Glory. Albert Taylor Bledsoe
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Название: A Theodicy, or, Vindication of the Divine Glory

Автор: Albert Taylor Bledsoe

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066103583



       The sufferings of Christ not unnecessary.

       Section II.

       The sufferings of Christ a bright manifestation of the goodness of God.

       Section III.

       The objections of Dr. Channing, and other Unitarians, against the doctrine. of the atonement.

       Chapter IV.

       The Eternal Punishment Of The Wicked Reconciled With. The Goodness Of God.

       Section I.

       The false grounds upon which the doctrine of the eternity of future punishment. has been placed.

       Section II.

       The unsound principles from which, if true, the fallacy of the eternity of. future punishments may be clearly inferred.

       Section III.

       The eternity of future punishments an expression of the divine goodness.

       Chapter V.

       The Dispensation Of The Divine Favours Reconciled With The Goodness. Of God.

       Section I.

       The unequal distribution of favours, which obtains in the economy of natural. providence, consistent with the goodness of God.

       Section II.

       The Scripture doctrine of election consistent with the impartiality of the. divine goodness.

       Section III.

       The Calvinistic scheme of election inconsistent with the impartiality and. glory of the divine goodness.

       Section IV.

       The true ground and reason of election to eternal life shows it to be consistent. with the infinite goodness of God.


       A Summary View Of The Principles And Advantages. Of The Foregoing System.

       Chapter I.

       Summary Of The First Part Of The Foregoing System.

       Section I.

       The scheme of necessity denies that man is the responsible author of sin.

       Section II.

       The scheme of necessity makes God the author of sin.

       Section III.

       The scheme of necessity denies the reality of moral distinctions.

       Section IV.

       The moral world not constituted according to the scheme of necessity.

       Section V.

       The relation between the human agency and the divine.

       Section VI.

       The existence of moral evil consistent with the infinite purity of God.

       Chapter II.

       Summary Of The Second Part Of The Foregoing System.

       Section I.

       God desires the salvation of all men.

       Section II.

       The sufferings of the innocent, and especially of infants, consistent. with the goodness of God.

       Section СКАЧАТЬ