Sakoontala; Or, The Lost Ring. Kalidasa
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Название: Sakoontala; Or, The Lost Ring

Автор: Kalidasa

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664644756


СКАЧАТЬ will sing songs together, after which Nati will go away. The play will then regularly commence. Dushanta Rajah will appear in the Court, and order his Pradhan (the Minister) to make preparations for a hunting excursion. The Rajah, sitting in his carriage, will pursue a stag, the stag will disappear, upon which Dushanta will ask his coachman the cause thereof, this being known, the Rajah in his carriage will proceed farther, when they will see the stag again, upon which he will aim an arrow at the stag. The stag will run and reach the retirement of Waikhanas Rushi. The sage will come out of his hut and remonstrate with the Rajah against his killing the harmless animal. The Rajah will obey the injunctions of the sage, who will pronounce benedictions upon him. According to the Rushi's instructions, he will prepare to proceed to the residence of another sage named Kunwa. Bidding each other farewell, the Rushi will go to procure material for his religious ceremonies. After reaching Kunwa's place, and commanding his coachman to groom the horses, the Rajah will walk forth to the sage's hut. Observing on his way thither Shakuntala with her fellow mates watering the trees, he will hide himself behind a tree. Shakuntala will praise to her mates the beauty of the Keshar tree. Charmed with overhearing her discourse, Dushanta will try to find out her descent. Shakuntala will be very much teased by a Bhramar (fly) hovering about her face. The Rajah will then come forward and ask the cause of the disturbed state of her mind. After a mutual exchange of polite respect they all take their seats beneath a shady tree, Dushanta will inform her of his country and descent, whereupon they will all go to the Rushi's hut.

      'Here there is a pause. A pleasing farce will then be performed.'

      I have already stated that the '[S']akoontalá' in the words of my own translation has been since performed at Bombay and recently at Trivandrum, the capital of Travancore (see Preface to this edition, p. vii, &c).]

      [Footnote 4: Rogers' Italy, note to line 23.]

      [Footnote 5: The admirable Essay by Professor H.H. Wilson, prefixed to his Hindú Theatre, is the principal source of the information which I have here given.]

      [Footnote 6: Wilson's Hindú Theatre, p. xii.]

       Table of Contents

      Observe, that in order to secure the correct pronunciation of the title of this Drama, 'Sakuntalá' has been spelt '[S']akoontalá,' the u of [S']akuntalá being pronounced like the u in the English word rule.

      The vowel a must invariably be pronounced with a dull sound, like the a in organ, or the u in gun, sun. Dushyanta must therefore be pronounced as if written Dooshyunta. The long vowel á is pronounced like the a in last, cart; i like the i in pin, sin; í like the i in marine; e like the e in prey; o like the o in so; ai like the ai in aisle; au like au in the German word haus, or like the ou in our.

      The consonants are generally pronounced as in English, but g has always the sound of g in gun, give, never of g in gin. S with the accent over it (s), has the sound of s in sure, or of the last s in session.

      * * * * *

       Table of Contents

      * * * * *

      DUSHYANTA, King of India.

      MÁ[T.]HAVYA, the jester, friend, and companion of the King.

      KANWA, chief of the hermits, foster-father of [S']AKOONTALÁ.

      [S']ÁRNGARAVA,} } two Bráhmans, belonging to the hermitage of KANWA. [S']ÁRADWATA, }

      MITRÁVASU, brother-in-law of the King, and superintendent of the city police.

      JÁNUKA and SÚCHAKA, two constables.

      VÁTÁYANA, the chamberlain or attendant on the women's apartments.

      SOMARÁTA, the domestic priest.

      KARABHAKA, a messenger of the queen-mother.

      RAIVATIKA, the warder or doorkeeper.

      MÁTALI, charioteer of Indra.

      SARVA-DAMANA, afterwards BHARATA, a little boy, son of DUSHYANTA by [S']AKOONTALÁ.

      KA[S']YAPA, a divine sage, progenitor of men and gods, son of MARÍCHI, and grandson of BRAHMÁ.

      [S']AKOONTALÁ, daughter of the sage VI[S']WÁMITRA and the nymph MENAKÁ, foster-child of the hermit KANWA.

      PRIYAMVADÁ and ANASÚYÁ, female attendants, companions of [S']AKOONTALÁ.

      GAUTAMÍ, a holy matron, Superior of the female inhabitants of the hermitage.

      VASUMATÍ, the Queen of DUSHYANTA.

      SÁNUMATÍ, a nymph, friend of [S']AKOONTALÁ.

      TARALIKÁ, personal attendant of the Queen.

      CHATURIKÁ, personal attendant of the King.

      VETRAVATÍ, female warder or doorkeeper.


      MADHUKARIKÁ,} maidens in charge of the royal gardens.

      SUVRATÁ, a nurse.

      ADITI, wife of KA[S']YAPA; granddaughter of BRAHMÁ through her father DAKSHA.


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