Famous Detectives On Christmas Duty - Ultimate Murder Mysteries for Holidays. Эдгар Аллан По
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      Tommy felt that, thanks to Mr. Carter, he understood the position fairly accurately. With the fatal document in the hands of Mr. Brown, public opinion would swing to the side of the Labour extremists and revolutionists. Failing that, the battle was an even chance. The Government with a loyal army and police force behind them might win—but at a cost of great suffering. But Tommy nourished another and a preposterous dream. With Mr. Brown unmasked and captured he believed, rightly or wrongly, that the whole organization would crumble ignominiously and instantaneously. The strange permeating influence of the unseen chief held it together. Without him, Tommy believed an instant panic would set in; and, the honest men left to themselves, an eleventh-hour reconciliation would be possible.

      “This is a one-man show,” said Tommy to himself. “The thing to do is to get hold of the man.”

      It was partly in furtherance of this ambitious design that he had requested Mr. Carter not to open the sealed envelope. The draft treaty was Tommy’s bait. Every now and then he was aghast at his own presumption. How dared he think that he had discovered what so many wiser and clever men had overlooked? Nevertheless, he stuck tenaciously to his idea.

      That evening he and Albert once more penetrated the grounds of Astley Priors. Tommy’s ambition was somehow or other to gain admission to the house itself. As they approached cautiously, Tommy gave a sudden gasp.

      On the second floor window some one standing between the window and the light in the room threw a silhouette on the blind. It was one Tommy would have recognized anywhere! Tuppence was in that house!

      He clutched Albert by the shoulder.

      “Stay here! When I begin to sing, watch that window.”

      He retreated hastily to a position on the main drive, and began in a deep roar, coupled with an unsteady gait, the following ditty:

      I am a Soldier A jolly British Soldier; You can see that I’m a Soldier by my feet …

      It had been a favourite on the gramophone in Tuppence’s hospital days. He did not doubt but that she would recognize it and draw her own conclusions. Tommy had not a note of music in his voice, but his lungs were excellent. The noise he produced was terrific.

      Presently an unimpeachable butler, accompanied by an equally unimpeachable footman, issued from the front door. The butler remonstrated with him. Tommy continued to sing, addressing the butler affectionately as “dear old whiskers.” The footman took him by one arm, the butler by the other. They ran him down the drive, and neatly out of the gate. The butler threatened him with the police if he intruded again. It was beautifully done—soberly and with perfect decorum. Anyone would have sworn that the butler was a real butler, the footman a real footman—only, as it happened, the butler was Whittington!

      Tommy retired to the inn and waited for Albert’s return. At last that worthy made his appearance.

      “Well?” cried Tommy eagerly.

      “It’s all right. While they was a-running of you out the window opened, and something was chucked out.” He handed a scrap of paper to Tommy. “It was wrapped round a letterweight.”

      On the paper were scrawled three words: “To-morrow—same time.”

      “Good egg!” cried Tommy. “We’re getting going.”

      “I wrote a message on a piece of paper, wrapped it round a stone, and chucked it through the window,” continued Albert breathlessly.

      Tommy groaned.

      “Your zeal will be the undoing of us, Albert. What did you say?”

      “Said we was a-staying at the inn. If she could get away, to come there and croak like a frog.”

      “She’ll know that’s you,” said Tommy with a sigh of relief. “Your imagination runs away with you, you know, Albert. Why, you wouldn’t recognize a frog croaking if you heard it.”

      Albert looked rather crest-fallen.

      “Cheer up,” said Tommy. “No harm done. That butler’s an old friend of mine—I bet he knew who I was, though he didn’t let on. It’s not their game to show suspicion. That’s why we’ve found it fairly plain sailing. They don’t want to discourage me altogether. On the other hand, they don’t want to make it too easy. I’m a pawn in their game, Albert, that’s what I am. You see, if the spider lets the fly walk out too easily, the fly might suspect it was a put-up job. Hence the usefulness of that promising youth, Mr. T. Beresford, who’s blundered in just at the right moment for them. But later, Mr. T. Beresford had better look out!”

      Tommy retired for the night in a state of some elation. He had elaborated a careful plan for the following evening. He felt sure that the inhabitants of Astley Priors would not interfere with him up to a certain point. It was after that that Tommy proposed to give them a surprise.

      About twelve o’clock, however, his calm was rudely shaken. He was told that some one was demanding him in the bar. The applicant proved to be a rude-looking carter well coated with mud.

      “Well, my good fellow, what is it?” asked Tommy.

      “Might this be for you, sir?” The carter held out a very dirty folded note, on the outside of which was written: “Take this to the gentleman at the inn near Astley Priors. He will give you ten shillings.”

      The handwriting was Tuppence’s. Tommy appreciated her quick-wittedness in realizing that he might be staying at the inn under an assumed name. He snatched at it.

      “That’s all right.”

      The man withheld it.

      “What about my ten shillings?”

      Tommy hastily produced a ten-shilling note, and the man relinquished his find. Tommy unfastened it.

      “DEAR TOMMY,

      “I knew it was you last night. Don’t go this evening. They’ll be lying in wait for you. They’re taking us away this morning. I heard something about Wales—Holyhead, I think. I’ll drop this on the road if I get a chance. Annette told me how you’d escaped. Buck up. “Yours, “TWOPENCE.”

      Tommy raised a shout for Albert before he had even finished perusing this characteristic epistle.

      “Pack my bag! We’re off!”

      “Yes, sir.” The boots of Albert could be heard racing upstairs. Holyhead? Did that mean that, after all——Tommy was puzzled. He read on slowly.

      The boots of Albert continued to be active on the floor above.

      Suddenly a second shout came from below.

      “Albert! I’m a damned fool! Unpack that bag!”

      “Yes, sir.”

      Tommy smoothed out the note thoughtfully.

      “Yes, a damned fool,” he said softly. “But so’s some one else! And at last I know who it is!”

      Chapter 24
