Christmas with Grandma Elsie (Musaicum Christmas Specials). Finley Martha
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Название: Christmas with Grandma Elsie (Musaicum Christmas Specials)

Автор: Finley Martha

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Книги для детей: прочее


isbn: 4064066385132


СКАЧАТЬ from the captain.

      "It is Rosie's turn this year," remarked Grandma Elsie; "Rosie's and Walter's and mine. I want all the young people of the connection—and as many of the older ones as we can make room for—to come to Ion for the Christmas holidays, or at least the greater part of them; we will settle particulars as to the time of coming and going, later on. Captain, I want you and Violet and all your children for the whole time."

      "Thank you, mother; you are most kind, and I do not now see anything in the way of our acceptance of your invitation," he said; but added with a playful look at Violet, "unless my wife should object."

      "If I should, mamma, you will receive my regrets in due season," laughed


      The faces of the children were beaming with delight, and their young voices united in a chorus of expressions of pleasure and thanks to Grandma Elsie.

      "I am glad you are all pleased with the idea," she said. "We will try to provide as great a variety of amusements as possible, and shall be glad of any hints or suggestions from old or young in regard to anything new in that line."

      "We will all try to help you, mamma," Violet said, "and not be jealous or envious if your party should far outshine ours of last year."

      "And we have more than a month to get ready in," remarked Rosie with satisfaction. "Oh I'm so glad mamma has decided on it in such good season!"

      "Hello!" cried Max, glancing back toward an intersecting road which they had just crossed, "Here they come!"

      "Who?" asked several voices, while all turned their heads to see for themselves.

      "The Oaks, and the Roselands folks," answered Max, and as he spoke two large sleighs came swiftly up in the rear of their own, their occupants calling out merry greetings, and receiving a return in kind.

      The wind had fallen, the cold was not intense, and they were so well protected against it by coats and robes of fur, that they scarcely felt it, and found the ride so thoroughly enjoyable that they kept it up through the whole morning, managing their return so that Ion was reached only a few minutes before the dinner hour.

      Ion was a sort of headquarters for the entire connection, and everybody seemed to feel perfectly at home. Grandma Elsie was a most hospitable hostess, and it was a very cheerful, jovial party that surrounded her well-spread table that day.

      After dinner, while the older people conversed together in the parlors, the younger ones wandered at will through the house.

      The girls were together in a small reception-room, chatting about such matters as particularly interested them—their studies, sports, plans for the purchase or making of Christmas gifts, and what they hoped or desired to receive. "I want jewelry," said Sidney Dinsmore. "I'd rather have that than anything else. But it must be handsome: a diamond pin or ring, or ear-rings."

      "Mamma says diamonds are quite unsuitable for young girls," said Rosie.

       "So I prefer pearls: and I'm rather in hopes she may give me some for


      "I'd rather have diamonds anyhow," persisted Sydney. "See Maud's new ring, just sent her by a rich old aunt of ours. I'm sure it looks lovely on her finger and shows off the beauty of her hand."

      "Yes, I've been admiring it," said Lulu, "and I thought I'd never seen it before."

      Maud held out her hand with, evident pride and satisfaction, while the others gathered round her eager for a close inspection of the ring.

      They all admired it greatly and Maud seemed gratified.

      "Yes," she said, "it certainly is a beauty, and Chess says it must be worth a good deal; that centre stone is quite large, you see, and there are six others in a circle around it."

      "I should think you'd feel very rich," remarked Lulu; "I'd go fairly wild with delight if I had such an one given me."

      "Well then, why not give your father a hint that you'd like such a

       Christmas gift from him?" asked Sydney.

      "I'm afraid it would cost too much," said Lulu, "and I wouldn't want papa to spend more on me than he could well afford."

      "Why, he could afford it well enough!" exclaimed Maud. "Your father is very rich—worth his millions, I heard Cousin Horace say not long ago; and he knows of course."

      Lulu looked much surprised. "Papa never talks of how much money he has," she said, "and I never supposed it was more than about enough to keep us comfortable; but millions means a great deal doesn't it?"

      "I should say so indeed! more than your mind or mine can grasp the idea of."

      Lulu's eyes sparkled. "I'm ever so glad for papa!" she said; "he's just the right person to have a great deal of money, for he will be sure to make the very best use of it."

      "And for a part of it, that will be diamonds for you, won't it?" laughed


      "I hope the captain will think so by the time she's grown up," remarked Rosie, with a pleasant look at Lulu; "or sooner if they come to be thought suitable for girls of her age."

      "That's nice in you Rosie," Lulu said, flushing with pleasure, "and I hope you will get your pearls this Christmas."

      "I join in both wishes," said Evelyn Leland, "and hope everyone of you will receive a Christmas gift quite to her mind: but, oh girls, don't you think it would be nice to give a good time to the poor people about us?"

      "What poor people?" asked Sydney.

      "I mean both the whites and the blacks," explained Evelyn. "There are those Jones children that live not far from Woodburn, for instance: their mother's dead and the father gets drunk and beats and abuses them, and altogether I'm sure they are very, very forlorn."

      "Oh yes," cried Lulu, "it would be just splendid to give them a good time!—nice things to eat and to wear, and toys too. I'll talk to papa about it, and he'll tell us what to give them and how to give it."

      "And there are a number of other families in the neighborhood probably quite as poor and forlorn," said Lora Howard. "Oh I think it would be delightful to get them all together somewhere and surprise them with a Christmas tree loaded with nice things! Lets do it, girls. We all have some pocket money, and we can get our fathers and mothers to tell us how to use it to the best advantage, and how to manage the giving."

      "I haven't a bit more pocket money than I need to buy the presents I wish to give my own particular friends," objected Sydney.

      "It's nice, and right too, I think, to give tokens of love to our dear ones," Evelyn said, "but we need not make them very expensive in order to give pleasure;—often they would prefer some simple little thing that is the work of our own hands—and so we would have something left for the poor and needy, whom the Bible teaches us we should care for and relieve to the best of our ability."

      "Yes, I daresay you are right," returned Sydney, "but I sha'n't make any rash promises in regard to the matter."