Mildred Keith - Complete 7 Book Collection. Finley Martha
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Название: Mildred Keith - Complete 7 Book Collection

Автор: Finley Martha

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Книги для детей: прочее


isbn: 9788075831781


СКАЧАТЬ green paper blinds, a table with a rod and black cover, windsor chairs, two of them rocking chairs with chintz-covered cushions, the rest straight-backed and hard; on the high wooden mantel shelf an old-fashioned looking-glass, a few shells and two brass candlesticks; these last bright as scouring could make them.

      "I'm afraid it must seem but a poor place to you, ladies," she continued, pushing forward a rocking chair for each. "And you're dreadful tired, ain't you? with your long journey. Do sit down and rest yourselves."

      "You are very kind, and everything looks very nice indeed," Mrs. Keith answered, looking up at her with a pleased smile as she accepted the offered seat, and began untying her baby's bonnet strings.

      "Indeed, I, for one, didn't expect to find half as good accommodations out in these western wilds," remarked Aunt Wealthy, glancing round the room. "I thought you had no floors to your carpets."

      "No floors? oh yes; rather rough to be sure;—carpenters here don't make the best of work; and I think sometimes I could a'most plane a board better myself—but to get the carpets is the rub; we mostly make 'em ourselves and the weavin's often done so poor that they don't last no time hardly. Soil's sandy, you see, and it cuts the carpets right out."

      "They say this country's hard on women and oxen," put in Mr. Ward, "and I'm afraid it's pretty true."

      "Now don't be frightening them first thing, Mr. Ward," laughed the landlady. "Come, take off your things and the children's, ladies, and make yourselves to home. Here, just let me lay 'em in here," she went on, opening an inner door and revealing a bed covered with a patch-work quilt.

      "You can have this room if you like, Mrs. Keith; I s'pose you'd prefer a downstairs one with the baby and t'other little ones? There is a trundle bed underneath that'll do for them.

      "And the rest of you can take the two rooms right over these. They're all ready and you can go right up to 'em whenever you like. Is there anything more I can do for you now?"

      The query was answered in the negative.

      "Then I'll just excuse myself," she said; "for I must go and see to the supper; can't trust girls here."

      She passed out through another door, leaving it ajar.

      "That's the dining-room, I know, Fan, 'cause I see two big tables set," whispered Cyril peeping in, "and there's not a bit of carpet on the floor. Guess they're cleanin' house."

      "Well, wife, I'll have to leave you for a little, I must see to the landing of our goods," said Mr. Keith, taking his hat. "Will you go along, Ward?"

      "And let us go up and look at our rooms, girls," said Mildred to her sisters. "Mayn't we, mother?"

      "Yes, go and make yourselves neat for the supper table."

      They came back reporting bare floors everywhere, of boards none too well planed either, but everything scrupulously clean.

      "Then we may well be content," said their mother. The gentlemen returned and the guests were presently summoned, by the ringing of a bell on top of the house, to the supper table, which they found furnished with abundance of good, wholesome well-cooked food.

      And they were really able to make a very comfortable meal, despite the presence of deli ware, two-pronged steel forks, and the absence of napkins.

      "What about the goods, Stuart?" asked Mrs. Keith on their return to the parlor.

      "I have had them carted directly to the house; that is, I believe the men are at it now."

      "The house?"

      "The one Ward spoke of. I have taken it. It was Hobson's choice, my dear, or you should have seen it first."

      "Can I see it now?"

      "Why, yes, if you choose; it won't be dark yet for an hour. If you and Aunt Wealthy will put on your bonnets, I'll take you round."

      "Ada and me, too, father?" cried Zillah eagerly.

      "And Fan and Don and me?" chorused Cyril.

      "You couldn't think of going without your eldest son;" said Rupert, looking about for his hat.

      Mrs. Keith turned an inquiring eye upon her husband.

      "Is it far?"

      "No; even Fan can easily walk it. Let them come. You, too, Mildred," taking the babe from her arms. "I'll carry baby."

      "We'll make quite a procession," laughed the young girl. "Won't the people stare?"

      "What if they do? who of us cares?"

      "Not I!" cried Rupert, stepping back from the doorway with a commanding wave of the hand, "Procession will please move forward Mr. Keith and wife taking the lead, Miss Stanhope and Miss Keith next in order, Zilly and Ada following close upon their heels, the three inseparables after them, while Marshal Rupert brings up the rear to see that all are in line."

      Everybody laughed at this sally while they promptly fell into line as directed, passed out upon the sidewalk and pursued their way through the quiet streets.

      People did stare to be sure, from open doors and windows, some asking, "Who are they?" others answering "New comers and they've got a big family to support."

      Some remarked that they were nice looking people; while others shook their heads wisely, or dubiously, and said they "expected they were real stuck up folks;—dressed so dreadful fine."

      However, the subjects of these charitable comments did not overhear, and therefore were not disturbed by them.

      "Do you see that yellow frame yonder, wife?" Mr. Keith asked as they turned a corner.

      "With the gable-end to the street and two doors in it, one above and one below?"

      "The same."

      "It looks like a warehouse."

      "That's what it was originally intended for; but finding it not available for that purpose, the owner offered it for rent."

      "And is it the one you have rented?"

      "Yes; a poor place to take you to, my dear but, as I told you, it was Hobson's choice."

      "Then we'll make the best of it and be thankful."

      "What a horrid old thing!" remarked Mildred in an undertone, heard only by Aunt Wealthy.

      "We'll hope to find the inside an improvement on the out," was the cheerful rejoinder.

      "It has need to be, I should say!" cried the girl as they drew near. "Just see! it fronts on two streets and there's not a bit of a space separating it from either; doors open right out on to a sand bank."

      "That's what was made by digging the cellar," said Rupert.

      "There's a big yard at the side and behind," said Zillah.

      "Something green in it, too," added Ada, whose sight was imperfect.

      "Nothing but a crop of ugly weeds," said Mildred, ready to cry as memory brought СКАЧАТЬ