Webster & Tourneur. John Webster
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Название: Webster & Tourneur

Автор: John Webster

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066232108


СКАЧАТЬ this, infects it with an oil And other poisoned stuff, which presently Did suffocate her spirits. Brach. Methought I saw Count Lodowick there. Con. He was: and by my art I find he did most passionately dote Upon your duchess. Now turn another way, And view Camillo's far more politic fate. Strike louder, music, from this charmèd ground, To yield, as fits the act, a tragic sound!

      The second Dumb Show.

      Enter Flamineo, Marcello, Camillo, with four others, as Captains; they drink healths, and dance: a vaulting-horse is brought into the room: Marcello and two others whispered out of the room, while Flamineo and Camillo strip themselves to their shirts, to vault; they compliment who shall begin: as Camillo is about to vault, Flamineo pitcheth him upon his neck, and, with the help of the rest, writhes his neck about; seems to see if it be broke, and lays him folded double, as it were, under the horse; makes signs to call for help: Marcello comes in, laments; sends for the Cardinal and Duke, who come forth with armed men; wonder at the act; command the body to be carried home; apprehend Flamineo, Marcello, and the rest, and go, as it were, to apprehend Vittoria.

      Brach. 'Twas quaintly done; but yet each circumstance I taste not fully. Con. O, 'twas most apparent: You saw them enter, charged with their deep healths To their boon voyage; and, to second that, Flamineo calls to have a vaulting-horse Maintain their sport; the virtuous Marcello Is innocently plotted forth the room; Whilst your eye saw the rest, and can inform you The engine of all. Brach. It seems Marcello and Flamineo Are both committed.[43] Con. Yes, you saw them guarded; And now they are come with purpose to apprehend Your mistress, fair Vittoria. We are now Beneath her roof: 'twere fit we instantly Make out by some back-postern. Brach. Noble friend, You bind me ever to you: this shall stand As the firm seal annexèd to my hand; It shall enforce a payment. Con. Sir, I thank you. [Exit Brachiano. Both flowers and weeds spring when the sun is warm, And great men do great good or else great harm. [Exit.

      SCENE IV.—The Mansion of Monticelso.

      Enter Francisco de Medicis and Monticelso, their Chancellor and Register.

      Fran. de Med. You have dealt discreetly, to obtain the presence Of all the grave lieger[44] ambassadors, To hear Vittoria's trial. Mont. 'Twas not ill; For, sir, you know we have naught but circumstances To charge her with, about her husband's death: Their approbation, therefore, to the proofs Of her black lust shall make her infamous To all our neighbouring kingdoms. I wonder If Brachiano will be here. Fran. de Med. O fie. Twere impudence too palpable. [Exeunt.

      Enter Flamineo and Marcello guarded, and a Lawyer.

      Law. What, are you in by the week? so, I will try now whether thy wit be close prisoner. Methinks none should sit upon thy sister but old whore-masters.

      Flam. Or cuckolds; for your cuckold is your most terrible tickler of lechery. Whore-masters would serve; for none are judges at tilting but those that have been old tilters.

      Law. My lord duke and she have been very private.

      Flam. You are a dull ass; 'tis threatened they have been very public.

      Law. If it can be proved they have but kissed one another—

      Flam. What then?

      Law. My lord cardinal will ferret them.

      Flam. A cardinal, I hope, will not catch conies.

      Law. For to sow kisses (mark what I say), to sow kisses is to reap lechery; and, I am sure, a woman that will endure kissing is half won.

      Flam. True, her upper part, by that rule: if you will win her nether part too, you know what follows.

      Law. Hark; the ambassadors are lighted.

      Flam. [Aside]. I do put on this feignèd garb of mirth To gull suspicion. Mar. O my unfortunate sister! I would my dagger-point had cleft her heart When she first saw Brachiano: you, 'tis said, Were made his engine and his stalking-horse, To undo my sister. Flam. I am a kind of path To her and mine own preferment. Mar. Your ruin. Flam. Hum! thou art a soldier, Follow'st the great duke, feed'st his victories, As witches do their serviceable spirits, Even with thy prodigal blood: what hast got, But, like the wealth of captains, a poor handful, Which in thy palm thou bear'st as men hold water? Seeking to gripe it fast, the frail reward Steals through thy fingers. Mar. Sir! Flam. Thou hast scarce maintenance To keep thee in fresh shamois.[45] Mar. Brother! Flam. Hear me:— And thus, when we have even poured ourselves Into great fights, for their ambition Or idle spleen, how shall we find reward? But as we seldom find the misletoe Sacred to physic, or the builder oak, Without a mandrake by it; so in our quest of gain, Alas, the poorest of their forced dislikes At a limb proffers, but at heart it strikes! This is lamented doctrine. Mar. Come, come. Flam. When age shall turn thee White as a blooming hawthorn— Mar. I'll interrupt you:— For love of virtue bear an honest heart, And stride o'er every politic respect, Which, where they most advance, they most infect. Were I your father, as I am your brother, I should not be ambitious to leave you A better patrimony. Flam. I'll think on't.— The lord ambassadors. [The Ambassadors pass over the stage severally.

      Law. O my sprightly Frenchman!—Do you know him? he's an admirable tilter.

      Flam. I saw him at last tilting: he showed like a pewter candlestick, fashioned like a man in armour, holding a tilting-staff in his hand, little bigger than a candle of twelve i' the pound.

      Law. O, but he's an excellent horseman.

      Flam. A lame one in his lofty tricks: he sleeps a-horseback, like a poulter.[46]

      Law. Lo you, my Spaniard!

      Flam. He carries his face in's ruff, as I have seen a serving man carry glasses in a cypress hatband, monstrous steady, for fear of breaking: he looks like the claw of a blackbird, first salted, and then broiled in a candle. [Exeunt.

       Table of Contents

      SCENE I.—A Hall in Monticelso's Mansion.

      Enter Francisco de Medicis, Monticelso, the six lieger Ambassadors, Brachiano, Vittoria Corombona, Flamineo, Marcello, Lawyer, and a Guard.

      Mont. Forbear, my lord, here is no place assigned you: This business by his holiness is left To our examination. [To Brach. Brach. May it thrive with you! [Lays a rich gown under him. Fran. de Med. A chair there for his lordship! Brach. Forbear your kindness: an unbidden guest Should travel as Dutchwomen go to church, Bear their stools with them. Mont. At your pleasure, sir.— Stand to the table, gentlewoman [To Vittoria].—Now, signior, Fall to your plea.

      Law. Domine judex, converte oculos in hanc pestem, mulierum corruptissimam.

      Vit. СКАЧАТЬ