The Brook Kerith. George Moore
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Название: The Brook Kerith

Автор: George Moore

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664602121



       George Moore

      The Brook Kerith

      A Syrian story

      Published by Good Press, 2019

       [email protected]

      EAN 4057664602121


       CHAP. I.

       CHAP. II.

       CHAP. III.

       CHAP. IV.

       CHAP. V.

       CHAP. VI.

       CHAP. VII.

       CHAP. VIII.

       CHAP. IX.

       CHAP. X.

       CHAP. XI.

       CHAP. XII.

       CHAP. XIII.

       CHAP. XIV.

       CHAP. XV.

       CHAP. XVI.

       CHAP. XVII.

       CHAP. XVIII.

       CHAP. XIX.

       CHAP. XX.

       CHAP. XXI.

       CHAP. XXII.

       CHAP. XXIII.

       CHAP. XXIV.

       CHAP. XXV.

       CHAP. XXVI.

       CHAP. XXVII.

       CHAP. XXVIII.

       CHAP. XXIX.

       CHAP. XXX.

       CHAP. XXXI.

       CHAP. XXXII.

       CHAP. XXXIII.

       CHAP. XXXIV.

       CHAP. XXXV.

       CHAP. XXXVI.

       CHAP. XXXVII.


       CHAP. XXXIX.

       CHAP. XL.

       CHAP. XLI.

      My dear Mary Hunter. It appears that you wished to give me a book for Christmas, but were in doubt what book to give me as I seemed to have little taste for reading, so in your embarrassment you gave me a Bible. It lies on my table now with the date 1898 on the fly-leaf—my constant companion and chief literary interest for the last eighteen years. Itself a literature, it has led me into many various literatures and into the society of scholars.

      I owe so much to your Bible that I cannot let pass the publication of "The Brook Kerith" without thanking you for it again. Yours always, George Moore.

       Table of Contents
