Pyrometry: A Practical Treatise on the Measurement of High Temperatures. Charles R. Darling
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Название: Pyrometry: A Practical Treatise on the Measurement of High Temperatures

Автор: Charles R. Darling

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066231811


СКАЧАТЬ made to indicate in Centigrade degrees, as confusion often arises through the use of the two scales. An agreement on this point between instrument makers would overcome the difficulty at once, as the Centigrade scale is now so widely used that few purchasers would insist on Fahrenheit markings.

      It may be pointed out here that no single pyrometer is suited to every purpose, and the choice of an instrument must be decided by the nature of the work in hand. A pyrometer requiring skilled attention should not be entrusted to an untrained man; and it may be taken for granted that to obtain the most useful results intelligent supervision is necessary. In the ensuing pages the advantages and drawbacks of each type will be considered; but in all cases it is desirable, before making any large outlay on pyrometers, to obtain a competent and impartial opinion as to the kind best suited to the processes to be controlled. Catalogue descriptions are not always trustworthy, and instances are not wanting in which a large sum has been expended on instruments which, owing to wrong choice, have proved practically useless. An instrument suited to laboratory measurements is often a failure in the workshop, and all possibilities of this kind should be considered before deciding upon the type of pyrometer to be used.




       Table of Contents


      When existing instruments are compared with this standard, it is found that a scale based on the assumption that the volume of a gas free to expand, or the pressure of a confined gas, increases directly as the temperature is in close agreement with the thermodynamic scale. It may be proved that if the gas employed were “perfect,” a scale in exact conformity with the standard described would be secured; and gases which approach nearest in properties to a perfect gas, such as hydrogen, nitrogen, and air, may therefore be used to produce a practical standard, the indications of which are nearly identical with the thermodynamic scale. If any other physical change be chosen, such as the expansion of a solid, or the increase in resistance of a metal, and a temperature scale be based on the supposition that the change in question varies directly as the temperature, the results obtained would differ considerably from the absolute standard. For this reason the practical standard of temperature now universally adopted is an instrument based on the properties of a suitable gas.

      The Constant Volume Gas Thermometer.—In applying the properties of a gas to practical temperature measurement, we may devise some means of determining the increase in volume when the gas is allowed to expand, or the increase in pressure of a confined gas may be observed. The latter procedure is more convenient in practice, and the instrument used for this purpose is known as the constant volume gas thermometer, one form of which is shown in fig. 1. The gas is enclosed in a bulb B, connected to a tube bent into a parallel branch, into the bend of which is sealed a tap C, furnished with a drying cup. The extremity of the parallel branch is connected to a piece of flexible tubing T, which communicates with a mercury cistern which may be moved over a scale, the rod G serving as a guide. In using this instrument the bulb B is immersed in ice, and the tap C opened. When the temperature has fallen to 0° C., the mercury is brought to the mark A by adjusting the cistern, and the tap C then closed. The bulb B is now placed in the space or medium of which the temperature is to be determined, and expansion prevented by raising the cistern so as to keep the mercury at A. When steady, the height of the mercury in the cistern above the level of A is read off, and furnishes a clue to the temperature of B. If the coefficient of pressure of the gas used (in this case, air) be known, the temperature may be calculated from the equation

      P1 = P0(1 + bt),

      where P1 is the pressure at t°; P0 the pressure at 0°; and b the coefficient of pressure; that is, the increase in unit pressure at 0° for a rise in temperature of 1°. Thus if P0 = 76 cms.; b = 0·00367; height of mercury in cistern above A = 55·8 cms.; then

      P1 = (76 + 55·8) = 131·8 cms.,

      and by inserting these values in the above equation t is found to be 200°. In the instrument described, P0 is equal to the height of the barometer, since the tap C is open whilst the bulb is immersed in ice. The coefficient of pressure may be determined by placing the bulb in steam at a known temperature, and noting the increased pressure. In the equation given, P1, P0, and t are then known, and the value of b may be calculated.

      Fig. 1.—Constant Volume Air Thermometer.

      In using this instrument for exact determinations of temperature, allowance must be made for the expansion of the bulb, which causes a lower pressure to be registered than would be noted if the bulb were non-expansive. Again, the gas in the connecting tube is not at the same temperature as that in the bulb; an error which may be practically eliminated by making the bulb large and the bore of the tube small. The temperature of the mercury column must also be allowed for, as the density varies with the temperature. When the various corrections have been made, readings of great accuracy may be secured.

      When applied to the measurement of high temperatures, the bulb must be made of a more infusible material than glass. Gold, porcelain, platinum, and quartz have been used by different investigators, but the most reliable material for temperatures exceeding 900° C. has been found to be an alloy of platinum with 20 per cent. of rhodium. СКАЧАТЬ