The Prince of Graustark. George Barr McCutcheon
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Название: The Prince of Graustark

Автор: George Barr McCutcheon

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066246327


СКАЧАТЬ shower!" as he raced up the terrace, followed by the other participants.

      Mr. Blithers said something violent under his breath, but resolutely retained his seat. It was King who glanced slyly at his watch this time, and subsequently shot a questioning look at his wife. She was frowning in considerable perplexity, and biting her firm red lips. Count Quinnox coolly arose and excused himself with the remark that he was off to dress for dinner. He also looked at his watch, which certainly was an act that one would hardly have expected of a diplomat.

      "Well, well," said Mr. Blithers profoundly. Then he looked at his own watch—and settled back in his chair, a somewhat dogged compression about his jaws. He was not the man to be thwarted. "You certainly have a cosy little place here. King," he remarked after a moment or two.

      "We like it," said King, twiddling his fingers behind his back. "Humble but homelike."

      "Mrs. Blithers has been planning to come over for some time, Mrs. King. I told her she oughtn't to put it off—be neighbourly, don't you know. That's me. I'm for being neighbourly with my neighbours. But women, they—well, you know how it is, Mrs. King. Always something turning up to keep 'em from doing the things they want to do most. And Mrs. Blithers has so many sociable obli—I beg pardon?"

      "I was just wondering if you would stay and have dinner with us, Mr. Blithers," said she, utterly helpless. She wouldn't look her husband in the eye—and it was quite fortunate that she was unable to do so, for it would have resulted in a laughing duet that could never have been explained.

      "Why," said Mr. Blithers, arising and looking at his watch again, "bless my soul, it is past dinner time, isn't it? I had no idea it was so late. 'Pon my soul, it's good of you, Mrs. King. You see, we have dinner at seven up at Blitherwood and—I declare it's half-past now. I don't see where the time has gone. Thanks, I will stay if you really mean to be kind to a poor old beggar. Don't do anything extra on my account, though, just your regular dinner, you know. No frills, if you please." He looked himself over in some uncertainty. "Will this rag of mine do?"

      "We shan't notice it, Mr. Blithers," said she, and he turned the remark over in his mind several times as he walked beside her toward the house. Somehow it didn't sound just right to him, but for the life of him he couldn't tell why. "We are quite simple folk, you see," she went on desperately, making note of the fact that her husband lagged behind like the coward he was. "Red Roof is as nothing compared to Blitherwood, with its army of servants and—"

      Mr. Blithers magnanimously said "Pooh!" and, continuing, remarked that he wouldn't say exactly how many they employed but he was sure there were not more than forty, including the gardeners. "Besides," he added gallantly, "what is an army of servants compared to the army of Grasstock? You've got the real article, Mrs. King, so don't you worry. But, I say, if necessary, I can telephone up to the house and have a dress suit sent down. It won't take fifteen minutes, Lou—er—Mrs. Blithers always has 'em laid out for me, in case of an emergency, and—"

      "Pray do not think of it," she cried. "The men change, of course, after they've been playing tennis, but we—we—well, you see, you haven't been playing," she concluded, quite breathlessly.

      At that instant the sprightly Feltons dashed pell mell down the steps and across the lawn homeward, shrieking something unintelligible to Mrs. King as they passed.

      "Rather skittish," observed Mr. Blithers, glaring after them disapprovingly.

      "They are dears," said Mrs. King.

      "The—er—Prince attracted by either one of 'em?" he queried.

      "He barely knows them, Mr. Blithers."

      "I see. Shouldn't think they'd appeal to him. Rather light, I should say—I mean up here," and he tapped his forehead so that she wouldn't think that he referred to pounds and ounces. "I don't believe Maud knows 'em, as the little one said. Maud is rather—"

      "It is possible they have mistaken some one else for your daughter," said she very gently.

      "Impossible," said he with force.

      "They are coming back here to dinner," she said, and her eyes sparkled with mischief. "I shall put you between them, Mr. Blithers. You will find that they are very bright, attractive girls."

      "We'll see," said he succinctly.

      King caught them up at the top of the steps. He seemed to be slightly out of breath.

      "Make yourself at home, Mr. Blithers. I must get into something besides these duds I'm wearing," he said. "Would you like to—er—wash up while we're—"

      "No, thanks," interposed Mr. Blithers. "I'm as clean as a whistle. Don't mind me, please. Run along and dress, both of you. I'll sit out here and—count the minutes," the last with a very elaborate bow to Mrs. King.

      "Dinner's at half-past eight," said she, and disappeared. Mr. Blithers recalled his last glance at his watch, and calculated that he would have at least fifty minutes to count, provided dinner was served promptly on the dot.

      "You will excuse me if I leave you—"

      "Don't mention it, old man," said the new guest, rather more curtly than he intended. "I'll take it easy."

      "Shall I have the butler telephone to Blitherwood to say that you won't be home to dinner?"

      "It would be better if he were to say that I wasn't home to dinner," said Mr. Blithers. "It's over by this time."

      "Something to drink while you're—"

      "No, thanks. I can wait," and he sat down.

      "You don't mind my—"

      "Not at all."

      Mr. Blithers settled himself in the big porch chair and glowered at the shadowy hills on the opposite side of the valley. The little cottage of the Feltons came directly in his line of vision. He scowled more deeply than before. At the end of fifteen minutes he started up suddenly and, after a quick uneasy glance about him, started off across the lawn, walking more rapidly than was his wont.

      He had remembered that his chauffeur was waiting for him with the car just around a bend in the road—and had been waiting for two hours or more.

      "Go home," he said to the man. "Come back at twelve. And don't use the cut-out going up that hill, either."

      Later on, he met the Prince. Very warmly he shook the tall young man's hand—he even gave it a prophetic second squeeze—and said:

      "I am happy to welcome you to the Catskills, Prince."

      "Thank you," said Prince Robin.

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