An Enemy to the King. Robert Neilson Stephens
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Название: An Enemy to the King

Автор: Robert Neilson Stephens

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066229429


СКАЧАТЬ to address you, being unknown to you, but if you will permit me, I will go and bring M. de Rilly, who will present me."

      Her face softened somewhat, and she looked amused. "You seem quite able to present yourself," she said.

      I was immensely relieved at this melting of the ice, just when I was beginning to feel that I was becoming a spectacle.

      "I am Ernanton de Launay, Sieur de la Tournoire," I said, and to fill up the embarrassing pause that followed, I added, "and, being a Huguenot, I am a nobody in Paris—in fact, a mere volunteer in the French Guards."

      "Well, Monsieur Guardsman, what do you wish to say to me?"

      She was now in quite a pleasant, quizzical mood.

      "I trust you do not expect me to say it in one word," I answered; and then I lowered my voice, "or in a single interview."

      "It does not matter how many interviews it requires, if it is interesting," she answered nonchalantly.

      "Alas!" I said. "I fear it is a story which many others have told you."

      "An old story may seem new, when it comes from new lips."

      "And when it is new to the lips that tell it, as mine is. Actually, I have never before made a confession of love."

      "Am I to understand that you are about to make one now?"

      "Have I not already made it?" I said.

      We now stood quite apart from all others in the gallery, unnoticed by them; and our voices had fallen almost to a whisper.

      She smiled, as if refusing to take my words seriously.

      "If you have waited so long before making any confession of love whatever," she said, "you have certainly made up for the delay by the speed which you use in making your first."

      "On the contrary, I have had my confession ready for a long time, as my love has existed for a long time. I waited only to meet its object—the woman of whom I had formed the ideal in my mind."

      She looked as if about to burst into a laugh; but she changed her mind, and regarded me with a look of inquiry, as if she would read my heart. The smile was still on her lips, yet she spoke gravely when she said:

      "Monsieur, I cannot make you out. If you are as sincere as you are original—but I must go to the Queen-mother now. To-morrow afternoon, I shall walk in the gardens of the Tuileries, if the weather is clear."

      "But one moment, I beg! M. de Noyard—he is in love with you, is he not?"

      Her face again took on its mocking look. "I have not asked him," she said lightly. Then she regarded me with a new and peculiar expression, as if some daring idea had come into her mind, some project which had to be meditated upon before it might be safely breathed.

      "You look at me strangely, mademoiselle."

      "Oh, I merely wonder at your curiosity in regard to M. de Noyard."

      "My curiosity is not in regard to his feelings, but in regard to yours."

      "Monsieur," she said, with a very captivating air of reproach, "have I not told you that I shall walk in the gardens of the Tuileries to-morrow afternoon?"

      And she glided away, leaving behind her the most delighted and conceited young man, at that moment, in France.

       Table of Contents


      I was disappointed in the interview that I had with Mlle. d'Arency in the gardens of the Tuileries, the next day. I saw her for only a few minutes, and then within sight of other of Catherine's ladies. Although I lost nothing of the ground I had taken, neither did I gain anything further. Afterward, at court receptions and fêtes, and, sometimes, in the palace galleries, when she was off duty, I contrived to meet her. She neither gave me opportunities nor avoided me. All the progress that I made was in the measure of my infatuation for her. When I begged for a meeting at which we might not be surrounded by half the court, she smiled, and found some reason to prevent any such interview in the near future. So, if I had carried things very far at our first meeting in the Louvre, I now paid for my exceptional fortune by my inability to carry them a step further.

      Thus matters went for several days, during which the assertion of De Rilly was proven true—that my duties as a member of the French Guards would leave me some time for pleasure. Thanks to De Quelus, and to his enemy, Bussy d'Amboise, I made acquaintances both in the King's following and in that of the King's brother, the Duke of Anjou. De Rilly made me known to many who belonged to neither camp, and were none the worse for that. Our company lodged in the Faubourg St. Honore, but I led the life of a gentleman of pleasure, when off duty, and, as such, I had a private lodging within the town, near the Louvre, more pretentious than the whitewashed chamber in the Rue St. Denis. I drank often in cabarets, became something of a swaggerer, and something of a fop—though never descending to the womanishness of the King's minions—and did not allow my great love affair, which I never mentioned save in terms of mystery, to hinder me from the enjoyment of lesser amours of transient duration. At this time everybody was talking of the feud between the King's favorites and the followers of the Duke of Anjou. The King's minions openly ridiculed Anjou for his ungainliness, which was all the greater for his look of settled discontent and resentment. His faithful and pugnacious Bussy retaliated by having his pages dress like the King's minions—with doublets of cloth of gold, stiff ruffs, and great plumes—and so attend him at the Twelfth Day fêtes. The minions, in their turn, sought revenge on Bussy by attacking him, on the following night, while he was returning from the Louvre to his lodgings. He eluded them, and the next morning he accused M. de Grammont of having led the ambuscade. De Quelus then proposed that all the King's gentlemen should meet all those of the Duke in a grand encounter to the death. The Duke's followers gladly accepted the challenge. Three hundred men on each side would have fought, had not the King resolutely forbidden the duel. De Quelus, that night, led a number of gentlemen in an attack on Bussy's lodgings. Bussy and his followers made a stout resistance, the tumult becoming so great that the Marechal de Montmorency called out the Scotch Guard to clear the street in front of Bussy's house; and it was time. Several gentlemen and servants were lying in their blood; and some of these died of their wounds.

      It was openly known, about the court, that the Duke of Anjou held the King to be privy to these attacks on Bussy, and was frightfully enraged thereby; and that the King, in constant fear of the Duke's departure to join the Huguenots—which event would show the King's inability to prevent sedition even in the royal family, and would give the Guise party another pretext to complain of his incompetence—would forcibly obstruct the Duke's going.

      It was this state of affairs that made Catherine de Medici again take up her abode in the Louvre, that she might be on the ground in the event of a family outbreak, which was little less probable to occur at night than in the daytime. She had lately lived part of the time in her new palace of the Tuileries, and part of the time in her Hotel des Filles Repenties, holding her council in either of these places, and going to the Louvre daily for the signature of the King to the documents of her own fabrication. At this time, Mlle. d'Arency was one of the ladies of the Queen-mother's bedchamber, and so slept in the Louvre. What should I be but such a fool as, when СКАЧАТЬ