The Dictator. McCarthy Justin Huntly
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Название: The Dictator

Автор: McCarthy Justin Huntly

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664567994


СКАЧАТЬ the truth is,' he went on to say, 'I have no clearly defined plans as yet.'

      'You don't mean to give in?' she asked eagerly.

      He smiled at her impetuosity. She blushed slightly as she saw his smile.

      'Oh I know,' she exclaimed, 'you think me an impertinent schoolgirl, and you only laugh at me.'

      'I do nothing of the kind. It is only too much of a pleasure to me to talk to you on terms of friendship. Look here, I wish we could do as people used to do in the old melodramas, and swear an eternal friendship.'

      'I swear an eternal friendship to you,' she exclaimed, 'whether you like it or not,' and, obeying the wild impulse of the hour, she held out both her hands.

      He took them both in his, held them for just one instant, and then let them go.

      'I accept the friendship,' he said, with a quiet smile, 'and I reciprocate it with all my heart.'

      Helena was already growing a little alarmed at her own impulsiveness and effusiveness. But there was something in the Dictator's quiet, grave, and protecting way which always seemed to reassure her. 'He will be sure to understand me,' was the vague thought in her mind.

      Assuredly the Dictator now thought he did understand her. He felt satisfied that her enthusiasm was the enthusiasm of a generous girl's friendship, and that she thought about him in no other way. He had learned to like her companionship, and to think much of her fresh, courageous intellect, and even of her practical good sense. He had no doubt that he should find her advice on many things worth having. His battlefield just now and for some time to come must be in London—in the London of finance and diplomacy.

      'Come and sit down again,' the Dictator said; 'I will tell you all I know—and I don't know much. I do not mean to give up, Miss Langley. I am not a man who gives up—I am not built that way.'

      'Of course I knew,' Helena exclaimed triumphantly; 'I knew you would never give up. You couldn't.'

      'I couldn't—and I do not believe I ought to give up. I am sure I know better how to provide for the future of Gloria than—than—well, than Gloria knows herself—just now. I believe Gloria will want me back.'

      'Of course she will want you back when she comes to her senses,' Helena said with sparkling eyes.

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