The suppressed Gospels and Epistles of the original New Testament of Jesus the Christ, Complete. William Wake
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      25 At length I conceived by

       him, but alas! I brought forth a

       leprous son; which, when he saw

       him would not own to be his, but

       said to me,

      26 Either do thou kill him, or

       send him to some nurse in such a

       place, that he may be never heard

       of; and now take care of yourself;

       I will never see you more.

      27 So here I pine, lamenting

       my wretched and miserable

       circumstances. Alas, my son! alas,

       my husband; Have I disclosed it

       to you?

      28 The girl replied I have found

       a remedy for your disease, which

       I promise you, for I also was

       leprous, but God hath cleansed

       me, even he who is called Jesus

       the son of the Lady Mary.

      29 The woman inquiring where

       that God was, whom she spake

       of; the girl answered, He lodges

       with you here, in the same house.

      30 But how can this be? says

       she; where is he? Behold, replied

       the girl, Joseph and Mary; and

       the infant who is, with them is

       called Jesus; and it is he who

       delivered me from my disease and


      31 But by what means, says she,

       were you cleansed from your leprosy?

       Will not you tell me that?

      32 Why not? says the girl; I

       took the water with which his

       body had been washed, and poured

       it upon me, and my leprosy


      33 The prince's wife then arose

       and entertained them, providing a

       great feast for Joseph among a

       large company of men.

      34 And the next day took

       perfumed water to wash the Lord

       Jesus, and afterwards poured the

       same water upon her son, whom

       she had brought with her, and her

       son was instantly cleansed from

       his leprosy,

      35 Then she sang thanks and

       unto God, and said, Blessed

       is the mother that bare thee,

       O Jesus!

      36 Dost thou thus cure men of

       the same nature with thyself, with

       the water with which thy body is


      37 She then offered very large

       gifts to the Lady Mary, and sent

       her away with all imaginable



      1 A man who could not enjoy his wife, freed from his disorder.

       5 A young man who had been bewitched, and turned into a

       mule miraculously cured by Christ being put on his back,

       28 and is married to the girl who had been cured of leprosy.

      THEY came afterwards to another

       city, and had a mind to lodge there.

      2 Accordingly they went to a man's

       house, who was newly married

       but by the influence of sorcerers

       could not enjoy his wife.

      3 But they lodging at his house

       that night, the man was freed of

       his disorder.

      4 And when they were preparing

       early in the morning to go forward

       on their journey, the new-married

       person hindered them, and

       provided a noble entertainment

       for them.

      5 But going forward on the

       morrow, they came to another

       city, and saw three women going

       from a certain grave with great


      6 When St. Mary saw them, she

       spake to the girl who was their

       companion, saying, Go and inquire

       of them, what is the matter with

       them, and what misfortune has

       befallen them?

      7 When the girl asked them,

       they made her no answer, but

       asked her again, Who are ye? and

       where are you going? For the day

       is far spent, and night is at hand.

      8 We are СКАЧАТЬ