The Collection of the Greatest Catholic Hymns. Henry Formby
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Название: The Collection of the Greatest Catholic Hymns

Автор: Henry Formby

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066392765



       May Jesus Christ be praised

       Morning Hymn

       Mother of Almighty God

       Mother of Mercy

       The Help of Christians

       Sing, Sing, ye Angel Bands

       Stabat Mater

       Star of Jacob

       St. Aloysius

       St. Anne, Mother of the B. V. Mary

       Saint Teresa

       The last Farewell

       The Holy Guardian Angel

       The Holy name of Jesus

      Music, suitable for this collection of Hymns, may be had in a separate 4to Volume, "Catholic Hymns," &c., arranged for Singing in Parts and for the Organ, with the words, in full

      "See down his face and neck and breast

       ⁠His sacred blood descend."

      A Child's Hymn to the Blessed Virgin.

       Table of Contents

      Maiden Mother, meek and mild,

       Take, oh, take me for thy child.

       All my life, oh, let it be

       My best joy to think of thee.

      When my eyes are clos'd in sleep

       Through the night my slumbers keep,

       Make my latest thought to be,

       How to love thy Son and thee.

      Teach me when the sunbeam bright

       Calls me with its golden light,

       How my waking thoughts may be

       Turn'd to Jesus and to thee.

      And, oh, teach me through the day

       Oft to raise my heart and say,

       "Maiden Mother, meek and mild,

       Guard, oh, guard thy little child!"

      Thus, sweet Mother, day and night

       Thou shalt guide my steps aright;

       And my dying words shall be,

       "Virgin Mother, pray for me!"

      Advent Hymn.

       Table of Contents

      Creator of the starry frame,

       ⁠Eternal light of all who live;

       Jesu, Redeemer of mankind,

       ⁠An ear to Thy poor suppliants give.

      When man, o'erwhelm'd in sin and death,

       ⁠Was wholly lost in Satan's snare,

       Love brought Thee down to cure our ills,

       ⁠By taking of those ills a share.

      Thy love for guilty men it was

       ⁠That caus'd Thy sacred blood to flow;

       When issuing from Thy virgin shrine,

       ⁠Thou didst to death a victim go.

      Great Judge of all, in that last day

       ⁠When friends shall fail and foes combine,

       Look down in pity then, we pray,

       ⁠And guard us with Thine arm divine.

      To God the Father and the Son

       ⁠All praise and power and glory be,

       With thee, O sacred Paraclete,

       ⁠Both now and through eternity.


      An Evening Hymn to the Blessed Virgin.

       Table of Contents

      As the dewy shades of even

       ⁠Gather o'er the balmy air,

       Listen, gentle Queen of Heav'n,

       ⁠Listen to my vesper prayer

       Holy Mother, near me hover,

       ⁠Free my thoughts from aught defil'd;

       With thy wings of mercy cover,

       ⁠Safe from harm, thy helpless child.

      Thine own sinless heart was broken,

       ⁠Sorrow's sword had pierc'd it through;

       Give, oh, give me some sweet token

       ⁠Of thy tender love so true.

       Queen of sorrows, guard and guide me,
