The Count of Monte Cristo. Alexandre Dumas
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Название: The Count of Monte Cristo

Автор: Alexandre Dumas

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 9782378077501


СКАЧАТЬ me see," continued the stranger, "I am one of your largest creditors."

      "Your bills, at least, are the first that will fall due."

      "Do you wish for time to pay?"

      "A delay would save my honor, and consequently my life."

      "How long a delay do you wish for?" — Morrel reflected. "Two months," said he.

      "I will give you three," replied the stranger.

      "But," asked Morrel, "will the house of Thomson & French consent?"

      "Oh, I take everything on myself. To-day is the 5th of June."


      "Well, renew these bills up to the 5th of September; and on the 5th of September at eleven o'clock (the hand of the clock pointed to eleven), I shall come to receive the money."

      "I shall expect you," returned Morrel; "and I will pay you — or I shall he dead." These last words were uttered in so low a tone that the stranger could not hear them. The bills were renewed, the old ones destroyed, and the poor ship-owner found himself with three months before him to collect his resources. The Englishman received his thanks with the phlegm peculiar to his nation; and Morrel, overwhelming him with grateful blessings, conducted him to the staircase. The stranger met Julie on the stairs; she pretended to be descending, but in reality she was waiting for him. "Oh, sir" — said she, clasping her hands.

      "Mademoiselle," said the stranger, "one day you will receive a letter signed `Sinbad the Sailor.' Do exactly what the letter bids you, however strange it may appear."

      "Yes, sir," returned Julie.

      "Do you promise?"

      "I swear to you I will."

      "It is well. Adieu, mademoiselle. Continue to be the good, sweet girl you are at present, and I have great hopes that heaven will reward you by giving you Emmanuel for a husband."

      Julie uttered a faint cry, blushed like a rose, and leaned against the baluster. The stranger waved his hand, and continued to descend. In the court he found Penelon, who, with a rouleau of a hundred francs in either hand, seemed unable to make up his mind to retain them. "Come with me, my friend," said the Englishman; "I wish to speak to you."

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