Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (2nd 100 Pages). Noah Webster
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Название: Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (2nd 100 Pages)

Автор: Noah Webster

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066104665


СКАЧАТЬ constellation in the northern hemisphere, situated between Perseus and Gemini. It contains the bright star Capella. AuÏri¶gal (?), a. [L. aurigalis.] Of or pertaining to a chariot. [R.] Au·riÏga¶tion (?), n. [L. aurigatio, fr. aurigare to be a charioteer, fr. auriga.] The act of driving a chariot or a carriage. [R.] De Quincey. AuÏrig¶raÏphy (?), n. [L. aurum gold + Ïgraphy.] The art of writing with or in gold. Au¶rin (?), n. [L. aurum gold.] (Chem.) A red coloring matter derived from phenol; Ð called also, in commerce, yellow coralin. Au·riÏphryg¶iÏate (?), a. [LL. auriphrigiatus; L. aurum gold + LL. phrygiare to adorn with Phrygian needlework, or with embroidery; perhaps corrupted from some other word. Cf. Orfrays.] Embroidered or decorated with gold. [R.] Southey. Au·riÏpig¶ment (?), n. See Orpiment. [Obs.] Au¶riÏscalp (?), n. [L. auris ear + scalpere to scrape.] An earpick. Au¶riÏscope (?), n. [L. auris + Ïscope.] (Med.) An instrument for examining the condition of the ear. AuÏris¶coÏpy (?), n. Examination of the ear by the aid of the auriscope. Au¶rist (?), n. [L. auris ear.] One skilled in treating and curing disorders of the ear. Au¶riÏted (?), a. [L. auritus, fr. auris ear.] (Zo”l.) Having lobes like the ear; auriculate. AuÏriv¶oÏrous (?), a. [L. aurum gold + vorare to devour.] GoldÐdevouring. [R.] H. Walpole. Au·roÏceph¶aÏlous (?), a. [Aurum + cephalous.] (Zo”l.) Having a goldÐcolored head. Au·roÏchlo¶ride (?), n. [Aurum + chloride.] (Chem.) The trichloride of gold combination with the chloride of another metal, forming a double chloride; Ð called also chloraurate. Au¶rochs (?), n. [G. auerochs, OHG. ?rohso; ?r (cf. AS. ?r) + ohso ox, G. ochs. Cf. Owre, Ox.] (Zo”l.) The European bison (Bison bonasus, or Europ‘us), once widely distributed, but now nearly extinct, except where protected in the Lithuanian forests, and perhaps in the Caucasus. It is distinct from the Urus of C‘sar, with which it has often been confused. Au·roÏcy¶aÏnide (?), n. [Aurum + cyanide.] (Chem.) A double cyanide of gold and some other metal or radical; Ð called also cyanaurate. AuÏro¶ra (?), n.; pl. E. Auroras (?), L. (rarely used) Auror‘ (?). [L. aurora, for ausosa, akin to Gr. ?, ?, dawn, Skr. ushas, and E. east.] 1. The rising light of the morning; the dawn of day; the redness of the sky just before the sun rises. 2. The rise, dawn, or beginning. Hawthorne. 3. (Class. Myth.) The Roman personification of the dawn of day; the goddess of the morning. The poets represented her a rising out of the ocean, in a chariot, with rosy fingers dropping gentle dew. 4. (Bot.) A species of crowfoot. Johnson. 5. The aurora borealis or ~ australis (northern or southern lights). Aurora borealis (?), i.e., northern daybreak; popularly called northern lights. A luminous meteoric phenomenon, visible only at night, and supposed to be of electrical origin. This species of light usually appears in streams, ascending toward the zenith from a dusky line or bank, a few degrees above the northern horizon; when reaching south beyond the zenith, it forms what is called the corona, about a spot in the heavens toward which the dipping needle points. Occasionally the ~ appears as an arch of light across the heavens from east to west. Sometimes it assumes a wavy appearance, and the streams of light are then called merry dancers. They assume a variety of colors, from a pale red or yellow to a deep red or blood color. The Aurora australis (?) is a corresponding phenomenon in the southern hemisphere, the streams of light ascending in the same manner from near the southern horizon. AuÏro¶ral (?). a. Belonging to, or resembling, the aurora (the drawn or the northern lights); rosy. Her cheeks suffused with an auroral blush. Longfellow. Au¶rous (?), a. 1. Containing gold. 2. (Chem.) Pertaining to, or derived from, gold; Ð said of those compounds of gold in which this element has its lower valence; as, aurous oxide. Ø Au¶rum (?), n. [L.] Gold. ÷ fulminans (?). See Fulminate. Ð ÷ mosaicum (?). See Mosaic. AusÏcult¶ (?), v. i. & t. To auscultate. Aus¶culÏtate (?), v. i. & t. To practice auscultation; to examine by auscultation. Aus·culÏta¶tion (?), n. [L. ausculcatio, fr. auscultare to listen, fr. a dim. of auris, orig. ausis, ear. See Auricle, and cf. Scout, n.] 1. The act of listening or hearkening to. Hickes. 2. (Med.) An examination by listening either directly with the ear (immediate auscultation) applied to parts of the body, as the abdomen; or with the stethoscope (mediate ~), in order to distinguish sounds recognized as a sign of health or of disease. Aus¶culÏta·tor (?), n. One who practices auscultation. AusÏcul¶taÏtoÏry (?), a. Of or pertaining to auscultation. Dunglison. AuÏso¶niÏan (?), a. [L. Ausonia, poetic name for Italy.] Italian. Milton. Aus¶piÏcate (?), a. [L. auspicatus, p. p. of auspicari to take auspices, fr. auspex a bird seer, an augur, a contr. of avispex; avis bird + specere, spicere, to view. See Aviary, Spy.] Auspicious. [Obs.] Holland. Aus¶piÏcate (?), v. t. 1. To foreshow; to foretoken. [Obs.] B. Jonson. 2. To give a favorable turn to in commencing; to inaugurate; Ð a sense derived from the Roman practice of taking the auspicium, or inspection of birds, before undertaking any important business. They auspicate all their proceedings. Burke. Aus¶pice (?), n.; pl. Auspices (?). [L. auspicium, fr. auspex: cf. F. auspice. See Auspicate, a.] 1. A divining or taking of omens by observing birds; an omen as to an undertaking, drawn from birds; an augury; an omen or sign in general; an indication as to the future. 2. Protection; patronage and care; guidance. Which by his auspice they will nobler make. Dryden. µ In this sense the word is generally plural, auspices; as, under the auspices of the king. AusÏpi¶cial (?), a. Of or pertaining to auspices; auspicious. [R.] AusÏpi¶cious (?), a. [See Auspice.] 1. Having omens or tokens of a favorable issue; giving promise of success, prosperity, or happiness; predicting good; as, an auspicious beginning. Auspicious union of order and freedom. Macaulay. 2. Prosperous; fortunate; as, auspicious years. ½Auspicious chief.¸ Dryden. 3. Favoring; favorable; propitious; Ð applied to persons or things. ½Thy auspicious mistress.¸ Shak. ½Auspicious gales.¸ Pope. Syn. - See Propitious. Ð AusÏpi¶ciousÏly, adv. Ð AusÏpi¶ciousÏness, n. Ø Aus¶ter (?), n. [L. auster a dry, hot, south wind; the south.] The south wind. Pope. AusÏtere¶ (?), [F. austŠre, L. austerus, fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to parch, dry. Cf. Sear.] 1. Sour and astringent; rough to the state; having acerbity; as, an austere crab apple; austere wine. 2. Severe in modes of judging, or living, or acting; rigid; rigorous; stern; as, an austere man, look, life. From whom the austere Etrurian virtue rose. Dryden. 3. Unadorned; unembellished; severely simple. Syn. - Harsh; sour; rough; rigid; stern; severe; rigorous; strict. AusÏtere¶ly, adv. Severely; rigidly; sternly. A doctrine austerely logical. Macaulay. AusÏtere¶ness, n. 1. Harshness or astringent sourness to the taste; acerbity. Johnson. 2. Severity; strictness; austerity. Shak. AusÏter¶iÏty (?), n.; pl. Austeries (?). [F. aust‚rit‚, L. austerias, fr. austerus. See Austere.] 1. Sourness and harshness to the taste. [Obs.] Horsley. 2. Severity of manners or life; extreme rigor or strictness; harsh discipline. The austerity of John the Baptist. Milton. 3. Plainness; freedom from adornment; severe simplicity. Partly owing to the studied austerity of her dress, and partly to the lack of demonstration in her manners. Hawthorne. Aus¶tin (?), a. Augustinian; as, Austin friars. Aus¶tral (?), a. [L. australis, fr. auster: cf. F. austral.] Southern; lying or being in the south; as, austral land; austral ocean. Austral signs (Astron.), the last six signs of the zodiac, or those south of the equator. Aus·tralÏa¶sian (?), a. Of or pertaining to Australasia; as, Australasian regions. Ð n. A native or an inhabitant of Australasia. AusÏtra¶liÏan (?), a. [From L. Terra Australis southern land.] Of or pertaining to Australia. Ð n. A native or an inhabitant of Australia. Aus¶tralÏize (?), v. i. [See Austral.] To tend toward the south pole, as a magnet. [Obs.] They [magnets] do septentrionate at one extreme, and australize at another. Sir T. Browne. Aus¶triÏan (?), a. Of or pertaining to Austria, or to its inhabitants. Ð n. A native or an inhabitant of Austria. Aus¶trine (?), n. [L. austrinus, from auster south.] Southern; southerly; austral. [Obs.] Bailey. Aus¶troÐHunÏga¶riÏan (?), a. Of or pertaining to the monarchy composed of Austria and Hungary. Aus¶troÏman·cy (?), n. [L. auster south wind + Ïmancy.] Soothsaying, or prediction of events, from observation of the winds. Au¶tarÏchy (?), n. [Gr. ? independence; ? self + ? to sufficient.] SelfÐsufficiency. [Obs.] Milton. AuÏthen¶tic (?), a. [OE. autentik, OF. autentique, F. authentique, L. authenticus coming from the real another, of original or firsthand authority, from Gr. ?, fr. ? suicide, a perpetrator or real author of any act, an absolute master; ? self + a form ? (not found), akin to L. sons and perh. orig. from the p. pr. of ? to be, root as, and meaning the one it really is. See Am, Sin, n., and cf. Effendi.] 1. Having a genuine original or authority, in opposition to that which is false, fictitious, counterfeit, or apocryphal; being what it purports to be; genuine; not of doubtful origin; real; as, an authentic paper or register. To be avenged On him who had stole Jove's authentic fire. Milton. 2. Authoritative. [Obs.] Milton. 3. Of approved authority; true; trustworthy; credible; as, an authentic writer; an authentic portrait; authentic information. 4. СКАЧАТЬ