Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (2nd 100 Pages). Noah Webster
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Название: Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (2nd 100 Pages)

Автор: Noah Webster

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066104665


СКАЧАТЬ equipoise; even adjustment of forces. [R.]


       Bal¶anÏcerÿ(?), n. 1. One who balances, or uses a balance.

       2. (Zo”l.) In Diptera, the rudimentary posterior wing.

       Bal¶anceÏreef· (?), n. (Naut.) The last reef in a foreÐandÐaft sail, taken to steady the ship.

       Bal¶ance wheel· (?). 1. (Horology) (a) A wheel which regulates the beats or pulses of a watch or chronometer, answering to the pendulum of a clock; Ð often called simply a balance. (b) A ratchetÐshaped scape wheel, which in some watches is acted upon by the axis of the balance wheel proper (in those watches called a balance).

       2. (Mach.) A wheel which imparts regularity to the movements of any engine or machine; a fly wheel.

       Bal·aÏnif¶erÏous (?), a. [L. balanus acorn + Ðferous.] Bearing or producing acorns.

       Bal¶aÏnite (?), n. [L. balanus acorn: cf. F. balanite.] (Paleon.) A fossil balanoid shell.

       ØBal·aÏnoÏglos¶susÿ(?), n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? acorn + ? tongue.] (Zo”l) A peculiar marine worm. See Enteropneusta, and Tornaria.

       Bal¶aÏnoid (?), a. [Gr. ? acorn + Ðoid.] (Zo”l.) Resembling an acorn; Ð applied to a group of barnacles having shells shaped like acorns. See Acornshell, and Barnacle.

       Bal¶as ru·by (?). [OE. bales, balais, F. balais, LL. balascus, fr. Ar. balakhsh, so called from Badakhshan, Balashan, or Balaxiam, a place in the neighborhood of Samarcand, where this ruby is found.] (Min.) A variety of spinel ruby, of a pale rose red, or inclining to orange. See Spinel.

       BaÏlaus¶tineÿ(?), n. [L. balaustium, Gr. ?.] (Bot.) The pomegranate tree (Punica granatum). The bark of the root, the rind of the fruit, and the flowers are used medicinally.

       BalÏbu¶tiÏate (?), BalÏbu¶ciÏnateÿ(?),} v.i. [L. balbutire, fr. balbus stammering: cf. F. balbutier.] To stammer. [Obs.]

       ØBalÏbu¶tiÏesÿ(?), n. (Med.) The defect of stammering; also, a kind of incomplete pronunciation.

       Bal¶conÿ(?), n. A balcony. [Obs.]


       Bal¶coÏniedÿ(?), a. Having balconies.

       Bal¶coÏny (?), n.; pl. Balconies (?). [It. balcone; cf. It. balco, palco, scaffold, fr. OHG. balcho, pa?cho, beam, G. balken. See Balk beam.] 1. (Arch.) A platform projecting from the wall of a building, usually resting on brackets or consoles, and inclosed by a parapet; as, a balcony in front of a window. Also, a projecting gallery in places of amusement; as, the balcony in a theater.

       2. A projecting gallery once common at the stern of large ships.

       µ ½The accent has shifted from the second to the first syllable within these twenty years.¸

       Smart (1836).

       Bald (?), a. [OE. balled, ballid, perh. the p.p. of ball to reduce to the roundness or smoothness of a ball, by removing hair. ?85. But cf. W. bali whiteness in a horse's forehead.] 1. Destitute of the natural or common covering on the head or top, as of hair, feathers, foliage, trees, etc.; as, a bald head; a bald oak.

       On the bald top of an eminence.


       2. Destitute of ornament; unadorned; bare; literal.

       In the preface to his own bald translation.


       3. Undisguised. ½ Bald egotism.¸


       4. Destitute of dignity or value; paltry; mean. [Obs.]

       5. (Bot.) Destitute of a beard or awn; as, bald wheat.

       6. (Zo”l.) (a) Destitute of the natural covering. (b) Marked with a white spot on the head; baldÐfaced.

       Bald buzzard (Zo”l.), the fishhawk or osprey. Ð Bald coot (Zo”l.), a name of the European coot (Fulica atra), alluding to the bare patch on the front of the head.

       Bal¶daÏchin (?), n. [LL. baldachinus, baldechinus, a canopy of rich silk carried over the host; fr. Bagdad, It. Baldacco, a city in Turkish Asia from whence these rich silks came: cf. It. baldacchino. Cf. Baudekin.] 1. A rich brocade; baudekin. [Obs.]

       2. (Arch.) A structure in form of a canopy, sometimes supported by columns, and sometimes suspended from the roof or projecting from the wall; generally placed over an altar; as, the baldachin in St. Peter's.

       3. A portable canopy borne over shrines, etc., in procession.

       [Written also baldachino, baldaquin, etc.]

       Bald¶ ea¶gle (?). (Zo”l.) The whiteÐheaded eagle (Hali‘etus ?eucocephalus) of America. The young, until several years old, lack the white feathers on the head.

       µ The bald eagle is represented in the coat of arms, and on the coins, of the United States.

       Bal¶der (?), n. [Icel. Baldr, akin to E. bold.] (Scan. Myth.) The most beautiful and beloved of the gods; the god of peace; the son of Odin and Freya. [Written also Baldur.]

       Bal¶derÏdash (?), n. [Of uncertain origin: cf. Dan. balder noise, clatter, and E. dash; hence, perhaps, unmeaning noise, then hodgepodge, mixture; or W. baldorduss a prattling, baldordd, baldorddi, to prattle.] 1. A worthless mixture, especially of liquors.

       Indeed beer, by a mixture of wine, hath lost both name and nature, and is called balderdash.

       Taylor (Drink and Welcome).

       2. Senseless jargon; ribaldry; nonsense; trash.

       Bal¶derÏdash (?), v.t. To mix or adulterate, as liquors.

       The wine merchants of Nice brew and balderdash, and even

       mix it with pigeon's dung and quicklime.


       Bald¶Ïfaced· (?), a. Having a white face or a white mark on the face, as a stag.

       Bald¶head·ÿ(?), n. 1. A person whose head is bald.

       2 Kings ii. 23.

       2. (Zo”l.) A whiteÐheaded variety of pigeon.

       Bald¶head·ed, a. Having a bald head.

       Bald¶ly, adv. Nakedly; without reserve; inelegantly.

       Bald¶ness, n. The state or condition of being bald; as, baldness of the head; baldness of style.

       This gives to their syntax a peculiar character of simplicity and baldness.

       W.D. Whitney.

       Bald¶pate· (?), n. 1. A baldheaded person.


       2. (Zo”l.) The American widgeon (Anas Americana).

       Bald¶pate· (?), Bald¶pat·ed (?), } a. Destitute of hair on the head; baldheaded.

