The Novels of Faith – Premium 7 Book Collection. Finley Martha
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Название: The Novels of Faith – Premium 7 Book Collection

Автор: Finley Martha

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Книги для детей: прочее


isbn: 9788075832368



       Table of Contents

      "Man is unjust, but God is just; and finally justice


       —LONGFELLOW'S Evangeline.

      "How disappointment tracks

       The steps of hope!"

       —MISS LANDON.

      One afternoon, the next week after the Carringtons had left, the younger members of the family, Arthur, Elsie, Walter and Enna, were setting out to take a walk, when Elsie, seeing a gold chain depending from the pocket of Arthur's jacket, exclaimed:

      "O Arthur! how could you take grandpa's watch? Do put it away, for you will be almost sure to injure it."

      "Hold your tongue, Elsie; I'll do as I please," was the polite rejoinder.

      "But, Arthur, you know that grandpa would never let you take it. I have often heard him say that it was very valuable, for it was seldom that so good a one could be had at any price; and I know that he paid a great deal for it."

      "Well, if he prizes it so, he needn't have left it lying on his table, and so I'll just teach him a lesson; it's about time he learnt to be careful."

      "O Arthur! do put it away," pleaded Elsie, "if anything should happen to it, what will grandpa say? I know he will be very angry, and ask us all who did it; and you know I cannot tell a lie, and if he asks me if it was you, I cannot say no."

      "Yes, I'll trust you for telling tales," replied Arthur, sneeringly; "but if you do, I'll pay you for it."

      He ran down the avenue as he spoke, Walter and Enna following, and Elsie slowly bringing up the rear, looking the picture of distress, for she knew not what to do, seeing that Arthur would not listen to her remonstrances, and, as often happened, all the older members of the family were out, and thus there was no authority that could be appealed to in time to prevent the mischief which she had every reason to fear would be done. Once she thought of turning back, that she might escape the necessity of being a witness in the case; but, remembering that her father told her she must walk with the others that afternoon, and also that, as she had already seen the watch in Arthur's possession, her testimony would be sufficient to convict him even if she saw no more, she gave up the idea, and hurried on, with the faint hope that she might be able to induce Arthur to refrain from indulging in such sports as would be likely to endanger the watch; or else to give it into her charge. At any other time she would have trembled at the thought of touching it; but now she felt so sure it would be safer with her than with him, that she would gladly have taken the responsibility.

      The walk was far from being a pleasure that afternoon; the boys ran so fast that it quite put her out of breath to keep up with them; and then every little while Arthur would cut some caper that made her tremble for the watch; answering her entreaties that he would either give it into her care or walk along quietly, with sneers and taunts, and declarations of his determination to do just exactly as he pleased, and not be ruled by her.

      But at length, while he was in the act of climbing a tree, the watch dropped from his pocket and fell to the ground, striking with considerable force.

      Elsie uttered a scream, and Arthur, now thoroughly frightened himself, jumped down and picked it up.

      The crystal was broken, the back dented, and how much the works were injured they could not tell; but it had ceased to run.

      "O Arthur! see what you've done!" exclaimed Walter.

      "What will papa say?" said Enna; while Elsie stood pale and trembling, not speaking a word.

      "You hush!" exclaimed Arthur fiercely. "I'll tell you what, if any of you dare to tell of me, I'll make you sorry for it to the last day of your life. Do you hear?"

      The question was addressed to Elsie in a tone of defiance.

      "Arthur," said she, "grandpa will know that somebody did it, and surely you would not wish an innocent person to be punished for your fault."

      "I don't care who gets punished, so that papa does not find out that I did it," said he furiously; "and if you dare to tell of me, I'll pay you for it."

      "I shall say nothing, unless it becomes necessary to save the innocent, or I am forced to speak; but in that case I shall tell the truth," replied Elsie, firmly.

      Arthur doubled up his fist, and made a plunge at her as if he meant to knock her down; but Elsie sprang behind the tree, and then ran so fleetly toward the house that he was not able to overtake her until his passion had had time to cool.

      When they reached the house, Arthur replaced the watch on his father's table, whence he had taken it, and then they all awaited his return with what courage they might.

      "I say, Wally," said Arthur, drawing his little brother aside and speaking in a low tone, having first sent a cautious glance around to assure himself that no one else was within hearing; "I say, what would you give me for that new riding whip of mine?"

      "O Arthur! anything I've got," exclaimed the little boy eagerly. "But you wouldn't give it up, I know, and you're only trying to tease me."

      "No, indeed, Wal; I mean to give it to you if you'll only be a good fellow and do as I tell you."

      "What?" he asked, with intense interest.

      "Tell papa that Jim broke the watch."

      "But he didn't" replied the child, opening his eyes wide with astonishment.

      "Well, what of that, you little goose?" exclaimed Arthur impatiently; "papa doesn't know that."

      "But Jim will get punished," said Walter, "and I don't want to tell such a big story either."

      "Very well, sir, then you'll not get the whip; and, besides, if you don't do as I wish, I'm certain you'll see a ghost one of these nights; for there's one comes to see me sometimes, and I'll send him right off to you."

      "Oh! don't, Arthur, don't; I'd die of fright," cried the little boy, who was very timid, glancing nervously around, as if he expected the ghost to appear immediately.

      "I tell you I will, though, if you don't do as I say; he'll come this very night and carry you off, and never bring you back."

      "O Arthur! don't let him come, and I'll say anything you want me to," cried the little fellow in great terror.

      "That's a good boy; I knew you would," said Arthur, smiling triumphantly. And turning away from Walter, he next sought out Enna, and tried his threats and persuasions upon her with even better success.

      Elsie had gone directly to her own room, where she sat trembling every time a footstep approached her door, lest it should be a messenger from her grandfather. No one came, however, and at last the tea-bell rang, and on going down she found to her relief that her grandfather and his wife had not yet returned.

      "You look pale, Elsie," said her father, giving her a scrutinizing glance as she took her seat by his side. "Are you well?"

      "Yes, papa, quite well," she replied.

      He СКАЧАТЬ