The Travels and Adventures of James Massey. Simon Tyssot de Patot
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Название: The Travels and Adventures of James Massey

Автор: Simon Tyssot de Patot

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066220433


СКАЧАТЬ we did not find it a very hard Matter to get Food for our Company. These agreeable Occupations, which would have been a very great Pleasure to another Person, delighted me for a few Days; but I was soon weary of this Life, and my Curiosity to penetrate farther into a Country, where I did not imagine any body had ever been, made me resolve to abandon my Comrades, tho' I was not willing to put so rash a Design in Execution by my self. I therefore communicated my Design to two, that I thought the most resolute, who were overjoy'd with my Proposal, and declar'd to me severally, that they had entertain'd the same Thought, but were afraid to trust it to a third Person. Accordingly the Affair was concluded, upon Oath not to divulge it; and after we had promis'd to be true to each other, we went to rest, fully purposing to be gone as soon as possible.

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