Eighteen Wheel Avenger. William W. Johnstone
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Название: Eighteen Wheel Avenger

Автор: William W. Johnstone

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Исторические приключения

Серия: Rig Warrior

isbn: 9780786047970


СКАЧАТЬ to kick your face in,” Barry told the man. “But I feel sorry for you. If I was taking this fight seriously, you’d be dead by now.”

      “I think I’d pay heed to his words,” Cottonmouth suggested. He finally had managed to get his boot on.

      “Stay out of this, you damn hog-hauler!” The ETMF man got to his feet and assumed the classic boxer’s stance, shuffling toward Barry.

      Barry kicked him on the kneecap and clubbed him on the neck with a balled fist as the driver went down.

      “Driver,” Barry told him, “I don’t want to hurt you. Let’s just call this off before you make me mad.”

      A crowd had gathered and several drivers stepped in and pulled the ETMF man to his feet. His eyes looked glazed.

      “That’s it,” a driver said. “It’s over. You gonna get hurt bad if you keep this up.”

      “Suits the hell outta me,” the ETMF man agreed.

      “Put some ice on that knee,” Barry told him. “Keep it from stiffening up.”

      “You a wahoo, boy,” Cottonmouth said, stepping forward and extending his hand. Barry shook it. “What’s your handle?”

      “Dog,” Barry told him.

      “You two gonna kiss each other?” Kate asked, disgust in her voice.

      Barry looked at her. “Miss, has anybody ever told you that you’re a little troublemaker?”

      “Has anybody ever told you to go get fucked!” she hollered at him, then whirled around and marched toward the truck stop restaurant.

      “Kate!” Cottonmouth yelled, stopping her. “Tell Big Joe I’ll be in soon as I drop this load off in Beaumont. That is, if he still wants to hire me.”

      “He does. And bring hotshot there with you. That is, if he’s got the balls to drive for a real outfit.”

      Barry smiled at her. “You’d be surprised what I can drive, Spitfire.”

      “You probably couldn’t drive a vacuum cleaner around a livin’ room!” She marched off into the truck stop.

      “Kate Sherman,” Cottonmouth said. “She’s really something, ain’t she?”

      Barry just looked at him. He reserved comment.

      “Rods that big Kenworth up and down the highways better than most men. Been with Rivers Trucking ever since she was a kid. One hundred and ten percent loyal to Big Joe. She likes you, too, Dog.”

      “Likes me!” Barry almost shouted the words. “What the hell would she do if she disliked me—shoot me?”

      “Probably,” Cottonmouth drawled. “She does carry a gun in her boot.”


      “I-7,” Jackson told Barry and Lieutenant Cutter over breakfast the next morning. “One man was killed when you slapped the car off the road. Two were, we guess, pretty badly injured. That’s based on the amount of blood in the car. The dead man was left. The two injured were probably taken to a doctor with IRA ties.”

      “Then this I-7 has a strong network in this country,” Barry said. Statement, not a question.

      “Oh, absolutely.” Jackson was emphatic on that point. “As does the Islamic Army, the Bader-Meinhof gang, the Red Brigade—you name some terrorist group, and you’ll find support for it somewhere in America. And a hell of a lot of support for the PLO.”

      “What’s the word on leaks from the SST drivers?” Cutter asked.

      “Nothing. A stone wall. But the SST drivers who were just about fifteen minutes behind you the other night”—he looked at Barry—“have all been reassigned. It was done quietly so as not to tip their hand. For the next few months, they’ll be hauling retired weapons, taking them to the scrap pile. It’s routine; all SST drivers do it at one time or another.”

      “Now what do we do?” Barry asked.

      “You’ll be hauling real weapons, M-16s, to the docks in New York City, for shipment overseas. We’ve deliberately let it leak about your cargo. So heads up, you’re going to be hit.”

      “I’m not going to play this by any legal rules,” Barry warned the government man. “Let’s get that settled right now. I’m carte blanche on anything I do. Those were the terms of my agreement.”

      Jackson looked pained. He shifted his eyes to Cutter, then back to Barry. “We’d like to get enough on some people for convictions, Dog.”

      “Screw convictions. I intend to give them convictions with a bullet right between the eyes. Tell your legal department to stay the hell out of our way.”

      Jackson dropped his eyes. He knew Barry called the shots. That was the deal that had been made. And the administration that had made the deal was going to be in charge for a long time. Presidents might change, but the policy would not.

      Jackson had been there. He recalled the conversation word for word: “Country has gone to hell, Barry,” the President had said. “We’re slowly bringing the nation back to dead center, but the liberals are fighting us tooth and claw all the way. We’re losing some ground, gaining in some other areas. You might be able to help. Are you interested?”

      “Do I have a choice?”

      “Yes,” the Man was quick to reply. “You hear me out. Then, if you’re not interested, you’re suddenly located in a hospital where you’ve been in a coma for months.”

      Barry listened. Smiled occasionally.

      When the President was finished, Barry said, “I call the shots. I don’t play by any rules. Person needs killing, I kill them. Courts turn loose a scumbag, if I’m close, he’s dead. I am on my own. I am judge, jury, and executioner. Sometimes I might be called on to assist the government. That’s fine. Just keep the social-moaners and weepers away from me.”

      The President had smiled. Made Jackson uncomfortable as hell.

      The Man had said, “You will never see me again. I never heard of you. Your contact is Weston or Jackson. I never want to hear from you.”

      “Fine with me.”

      “You get out of control, and you’re dead within twenty-four hours.”

      “I understand.”

      “You won’t reconsider and have a partner?”

      “I have a partner?”

      “Oh? Who?”


      He had shaken the President’s hand. “Glad to have you with us, Barry.”

      “Call me Dog.”

      Jackson mentally СКАЧАТЬ