October Ghosts. Jenny Plumb
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Название: October Ghosts

Автор: Jenny Plumb

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Campus Life

isbn: 9781645636052


СКАЧАТЬ for now," Paula answered, leading the way.

      They had the elevator to themselves, and they took it up to the seventh floor. Braden unlocked their room and went in, followed by the others.

      Paula put her bag on the bed closest to the window. "We're not really here to sleep, but if we get too tired to stay awake, Olivia and I will take this one." Then she pointed to the one closest to the door. "Seth and Jessie can have that one."

      "What about Braden?" Olivia asked, setting her bag next to Paula's.

      "He'll be staying awake to film, but if he does doze off, he'll be in the chair." Paula pointed to a cushy office chair pushed under the room's small desk.

      Braden nodded and opened his large black suitcase. It held an expensive-looking camcorder, a collapsible tripod, and rolls of cords and wires.

      While Braden started setting up equipment, Paula got out her notebook and said, "I'm going to give you guys a little history to set the mood."

      Seth and Jessie both sat on the edge of their bed, while Olivia went to stand by the window and look out at the city, more interested in the view the hotel had to offer than the supposed past ghost sightings.

      Paula's voice took on a slightly lower pitch as she read. "A man named Simon Benson had this hotel built back in 1912, and he ran it for several years before selling it. Many people report seeing his ghost. It's most often seen on the seventh, ninth, and twelfth floors or the main stairway. He's a thin man in a tailored business suit of the time. And he's usually seen at the end of a hall, turning a corner. On the stairway, people often say they feel a tap on the back of their shoulder, but when they turn, no one is there. Simon was well known to speak on the evils of alcohol, and down in the bar, people often complain that drinks are pushed out of their hands or tipped over on the table when they hadn't touched them.

      "On the ninth floor specifically, people often report seeing a little boy. The general consensus is that it's one of Simon's sons who wanted to stay with his father. No one has ever felt a malevolence from the child ghost, just playfulness. He likes to move small belongings around the rooms on the ninth floor, like cell phones, wallets, and jewelry, but nothing ever goes missing."

      "That's it?" Jessie asked. "No gruesome deaths or vengeful spirits?"

      "I'm afraid not," Paula said. "That will be next Saturday's adventure. We're starting with the tamest of the bunch first."

      Jessie nodded. "That's fair. So what's the plan?"

      "We're on the seventh floor, so once Braden has the camcorder ready, we'll all walk the length of the hall together. Then we'll use the stairs to go to the ninth and walk all around that floor. Then up to the twelfth. If we haven't seen or heard anything supernatural by then, we'll go back to the lobby and check out the original staircase. Then we may split up to see if that gets us any results."

      Braden held up a small camcorder. "This is an extra. If we end up splitting up."

      "Sounds great," Jessie said. "I'm ready."

      "But first," Paula said, "a libation."

      Olivia frowned. She wasn't certain, but she thought that meant alcohol, and she didn't approve. She was pretty sure they were all underage, with the possible exception of Seth, and if Paula was serious about her project, she should want everyone to be sober.

      "Libation?" Jessie asked.

      "Did you bring it?" Paula asked Braden. He nodded and pulled a plastic bottle of vodka out of a side pocket on his suitcase.

      "We'll toast the ghosts of the hotel and then all take a shot," Paula said.

      "I don't drink," Olivia said.

      "Neither do I," Seth added.

      Olivia smiled with approval at his quick response.

      Seth continued. "Besides, a libation in the literal sense is an offering that you pour out. So if you wanted to pour booze down the sink in honor of the ghosts, then sure, that's a libation."

      Paula scowled. "I guess we could pour one shot down the sink."

      "That would be a waste of perfectly good vodka," Braden argued. "There's no reason not to toast them and then drink it."

      Paula smiled. "Come on, guys, just one shot?"

      "I'll take one," Jessie said.

      Olivia pursed her lips and walked directly over to her friend and fellow sub. There was no way she was letting Jessie make that kind of mistake without trying to stop him. She leaned down and whispered in his ear, "You do, and I'll tell Angie." She stood back up, crossed her arms, and glared at him.

      Jessie shook his head and glared back at her for a few seconds. When she didn't back down, he broke eye contact and sighed. "Never mind," he said. "I'll stick with soda."

      Nodding once, Olivia went back to stand by the window and noticed Seth giving her a smile of approval.

      "What a bunch of pussies," Braden muttered as he turned over two of the glasses on the counter to pour shots.

      Seth's voice was dripping with sarcasm as he said, "Yeah, because doing the right thing is totally a pussy move." He turned to Paula. "I'm not going to stay if tonight is all about getting drunk."

      "No, please don't go," Paula said, sounding sincere. "We're not pressuring anyone into drinking." She scowled at Braden and said, "Apologize."

      Sighing, Braden, muttered, "Sorry," before downing his shot in one gulp and then pouring another.

      Jessie stood and said, "We could still join in the toast with something non-alcoholic. Since Simon Benson was anti-alcohol, maybe toasting him with soda will make him more likely to appear."

      Paula grinned. "That's a good point."

      "We can get some soda from the vending machine," Seth added.

      Soon Olivia was holding her plastic cup of Sprite up in a toast with her friends. Jessie appeared to be somewhat disgruntled about his Sprite, since Paula and Braden both had vodka, but Olivia was still glad she'd talked him out of drinking.

      Paula said, "Thank you to Mr. Benson for creating such a wonderful building that has stood for over a hundred years and given millions of people luxurious shelter for the night. Cheers!"

      "Cheers," they all said and clinked glasses before taking a drink.

      "All right," Jessie said, setting his glass down and rubbing his hands together. "Let's go see some ghosts."

      Paula walked to the door but didn't open it. "Remember to keep your voices down. If we get complaints, we may be asked to leave. Braden will stay in the back of the group to film, and if we run into any other guests, he'll hide the camcorder. Technically, I don't think we're supposed to be filming here." She opened the door, and they all gathered in the hall.

      "This way." Paula pointed down the long hallway, and Jessie fell in step next to her.

      Olivia followed behind them with a smile. She wasn't expecting to see anything supernatural, but she was still excited to explore the hotel.