Sin and Scandal. Carol Storm
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Название: Sin and Scandal

Автор: Carol Storm

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9781645635376


СКАЧАТЬ just a cook. She looked more like an Italian movie star. She was dressed in dark blue pajamas just like Crystal May's. But instead of being small and fair, this girl was tall and dark with curly black hair and a real ripe pair of melons.

      "Why are delivery boys off limits?" Crystal May asked, as they were walking down the hall to the kitchen. Everything looked mighty clean and neat. There were no spider webs anywhere and the floors were all waxed, with a real nice smell like lemons. Every time they passed a door, Crystal May wondered who was inside. Were they all just runaway girls like her, sleeping late in their pajamas? Or was something else going on that she didn't know about?

      "No smoking, no screwing, no drugs. No drinking alcohol unless you're dining with Madame and the other staff … or with our guests. And when you meet our regulars, honey, you'll see right away why delivery boys are a total waste of time. I'm talking gorgeous guys with tons of cash."

      Crystal May put the brakes on sudden like, folding her slim white arms over her breasts. "This here ain't any kind of school. This is a whorehouse, ain't it? Well, I told Madame Charles I wouldn't be no part of it. I'm not sleeping with any rich man for money!" She stamped her foot, but it didn't make much of a noise because she was wearing fluffy bedroom slippers with furry bottoms. Stomping the freshly waxed floor didn't hurt the hallway none. It did hurt her foot some, though.

      Carla Brunelli rolled her eyes. They were as black as licorice. "God, you are such a hillbilly! Listen, dumbbell, a whorehouse is where they pay you to have sex. And you have to have sex with any trick who asks, no matter how old or mean or fat or disgusting the guy happens to be. What happens here at Madame Madeline's is totally different. Us lucky girls get paid to behave properly, and wear nice clothes and act like young ladies. And if we don't follow all the rules just right, we get spanked. Now there are guys who pay a huge amount of money to Madame Charles, just so they can do the spanking. And there are other guys who pay just as much money to watch. It's like live theater, and to do it right you have to be taught how to sit, stand, and talk like a real classy actress. And the best part is, sometimes the guys who watch get really crazy about you and want to take you out on dates. And boy, oh boy, is it better than turning tricks or working in a strip club."

      "I reckon so." Crystal May didn't quite follow that last bit, but she felt deep down that Carla must have been in a whorehouse or a strip club not long ago. It made her sad and a mite ashamed. Nothing was more sinful than being lucky and not even being thankful for it. "Aren't there some girls who never get spanked? I mean, girls who just cook and clean and do household chores?"

      Carla grinned, a real sly but friendly kind of grin, and pinched one of Crystal May's cheeks. "Just wait, baby doll. In two weeks you'll be begging for a spanking and a show!"

      When she put on a hair net, and rubber gloves for her hands, Crystal May felt mighty proud. She was doing honest work, and she didn't need to be a part of anybody's show. That was how she felt washing dishes for a solid week. And mopping floors for a second week. And vacuuming and dusting all up and down the stairs for a week after that. And then straight back to the kitchen, standing over the sink for hours with aching shoulders and big black sweat patches under her arms.

      It wasn't all hard work, of course. Madame Madeline kept her promises about schooling and becoming a proper lady. Crystal May had to laugh when she thought of how nice it felt to get out of kitchen overalls and put on a nice dress and sit down to a proper meal with the other girls … until the real teaching got started!

      Some things came easy, like using the right forks or spoons, sitting up straight and so on. But the girls were expected to talk over dinner, or even lunch. They had to use educated language, and it was very hard work. The first thing Crystal May cut out was saying "ain't." Then she had to work on enriching her vocabulary. Instead of being hungry she was famished. And she couldn't be "mighty" hungry either. She worked from dawn to dusk, from sunrise to sunset, and she was always either "terribly" hungry or "dreadfully" tired. The food was divine, but mealtime was not a break. Madame Madeline and her assistants carried a pack of cards everywhere they went, and on every card was a word a girl would want to employ frequently. Crystal May reckoned – no, she imagined – that in a few months she would look and sound exactly like a fine lady from a fancy college back east.

      Either that or her bottom would be red as a lobster. The girls who couldn't come up with a fancy word at the dinner table got a demerit. There were more demerits for girls who cursed or used slang or exhibited poor posture. Even girls who tried very hard were sure to get demerits for every little thing they did wrong. And when enough demerits piled up, it was time for a spanking.

      "Getting hungry, Goldilocks?"

      "Hello, Carla." Crystal May smiled, but she didn't cry out "hey there!" That was bad vocabulary. She was entitled to a short break every hour, but Madame didn't like girls congregating in the kitchen. And she certainly didn't like to see them eating chocolate bars!

      "Where did you get these?" The slim blonde asked, her blue eyes lighting up as she quickly unwrapped the forbidden treat. She had gone four weeks without a spanking and she was really mighty proud ... certainly quite pleased with herself.

      But she had been dreaming of junk food the entire time.

      "Right out there." Big beautiful Carla's sun-browned cheeks bulged out as she stuffed half the candy bar into her mouth at one time. With her thumb she pointed to the delivery truck outside. "Let's see if we can get them to leave us some cookies for after lights out!"

      "We really shouldn't, Carla." Crystal May nibbled on her chocolate bar, savoring the taste. "You know Madame is always watching."

      "Not today she's not," Carla snorted. "She's got some big law-enforcement type in her office. I think she's trying to convince the guy that we're really a private school!" The sexy Italian girl rolled her eyes as if Madame Madeline's wonderful school was really just a nasty old whorehouse.

      "We are a school," Crystal May said, in an injured tone. "We learn new things every day!"

      "I'll say." Carla wolfed down the rest of her chocolate. "Are you coming outside, baby doll?"

      "Oh, no, I really shouldn't. I have so much work to do!"

      "Well, I'll see you later then, honey. There's more to life than scrubbing pots and pans!"

      "Be careful!" Crystal May felt torn as she watched Carla scamper off to flirt with the boys. She wasn't trying to escape or anything, but even just talking to a delivery boy would get her in trouble. Carla knew that, of course. She was the one who had taught Crystal May all the rules weeks ago. The shy country girl felt mighty obliged — deeply grateful — to the sexy, wise-cracking big-city girl. But it was more than that. She looked up to Carla like a big sister. And she didn't understand why her best friend had gotten so careless lately.

      Crystal May sat down on a low stool behind the kitchen door, frowning as she finished her candy bar with dainty little bites. Maybe the reason Carla was getting such an attitude lately was because she had gotten off kitchen duty and gone back to doing shows. The girls who performed in public always enjoyed their extra privileges. But was it really worth it?

      "... and it's certainly better than being a checkout girl or working at a fast food place," a very sexy and cultivated female voice was saying. Someone was coming down the hall. Crystal May cringed, but there was no place to run. She hoped Madame Madeline wouldn't see her!

      "Crystal May? What on earth are you doing back there?" Madame peeked around the kitchen door. Her kindly dark eyes were puzzled at first, then indignant. "Eating chocolate, I see. Do you have any idea СКАЧАТЬ