Bound To Protect. Anya Summers
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Название: Bound To Protect

Автор: Anya Summers

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Crescent City Kings

isbn: 9781645634690


СКАЧАТЬ what Sabrina earned normally, it would have taken her two years of hustling and working extra hours to afford half of these products, let alone a full spa treatment like today.

      The simple jeans and knit top in a pale mauve that she wore hardly complemented the job the spa personnel had done on her. She felt sexy and powerful in her womanhood for the first time in her life. It was a heady experience.

      “You’ll come see us again, Miss Sabrina. We enjoyed having you with us today,” the makeup technician, Sandy, stated kindly as she walked her to the front of the spa.

      “Yes. I would like that very much.” More than the woman could possibly imagine.

      “Great. Why don’t we book another appointment for you? If you need to cancel or reschedule, you just need to do it twenty-four hours in advance. Would you like to book for next month?” Sandy asked her with a smile.

      Her knee jerk reaction was to dismiss it and say no, that she couldn’t afford it. But that was the old Sabrina. A month from now, money wasn’t going to be an issue. Heck, it wasn’t one now, with the advance she had already been given that was sitting in her account. “That would be lovely. I would enjoy that very much.”

      “Perfect. Let me just get you scheduled. Your boyfriend already took care of the bill.” Sandy nodded past her.

      Sabrina looked into the small waiting area. Dante rose, and his gaze caressed her from head to toe. She shivered at the approval in his dark stare and the way his eyes stopped at her lips that were painted a pale mauve and, with a few tricks of makeup, looked even plumper than normal. The praise in Dante’s perusal, the hot flicker of lust he doused quickly, pleased her the most, because it seemed he was remembering their kiss, and hungered for another taste.

      Everything inside Sabrina longed to feel his mouth against hers once more, and craved his kiss with wild abandon. It was wrong that she wanted him when she was supposed to be acting like another man’s fiancée. But she also couldn’t deny how she felt, or what being near him did to her.

      “You look lovely,” Dante murmured, his regard warm, like molten dark chocolate.

      “Here’s a reminder card with your appointment. We’ll call you as well.” Sandy handed Sabrina the wallet-sized card with the date scrawled on it.

      “Thanks so much. I’ve had the best time.”

      “Let me take those for you.” Dante took the bags from her hands and whisked her out the door to his waiting vehicle.

      “Did you enjoy yourself?” he asked, storing her packages in the trunk.

      “Very much. Thank you for today. I feel like a princess,” Sabrina admitted, suddenly worried that it was all some fantastical dream. That she would wake up in her bed and be staring at eviction notices once more.

      Back in the driver’s seat, once they were both buckled in, Dante left the parking lot and said, “You certainly look like a princess now. But today’s not over yet, we’ve plenty more on the agenda. I got us a lunch reservation at Commander’s Palace. I hope that’s suitable for you.”

      Her mouth dropped open. “Commander’s Palace? Really?”

      He slanted her a look as he drove. “Is that a problem? It’s close to the penthouse, and I thought we could drop your things off there after we eat before we head out to some of the clothing shops I had in mind for today. That way, the stuff in the back won’t melt and leak out all over my upholstery.”

      “No. No problem with eating there. I’ve never been, and know that it’s pricy,” Sabrina replied, and wanted to kick herself. Of course, he wouldn’t think about the cost. He and Michael had loads of money.

      “You don’t have to worry about money, Sabrina. With this deal, you won’t have to worry about it ever again,” Dante said with a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

      “But I don’t know that I’m dressed properly for a restaurant of that caliber.” She glanced down at her clothes, thinking they resembled those of a street waif, and not someone who frequented an establishment like Commander’s Palace.

      Dante shrugged. “We have a private room. And you look edible. There’s nothing wrong with the way you look.”

      She wasn’t going to point out that her clothes were old and heading toward threadbare. If he didn’t care what she wore to a place like that, then she wouldn’t either. “So, I have a question.”


      “How long have you and Michael been together, and been adding a woman to your bedroom activities?”

      Dante laughed. Eyeing his profile, she watched as crinkle lines appeared next to his eyes while he pulled into a parking space near the restaurant. He turned her way and shoved his sunglasses up on his forehead, giving her the full brunt of his stare. “Michael and I have been topping submissives together for eight years now, but we aren’t a couple, not in the traditional sense of the word.”

      Confused, she scrunched her forehead. “But… I don’t understand. You live together and sleep in the same room. I know you’re into BDSM, and I just figured that…”

      “Love, do you really think either Michael or I could be a submissive?” He bit his bottom lip as he grinned, like he was trying not to laugh outright at her assumption.

      Yes, she had believed they were lovers and brought a woman into their bed occasionally. But the knowledge that she had been wrong in her assumption, that the only sex stuff they did was with a woman between them and that was it, altered everything. Not that there would have been anything wrong with it if she been right, but this still changed it for her. Especially since there was a part of Sabrina that yearned to be the woman between them. “Yeah, I guess not, but you don’t have a permanent woman… sorry, submissive, in your lives. Why is that?”

      A shadow passed over his gaze and then was squelched before he responded. “Because in the real world, a ménage relationship doesn’t work for most people, and that’s what it would be. A submissive committing herself to both Michael and me, and it’s a lot to take on—we are a lot to take on. One of the reasons we’re in this mess is because of archaic preconceived notions about what a committed adult relationship is supposed to look like. The submissive would also need to have a healthy appetite for sex, as we’re both demanding in that regard. Most women can’t handle being with two dominant men for more than a few nights.”

      “But what about things like marriage and kids? I mean, Michael is one of the most eligible bachelors in the world. And you’re no slouch yourself. I’m surprised women aren’t beating down your door.” There was a part of Sabrina that was infinitely jealous of whoever the lucky lady would be who would steal their hearts and complete their triad.

      “Of course we want that. In our situation, it would be Michael who would marry, but I would do a civil ceremony as well. The mystery woman would be wife to us both, bear children for us both,” Dante explained, studying her with that intense gaze of his and watching her reaction.

      “Oh,” she replied with a whisper, imagining the kind of security that would offer; that there would always be someone available to lean on. No more having to figure everything out alone and pray that she was making the right choices. Inside, she was jumping up and down, yelling: pick me, pick me!

      A sly, seductive СКАЧАТЬ