The Old Girls' Network. Judy Leigh
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Название: The Old Girls' Network

Автор: Judy Leigh

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Контркультура


isbn: 9781838895648


СКАЧАТЬ train arrives on Thursday at one thirty. Of course, it doesn’t come as far as Winsley Green because you haven’t got a station there, so you’ll have to pick me up in Taunton. One thirty sharp.’

      ‘But how long will you stay? I’ll have to get the spare room ready and do some shopping. I haven’t got any vegetables in…’

      ‘Oh, never mind about that.’ Barbara’s tone was irritable. ‘Just be there. I’ve no idea how long I’ll be staying. The woman next door will keep an eye on my little place.’ There was a pause and when her voice returned to the earpiece, Barbara sounded strangely cheerful. ‘I’m actually looking forward to the break. Do you know, Pauline, we might even enjoy ourselves.’

      Pauline pulled a face: she wasn’t sure. She could imagine Barbara in Douglas’ favourite chair in the lounge, her feet up, sipping the Christmas sherry while Pauline rushed around obeying orders.


      ‘That’s settled then. Thursday, Taunton station. Don’t be late.’

      Pauline wondered if her sister was pausing to smile or to clench her teeth, then she heard her add, ‘There’s a dear girl. Goodbye.’

      Pauline put the phone back softly into its cradle and stood still for a moment. She wondered what the next few days would bring. Barbara was coming to stay, and she had no idea for how long. She breathed in, pushed back her shoulders and tried a smile. It might be nice seeing Barbara again; it would certainly be pleasant to have another person in the house, another voice. But Barbara could be quite difficult.

      Pauline considered for a moment and resolved to be positive. They were sisters, after all, both in their seventies now: it was about time she tried again to close the gulf between them: Barbara couldn’t do it. She was by nature a little prickly and Pauline thought it might be the right thing to do, to try to connect. They were the only local family either of them had now, after all, Jessica being so far away.

      The word family made Pauline frown thoughtfully. Most sisters usually had something in common; there was usually an opinion they shared, a hobby, a memory. But not Pauline and Barbara. They couldn’t be more different. It would be an interesting challenge though, to try to befriend her unfriendly sister.

      Pauline moved to the sink and began to dry her teacup. She stared out of the window at the bleak grey sky. Len had been right – there would be ice, cold in the air, even a storm coming. Pauline expected the worst.


      Barbara was not enjoying the journey. The carriage from Cambridge smelled of stale cheese which she believed came from the perspiration of too-closely-seated unwashed bodies. The man who sat hunched opposite her had a laptop on the table and it hogged the entire space, so there was hardly any room for her small handbag. Then a teenager in the seat across the aisle continued to chatter on her phone about her disastrous shopping trip, despite the fact that it was the quiet carriage. After five minutes, Barbara was forced to tap her on the shoulder and point to the sign, but the young woman continued to gabble about tacky handbags and oversized leopard-print onesies.

      Barbara spent the rest of the journey thinking about Pauline. As a child, she’d always called her younger sister ‘Pud’, a clumsy attempt at an affectionate abbreviation, but when Pauline became a slightly pudgy adolescent, the nickname had made her cry. Barbara smiled: it was even more appropriate once she became Mrs Pye. Mrs Pudding Pye. But it hurt her sister’s feelings each time she slipped into the childish pet name. Barbara decided she’d try her best not to upset Pauline this time. Now was about mending a fragmented past; about closing the distance that had developed between them, due to neglect, due to not noticing the passing of time, having little or no practice at being proper sisters. She brought her lips together in a straight line: so far, she hadn’t had much success. But she would try harder now. They didn’t have much in common, though. Pauline was a widow, all alone now her daughter was in New Zealand. Barbara wondered how well her sister coped, living in the sticks so far from civilisation.

      It was a shame about Douglas. Barbara was not sure how happy their marriage had been, but at least Pauline had married. She’d had a child, Jessica, who had completely enveloped her for eighteen years. Then Jessica looked for a new opportunity and found it with her husband and young family, working with horses abroad. Barbara remembered Pauline and Douglas, first married, a white wedding, Pauline in a stiff ivory dress. The memory dissolved and she recalled herself as a young woman, brisk and slim, attractive in her uniform, remembering the warm feeling that came from the first hesitant glances of admiration from a dashing young officer.

      But that was behind her now. Her heart had hardened and that was all for the best. Pauline would have to do the same now she had no one left to love apart from a daughter who lived abroad. Barbara knew that her sister wasn’t the type to jet off to New Zealand twice a year; she’d have to be resilient, on her own for most of the time, contented with phone calls on a Sunday. Barbara thought her sister was far too sensitive for her own good.

      On the platform, Barbara placed her case on the ground and stared at the sign which hung down from the iron rafters of the station. The train would arrive in forty-five minutes at platform seven. When she had bought her ticket and chosen to go via Reading, she’d noticed that the change of trains did not include a wait. A female voice over the speakers announced that there were unforeseeable circumstances and the connection would be delayed. There was no apology, no regretful tone, just a flat statement of facts. She inhaled, breathed out sharply. She wouldn’t be in Taunton until after half past two. Pauline would be kept waiting.

      Barbara had invested in one of those mobile phones that young people carried all the time, but she rarely used it. She’d rather talk to people directly. Besides, they were complicated things with small buttons, and she didn’t have the patience to mess about with it. It was at the bottom of her handbag. Barbara wondered if she should use it now. Pauline had one: she could ring her and say she’d been delayed at Reading.

      A slim man in a high-visibility jacket walked past, ginger hair sticking out like sprigs of hay from his cap. Barbara accosted him as he drew level.

      ‘Excuse me. Are you a railway man?’

      He was pale faced, a few red dots of acne on his nose. Barbara decided he must be a teenager. His mouth had an unpleasant sneer.

      ‘I’m a customer service assistant, madam.’

      Barbara extended herself to her full height, easily five feet ten inches. ‘Well I’m a customer. And I’d like to know what’s holding up the service. Why is the train to Taunton delayed for so long?’

      ‘Problems on the line, madam.’

      Barbara sniffed. ‘I didn’t think it was Santa Claus. What problems?’

      The young man seemed to notice her for the first time. His eyes were expressionless, like those of a cod in a fish shop window.

      ‘I think there’s a body on the line, madam.’

      Barbara gasped. ‘What? A dead one? That’s a thoughtless thing to do. Can’t someone just take it away?’

      The young man shrugged. ‘Matter for the police, madam. And forensics. I expect the front of the train will need cleaning.’

      Barbara’s eyes widened. ‘But what about my journey to Taunton? I am being met at the station.’

      ‘I СКАЧАТЬ