Myths of the Norsemen - From the Eddas and Sagas. H. A. Guerber
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Название: Myths of the Norsemen - From the Eddas and Sagas

Автор: H. A. Guerber

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Сказки


isbn: 9781473370814


СКАЧАТЬ second eye, the moon, shines not so bright;

      It has he placed in pledge in Mimer’s fountain,

      That he may fetch the healing waters thence,

      Each morning, for the strengthening of this eye.”

      Oehlenschläger (Howitt’s tr.).

      Drinking deeply of Mimir’s fount, Odin gained the knowledge he coveted, and he never regretted the sacrifice he had made, but as further memorial of that day broke off a branch of the sacred tree Yggdrasil, which overshadowed the spring, and fashioned from it his beloved spear Gungnir.

      “A dauntless god

      Drew for drink to its gleam,

      Where he left in endless

      Payment the light of an eye.

      From the world-ash

      Ere Wotan went he broke a bough;

      For a spear the staff

      He split with strength from the stem.”

      Dusk of the Gods, Wagner (Forman’s tr.).

      But although Odin was now all-wise, he was sad and oppressed, for he had gained an insight into futurity, and had become aware of the transitory nature of all things, and even of the fate of the gods, who were doomed to pass away. This knowledge so affected his spirits that he ever after wore a melancholy and contemplative expression.

      To test the value of the wisdom he had thus obtained, Odin went to visit the most learned of all the giants, Vafthrudnir, and entered with him into a contest of wit, in which the stake was nothing less than the loser’s head.

      “Odin rose with speed, and went

      To contend in runic lore

      With the wise and crafty Jute.

      To Vafthrudni’s royal hall

      Came the mighty king of spells.”

      Vafthrudni’s-mal (W. Taylor’s tr.).

      Odin and Vafthrudnir

      On this occasion Odin had disguised himself as a Wanderer, by Frigga’s advice, and when asked his name declared it was Gangrad. The contest of wit immediately began, Vafthrudnir questioning his guest concerning the horses which carried Day and Night across the sky, the river Ifing separating Jötun-heim from Asgard, and also about Vigrid, the field where the last battle was to be fought.

      All these questions were minutely answered by Odin, who, when Vafthrudnir had ended, began the interrogatory in his turn, and received equally explicit answers about the origin of heaven and earth, the creation of the gods, their quarrel with the Vanas, the occupations of the heroes in Valhalla, the offices of the Norns, and the rulers who were to replace the Æsir when they had all perished with the world they had created. But when, in conclusion, Odin bent near the giant and softly inquired what words Allfather whispered to his dead son Balder as he lay upon his funeral pyre, Vafthrudnir suddenly recognised his divine visitor. Starting back in dismay, he declared that no one but Odin himself could answer that question, and that it was now quite plain to him that he had madly striven in a contest of wisdom and wit with the king of the gods, and fully deserved the penalty of failure, the loss of his head.

      “Not the man of mortal race

      Knows the words which thou hast spoken

      To thy son in days of yore.

      I hear the coming tread of death;

      He soon shall raze the runic lore,

      And knowledge of the rise of gods,

      From his ill-fated soul who strove

      With Odin’s self the strife of wit,

      Wisest of the wise that breathe:

      Our stake was life, and thou hast won.”

      Vafthrudni’s-mal (W. Taylor’s tr.).

      As is the case with so many of the Northern myths, which are often fragmentary and obscure, this one ends here, and none of the scalds informs us whether Odin really slew his rival, nor what was the answer to his last question; but mythologists have hazarded the suggestion that the word whispered by Odin in Balder’s ear, to console him for his untimely death, must have been “resurrection.”

      Invention of Runes

      Besides being god of wisdom, Odin was god and inventor of runes, the earliest alphabet used by Northern nations, which characters, signifying mystery, were at first used for divination, although in later times they served for inscriptions and records. Just as wisdom could only be obtained at the cost of sacrifice, Odin himself relates that he hung nine days and nights from the sacred tree Yggdrasil, gazing down into the immeasurable depths of Nifl-heim, plunged in deep thought, and self-wounded with his spear, ere he won the knowledge he sought.

      “I know that I hung

      On a wind-rocked tree

      Nine whole nights,

      With a spear wounded,

      And to Odin offered

      Myself to myself;

      On that tree

      Of which no one knows

      From what root it springs.”

      Odin’s Rune-Song (Thorpe’s tr.).

      When he had fully mastered this knowledge, Odin cut magic runes upon his spear Gungnir, upon the teeth of his horse Sleipnir, upon the claws of the bear, and upon countless other animate and inanimate things. And because he had thus hung over the abyss for such a long space of time, he was ever after considered the patron divinity of all who were condemned to be hanged or who perished by the noose.

      After obtaining the gift of wisdom and runes, which gave him power over all things, Odin also coveted the gift of eloquence and poetry, which he acquired in a manner which we shall relate in a subsequent chapter.

      Geirrod and Agnar

      Odin, as has already been stated, took great interest in the affairs of mortals, and, we are told, was specially fond of watching King Hrauding’s handsome little sons, Geirrod and Agnar, when they were about eight and ten years of age respectively. One day these little lads went fishing, and a storm suddenly arose which blew their boat far out to sea, where it finally stranded upon an island, upon which dwelt a seeming old couple, who in reality were Odin and Frigga in disguise. They had assumed these forms in order to indulge a sudden passion for the close society of their protégés. The lads were warmly welcomed and kindly treated, Odin choosing Geirrod as his favourite, and teaching him the use of arms, while Frigga petted and made much of little Agnar. The boys tarried on the island with their kind protectors during the long, cold winter season; but when spring came, and the skies were blue, and the sea calm, they embarked in a boat which Odin provided, and set out for their native shore. Favoured by gentle breezes, they were soon wafted thither; but as СКАЧАТЬ