The History of Tasmania (Vol. 1&2). John West
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Название: The History of Tasmania (Vol. 1&2)

Автор: John West

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Документальная литература


isbn: 4064066399818


СКАЧАТЬ lovely forms!

       Methinks I see Australian landscapes still,

       But softer beauty sits on every hill:

       I see bright meadows, decked in livelier green,

       The yellow corn-field, and the blossomed bean:

       A hundred flocks o'er smiling pastures roam,

       And hark! the music of the harvest home!

       Methinks I hear the hammer's busy sound,

       The cheerful hum of human voices round;

       The laughter and the song that lightens toil,

       Sung in the language of my native isle!

       The vision leads me on by many a stream;

       And spreading cities crowd upon my dream,

       Where turrets darkly frown, and lofty spires

       Point to the stars and sparkle in their fires!

       Here Sydney gazes, from the mountain side,

       Narcissus-like upon the glassy tide!

       O'er rising towns Notasian commerce reigns,

       And temples crowd Tasmania's lovely plains!

       The prospect varies in an endless range;

       Villas and lawns go by, in ceaseless change:

       And wafted on the gale from many a dell,

       Methinks I hear the village Sabbath bell!

       Faith upward mounts, upon devotion's wings,

       And, like the lark, at heaven's pure portal sings;

       From myriad tongues the song of praise is poured,


      [137] Mr. Samuel Bate, after exercising the functions of judge at Port Phillip (1803), returned home, and received the appointment, many years after, of inspector of excise, at Port Jackson.

      "At a Public Meeting of the Landholders, Merchants, and Free Inhabitants of Van Diemen's Land, by public advertisement assembled, at the Court House, in Hobart Town, the 30th day of October, 1823, John Beamont, Esq., Provost Marshal of Van Diemen's Land, in the chair;

      "Resolved—(Moved by Edward Abbott, Esq. junior, seconded by James Gordon, Esq.)—That in the present state of this colony, that union of wisdom and experience, which his Honor Lieutenant Governor Sorell has on every occasion so strikingly exhibited, is most essential to our general and individual interests. It becomes therefore of the very utmost importance to us, that in any contemplated changes, as to this colony, Lieutenant Governor Sorell may not be removed from his present government; inasmuch as no successor, whom it may be the pleasure of his Majesty to appoint, can be possibly expected to bestow all that general and individual attention to our wants and wishes, and to be able, satisfactorily and advantageously, to encounter any difficulties which may occur, without a considerable lapse of time, and much probable encreased inconvenience; while from the steady, calm, decided, and experienced judgment of his Honor Lieutenant Governor Sorell, we have every reason to hope for the most prosperous continuation of his present successful administration.

      "2nd. Resolved—(Moved by A. F. Kemp, Esq., seconded by F. Dawes, Esq.)—That a most dutiful Address be presented to his Majesty, grounded upon the preceding resolution; and that a committee of fifteen gentlemen be appointed to prepare the same, and to carry into effect the object of the present meeting, in such manner as shall appear most proper and expedient.

      "3rd. Resolved—(Moved by T. G. Gregson, Esq., seconded by W. A. Bethune, Esq.)—That the Address, when signed, be forwarded with the least possible delay to Edward Barnard, Esq., our colonial agent in London, requesting that gentleman to adopt the necessary measures for forthwith submitting it to his Majesty's most gracious consideration, and to use his utmost endeavours to obtain the object of the same.

      "4th. Resolved—(Moved by R. L. Murray, Esq., seconded by J. Gordon, Esq.)—That a subscription be forthwith entered into, to defray the expenses which may arise from carrying into effect the present resolutions, and for the purpose of presenting to his Honor Lieutenant Governor Sorell a Piece of Plate, in token of our affectionate remembrance of the great obligations we owe him, and that such subscription be limited to the sum of two dollars, individually.

      "5th. Resolved—(Moved by A. F. Kemp, Esq., seconded by J. Archer, Esq.)—That H. J. Emmett, Esq. and P. A. Mulgrave, Esq. be requested to undertake the offices of treasurers of the subscription, for the counties of Buckingham and Cornwall, respectively.

      "6th. Resolved—(Moved by T. G. Gregson, Esq., seconded by T. Anstey, Esq.)—That a copy of these Resolutions, and of the Address to his Majesty, be transmitted to his Honor Lieutenant Governor Sorell, in such manner as by the Committee shall be considered most respectful to the Lieutenant Governor, and suitable to the occasion.

      "7th. Resolved—(Moved by R. Espie, Esq., seconded by J. Gordon, Esq.)—That the following fifteen gentlemen do form the committee for the purposes before resolved:—

E. Abbott, Esq. jun. S. Hood, Esq.
T. Anstey, Esq. A. W. H. Humphrey, Esq.
J. Archer, Esq. A. F. Kemp, Esq.
W. A. Bethune, Esq. R. L. Murray, Esq.
F. Dawes, Esq. H. Ross, Esq.
H. J. Emmett, Esq. G. F. Read, Esq.
J. Gordon, Esq. J. Scott, Esq.
T. G. Gregson, Esq.

      "8th. Resolved—(Moved by J. Archer, Esq., seconded by T. Anstey, Esq.)—That these Resolutions, and a copy of the Address to his Majesty, be inserted three times in the Hobart Town and Sydney Gazettes; and in the Times, New Times, Morning Chronicle, and Courier, London newspapers.

      "John Beamont, Provost Marshal, Chairman.

      "The СКАЧАТЬ