The Popular Religion and Folk-Lore of Northern India (Vol. 1&2). William Crooke
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      These two ranges, says the legend, are an offshoot from the Himâlaya. When Râma was building the bridge across the strait to Lanka, he sent his followers to Himâlaya to collect materials. They returned with a mighty burden, but meanwhile the hero had completed his task; so he ordered them to throw down their loads, and where the stones fell these ranges were produced. In the same way the Maniparvata at Ajudhya is said to have been dropped by Sugrîva, the monkey king of Kishkindhya, and the Irichh hills at Jhânsi are described to have been formed in the same way.

      Other Famous Hills.

       Table of Contents

      The Spirits of the Air.

       Table of Contents

      Bhîmsen, a Weather Godling.

       Table of Contents