Persian Tales - Volume II - Bakhtiari Tales - Illustrated by Hilda Roberts. D. L. Lorimer
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Название: Persian Tales - Volume II - Bakhtiari Tales - Illustrated by Hilda Roberts

Автор: D. L. Lorimer

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Сказки


isbn: 9781528769907


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      As Khōnkār and Nāsir proceeded along the road, the former went on in front, and Nāsir followed behind with the basket. When Ahmad saw this, he feigned in the darkness to be Khōnkār, and said: “Brother Nāsir, give me the basket for a change, and go you on in front as an advanced guard,” and with that he took over the basket and went home with it.

      When Khōnkār and Nāsir rejoined each other, Khōnkār said: “Brother, what have you done with the basket?” “Why, I gave it to you,” said Nāsir. “No, by the Qur’ān,” said Khōnkār, “it must be Ahmad Girdū who has taken it.” Then they turned back again to Ahmad’s house. Now in the meantime Ahmad had dug a hole in the ground and put the basket in it, and he and his wife had lain down to sleep on the top of it.

      Khōnkār and Nāsir crept up beside them as they slept and pushed the wife off to one side and the husband to the other, and they tore up the felt cloth they were lying on and pulled out the basket. Then they put it on their shoulders and went off along the road as hard as they could go.

      Not long after, Ahmad woke up and said: “Wife, they’ve carried off the basket again. Give me my thick stick.” Then he hurried off after them, and when he came up he found that Nāsir had gone off to a village to get a set of scales in order to divide up the dates. So Ahmad came up, pretending in the darkness to be Nāsir, and said: “I haven’t been able to get anything. Supposing you were to go and were able to get some sort of a vessel, we could then divide up the dates.” So Khōnkār went off to another camp, and Ahmad took up the basket and went home.

      Then Khōnkār brought back one pair of scales and Nāsir brought back another, and they found that the basket had once more been carried off. After that they went on towards their home and did not turn back again.

      When he got there Nāsir said to his wife: “Pull down the tent on top of me, and start wailing and keep crying out: ‘My husband is dead!’” She pulled down the tent on top of him and started wailing. Then people collected, and they tied Nāsir on a bier. Meanwhile Khōnkār arrived on the scene, and said: “Brother Nāsir, you may have the slippers for yourself,” but Nāsir made no reply.

      Then he saw some thieves come up, and they had a lot of stolen money and began dividing it among them. All of a sudden Nāsir sprang up and said: “Dead men seize the living!” and the thieves fled in terror while the brothers pursued them some little distance. Then the two returned to divide the money between them. One of the original thieves came back too, hoping to get a share, but Khōnkār lifted his hand and knocked off his hat and said: “That’s your two-farthing share!”


      Thereupon the thieves made off, while the brothers took up the money on their shoulders and went off and enjoyed it together, and rested themselves.

      The story is ended.

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