A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume Two. Thomas Frognall Dibdin
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       Thomas Frognall Dibdin

      A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume Two

      Published by Good Press, 2019

       [email protected]

      EAN 4057664600608

       VOLUME II.

       LETTER I.

       LETTER II.

       LETTER III.

       LETTER IV.

       LETTER V.

       LETTER VI.

       LETTER VII.



       LETTER IX.

       LETTER X.

       LETTER XI.

       LETTER XII.


       LETTER XIV.

       Table of Contents

      LETTER I.

      PARIS. The Boulevards. Public Buildings. Street Scenery. Fountains

      LETTER II.

       General Description of the Bibliothèque du Roi. The Librarians


       The same subject continued

      LETTER IV.

       The same subject continued

      LETTER V.

      PARIS. Some Account of the early printed and rare Books in the Royal Library

      LETTER VI.

       Conclusion of the Account of the Royal Library. The Library of the Arsenal


      Library of Ste. Geneviève. The Abbé Mercier St. Léger. Library of the Mazarine College, or Institute. Private Library of the King. Mons. Barbier, Librarian,

       Introduction to Letter VIII


       Some Account of the late Abbé Rive. Booksellers. Printers. Book Binders

      LETTER IX.

       Men of Letters. Dom Brial. The Abbé Bétencourt. Messrs. Gail, Millin, and Langlès. A Roxburghe Banquet

      LETTER X.

       The Collections of Denon, Quintin Craufurd, and the Marquis de Sommariva

      LETTER XI.

       Notice of M. Willemin's Monumens Français inédits. Miscellaneous Antiquities. Present State of the Fine Arts. General Observations upon the National Character


       Paris to Strasbourg. Nancy


      STRASBOURG. Establishment of the Protestant Religion. The Cathedral. The Public Library


       Society. Environs of Strasbourg. Domestic Architecture. Manners and Customs. Literature. Language

       Table of Contents


      Paris, June 18, 1818.

      You are probably beginning to wonder at the tardiness of my promised Despatch, in which the architectural minutiæ of this City were to be somewhat systematically described. But, as I have told you towards the conclusion of my previous letter, it would be to very little purpose to conduct you over every inch of ground which had been trodden and described by a host of Tourists, and from which little of interest or of novelty could be imparted. Yet it seems to be absolutely incumbent upon me to say something by way of local description.

      Perhaps the BOULEVARDS form the most interesting feature about Paris. I speak here of the principal Boulevards:--of those, extending from Ste. Madelaine to St. Antoine; which encircle nearly one half the capital. Either on foot, or in a carriage, they afford you singular gratification. A very broad road way, flanked by two rows of trees on each side, within which the population of Paris seems to be in incessant agitation--lofty houses, splendid shops, occasionally СКАЧАТЬ