The Existence of God. François de Salignac de La Mothe- Fénelon
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Название: The Existence of God

Автор: François de Salignac de La Mothe- Fénelon

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664630742



       François de Salignac de La Mothe- Fénelon

      The Existence of God

      Published by Good Press, 2019

       [email protected]

      EAN 4057664630742



       SECTION I. Metaphysical Proofs of the Existence of God are not within Everybody’s reach.

       SECT. II. Moral Proofs of the Existence of God are fitted to every man’s capacity.

       SECT. III. Why so few Persons are attentive to the Proofs Nature affords of the Existence of God.

       SECT. IV. All Nature shows the Existence of its Maker.

       SECT. V. Noble Comparisons proving that Nature shows the Existence of its Maker. First Comparison, drawn from Homer’s “Iliad.”

       SECT. VI. Second Comparison, drawn from the Sound of Instruments.

       SECT. VII. Third Comparison, drawn from a Statue.

       SECT. VIII. Fourth Comparison, drawn from a Picture.

       SECT. IX. A Particular Examination of Nature.

       SECT. X. Of the General Structure of the Universe.

       SECT. XI. Of the Earth.

       SECT. XII. Of Plants.

       SECT. XIII. Of Water.

       SECT. XIV. Of the Air.

       SECT. XV. Of Fire.

       SECT. XVI. Of Heaven.

       SECT. XVII. Of the Sun.

       SECT. XVIII. Of the Stars.

       SECT. XIX. Of Animals, Beasts, Fowl, Birds, Fishes, Reptiles, and Insects.

       SECT. XX. Admirable Order in which all the Bodies that make up the Universe are ranged.

       SECT. XXI. Wonders of the Infinitely Little.

       SECT. XXII. Of the Structure or Frame of the Animal.

       SECT. XXIII. Of the Instinct of the Animal.

       SECT. XXIV. Of Food.

       SECT. XXV. Of Sleep.

       SECT. XXVI. Of Generation.

       SECT. XXVII. Though Beasts commit some Mistakes, yet their Instinct is, in many cases, Infallible.

       SECT. XXVIII. It is impossible Beasts should have Souls.

       SECT. XXIX. Sentiments of some of the Ancients concerning the Soul and Knowledge of Beasts.

       SECT. XXX. Of Man.

       SECT. XXXI. Of the Structure of Man’s Body.

       SECT. XXXII. Of the Skin.

       SECT. XXXIII. Of Veins and Arteries.

       SECT. XXXIV. Of the Bones, and their Jointing.

       SECT. XXXV. Of the Organs.

       SECT. XXXVI. Of the Inward Parts.

       SECT. XXXVII. Of the Arms and their Use.

       SECT. XXXVIII. Of the Neck and Head.

       SECT. XXXIX. Of the Forehead and Other Parts of the Face.
