I Love Animal Stories. Aesop
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Название: I Love Animal Stories

Автор: Aesop

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Книги для детей: прочее


isbn: 4064066399108



      “Let's give Johnny Chuck a surprise,” said Reddy Fox.

      “What shall it be?” asked Bobby Coon.

      “I know,” said Reddy Fox. “Let's roll that big stone right over Johnny Chuck's doorway; then he'll have to dig his way out in the morning.”


      So Bobby Coon and Reddy Fox pulled and tugged and tugged and pulled at the big stone till they had rolled it over Johnny Chuck's doorway. Jimmy Skunk pretended not to see what they were doing.

      “Now let's go down to the Laughing Brook and wake up old Grandfather Frog and hear him say 'Chug-a-rum,'” said Bobby Coon.

      “Come on!” cried Reddy Fox, “I'll get there first!”

      Away raced Reddy Fox down the Lone Little Path and after him ran Bobby Coon, going to wake old Grandfather Frog from a nice comfortable sleep on his green lily pad.

      But Jimmy Skunk didn't go. He watched Reddy Fox and Bobby Coon until they were nearly to the Laughing Brook. Then he began to dig at one side of the big stone which filled the doorway of Johnny Chuck's house. My, how he made the dirt fly! Pretty soon he had made a hole big enough to call through to Johnny Chuck, who was snoring away, fast asleep in his snug little bed below.

      “Johnny Chuck, Chuck, Chuck! Johnny Woodchuck!” called Jimmy Skunk.

      But Johnny Chuck just snored.

      “Johnny Chuck, Chuck, Chuck! Johnny Woodchuck!” called Jimmy Skunk once more.

      But Johnny Chuck just snored. Then Jimmy Skunk called again, this time louder than before.

      “Who is it?” asked a very sleepy voice.

      “It's Jimmy Skunk. Put your coat on and come up here!” called Jimmy Skunk.

      “Go away, Jimmy Skunk. I want to sleep!” said Johnny Chuck.

      “I've got a surprise for you, Johnny Chuck. You'd better come!” called Jimmy Skunk through the little hole he had made. When Johnny Chuck heard that Jimmy Skunk had a surprise for him he wanted to know right away what it could be, so though he was very, very sleepy, he put on his coat and started up for his door to see what the surprise was that Jimmy Skunk had. And there he found the big stone Reddy Fox and Bobby Coon had put there, and of course he was very much surprised indeed. He thought Jimmy Skunk had played him a mean trick and for a few minutes he was very mad. But Jimmy Skunk soon told him who had filled up his doorway with the big stone.

      “Now you push from that side, Johnny Chuck, and I'll pull from this side, and we'll soon have this big stone out of your doorway,” said Jimmy Skunk.

      So Johnny Chuck pushed and Jimmy Skunk pulled, and sure enough they soon had the big stone out of Johnny Chuck's doorway.

      “Now,” said Jimmy Skunk, “we'll roll this big stone down the Lone Little Path to Reddy Fox's house and we'll give Reddy Fox a surprise.”

      So Johnny Chuck and Jimmy Skunk tugged and pulled and rolled the big stone down to the house of Reddy Fox, and sure enough, it filled his doorway.

      “Good night, Jimmy Skunk,” said Johnny Chuck, and trotted down the Lone Little Path toward home, chuckling to himself all the way.

      Jimmy Skunk walked slowly up the Lone Little Path to the wood, for Jimmy Skunk never hurries. Pretty soon he came to the big hollow tree where Bobby Coon lives, and there he met Hooty the Owl.

      “Hello, Jimmy Skunk, where have you been?” asked Hooty the Owl.

      “Just for a walk,” said Jimmy Skunk. “Who lives in this big hollow tree?”

      Now of course Jimmy Skunk knew all the time, but he pretended he didn't.

      “Oh, this is Bobby Coon's house,” said Hooty the Owl.

      “Let's give Bobby Coon a surprise,” said Jimmy Skunk.

      “How?” asked Hooty the Owl.

      “We'll fill his house full of sticks and leaves,” said Jimmy Skunk.

      Hooty the Owl thought that would be a good joke so while Jimmy Skunk gathered all the old sticks and leaves he could find, Hooty the Owl stuffed them into the old hollow tree which was Bobby Coon's house, until he couldn't get in another one.

      “Good night,” said Jimmy Skunk as he began to climb the Crooked Little Path up the hill to his own snug little home.

      “Good night,” said Hooty the Owl, as he flew like a big soft shadow over to the Great Pine.

      By and by when old Mother Moon was just going to bed and all the little stars were too sleepy to twinkle any longer, Reddy Fox and Bobby Coon, very tired and very wet from playing in the Laughing Brook, came up the Lone Little Path, ready to tumble into their snug little beds. They were chuckling over the trick they had played on Johnny Chuck, and the way they had waked up old Grandfather Frog, and all the other mischief they had done. What do you suppose they said when they reached their homes and found that someone else had been playing jokes, too?

      I'm sure I don't know, but round, red Mr. Sun was laughing very hard as he peeped over the hill at Reddy Fox and Bobby Coon, and he won't tell why.

      Chapter XIII

       Johnny Chuck Finds The Best Thing In The World

       Table of Contents

      Old Mother West Wind had stopped to talk with the Slender Fir Tree. “I've just come across the Green Meadows,” said Old Mother West Wind, “and there I saw the Best Thing in the World.”

      Striped Chipmunk was sitting under the Slender Fir Tree and he couldn't help hearing what Old Mother West Wind said. “The Best Thing in the World—now what can that be?” thought Striped Chipmunk. “Why, it must be heaps and heaps of nuts and acorns! I'll go and find it.”

      So Striped Chipmunk started down the Lone Little Path through the wood as fast as he could run. Pretty soon he met Peter Rabbit.

      “Where are you going in such a hurry, Striped Chipmunk?” asked Peter Rabbit.

      “Down in the Green Meadows to find the Best Thing in the World,” replied Striped Chipmunk, and ran faster.

      “The Best Thing in the World,” said Peter Rabbit. “Why, that must be great piles of carrots and cabbage! I think I'll go and find it.”

      So Peter Rabbit started down the Lone Little Path through the wood as fast as he could go after Striped Chipmunk.

      As they passed the great hollow tree Bobby Coon put his head out. “Where are you going in such a hurry?” asked Bobby Coon.

      “Down in the Green Meadows to find the Best Thing in the World!” shouted Striped Chipmunk and Peter Rabbit, and both began to run faster.

      “The СКАЧАТЬ