Mrs. Halliburton's Troubles. Mrs. Henry Wood
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Название: Mrs. Halliburton's Troubles

Автор: Mrs. Henry Wood

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664595690


СКАЧАТЬ Go to him to-morrow, without any delay. Should he say that you must leave London, of course we must leave it, no matter what the sacrifice."

      The advice corresponded with Mr. Halliburton's own opinion, and he resolved to follow it. A conviction amounting to a certainty was upon him, that, go to what doctor he might, the fiat would be the same as Dr. Carrington's. He did not say so to Jane. On the contrary, he spoke of these insurance-office doctors as being over-fastidious in the interests of the office; and he tried to deceive his own heart with the sophistry.

      "Shall you apply to another office to insure your life?" Jane asked.

      "I would, if I thought it would not be useless."

      "You think it would be useless?"

      "The offices all keep their own doctors, and those doctors, it is my belief, are unnecessarily particular. I should call them crotchety, Jane."

      "I think it must amount to this," said Jane; "that if there is anything seriously the matter with you, no office will be found to do it; but if the affection is only trifling or temporary you may be accepted."

      "That is about it. Oh, Jane!" he added, with an irrepressible burst of anguish, "what would I not give to have insured my life before this came upon me! All those past years! They seem to have been allowed to run to waste, when I might have been using them to lay up in store for the children!"

      How many are there of us who, looking back, can feel that our past years, in some way or other, have not been allowed to run to waste?

      What a sleepless night that was for him! What a sleepless night for his wife! Both rose in the morning equally unrefreshed.

      "To what doctor will you go?" Jane inquired as she was dressing.

      "I have been thinking of Dr. Arnold of Finsbury," he replied.

      "Yes, you could not go to a better. Edgar, you will let me accompany you?"

      "No, no, Jane. Your accompanying me would do no good. You could not go into the room with me."

      She saw the force of the objection. "I shall be so very anxious," she said, in a low tone.

      He laughed at her; he was willing to make light of it if it might ease her fears. "My dear, I will come home at once and report to you: I will borrow Jack's seven-leagued boots, that I may come to you the quicker."

      "You know that I shall be anxious," she repeated, feeling vexed.

      "Jane," he said, his tone changing: "I see that you are more anxious already than is good for you. It is not well that you should be so."

      "I wish I could be with you! I wish I could hear, as you will, Dr. Arnold's opinion from his own lips!" was all she answered.

      "I will faithfully repeat it to you," said Mr. Halliburton.

      "Faithfully—word for word? On your honour?"

      "Yes, Jane, I will. You have my promise. Good news I shall be only too glad to tell you; and, should it be the worst, it will be necessary that you should know it."

      "You must be there before ten o'clock," she observed; "otherwise there will be little chance of seeing him."

      "I shall be there by nine, Jane. To spare time later would interfere too much with my day's work."

      A thought crossed Jane's mind—if the fiat were unfavourable what would become of his day's work then—all his days? But she did not utter it.

      "Oh, papa," cried Janey at breakfast, "was it not a beautiful party! Did you ever enjoy yourself so much before?"

      "I don't suppose you ever did, Janey," he replied, in kindly tones.

      "No, that I never did. Alice Harvey's birthday comes in summer, and she says she knows her mamma will let her give just such another! Mamma!"—turning to Mrs. Halliburton.

      "Well, Jane?"

      "Shall you let me have a new frock for it? You know I tore mine last night."

      "All in good time, Janey. We don't know where we may all be then."

      No, they did not. A foreshadowing of it was already upon the spirit of Mrs. Halliburton. Not upon the children: they were spared it as yet.

      "Do not be surprised if you see me waiting for you when you come out of Dr. Arnold's," said Jane to her husband, in low tones, as he was going out.

      "But, Jane, why? Indeed, I think it would be foolish of you to come. My dear, I never knew you like this before."

      Perhaps not. But when, before, had there been cause for this apprehension?

      Jane watched him depart. Calm as she contrived to remain outwardly, she was in a terribly restless, nervous state; little accustomed as she was so to give way. A sick feeling was within her, a miserable sensation of suspense; and she could scarcely battle with it. You may have felt the same, in the dread approach of some great calamity. The reading over, Janey got her books about, as usual. Mrs. Halliburton took charge of her education in every branch, excepting music: for that she had a master. She would not send Jane to school. The child sat down to her books, and was surprised at seeing her mother come into the room with her things on.

      "Mamma! Are you going out?"

      "For a little time, Jane."

      "Oh, let me go! Let me go too!"

      "Not this morning, dear. You will have plenty of work—preparing the lessons that you could not prepare last night."

      "So I shall," said Janey. "I thought perhaps you meant to excuse them, mamma."

      It was almost impossible for Jane to remain in the house, in her present state of agitation. She knew that it did appear absurdly foolish to go after her husband; but, walk somewhere she must: how could she turn a different way from that which he had taken? It was some distance to Finsbury; half an hour's walk at least. Should she go, or should she not, she asked herself as she went out of the house. She began to think that she might have remained at home had she exercised self-control. She had a great mind to turn back, and was slackening her pace, when she caught sight of Mr. Allen at his surgery window.

      An impulse came over her that she would go in and ask his opinion of her husband. She opened the door and entered. The surgeon was making up some pills.

      "You are out early, Mrs. Halliburton!"

      "Yes," she replied. "Mr. Halliburton has gone to Finsbury Square to see Dr. Arnold, and I——Do you think him very ill?" she abruptly broke off.

      "I do not, myself. Carrington——Did you know he had been to Dr. Carrington?" asked Mr. Allen, almost fearing he might be betraying secrets.

      "I know all about it. I know what the doctor said. Do you think Dr. Carrington was mistaken?"

      "In a measure. There's no doubt the lungs are affected, but I believe not to the grave extent assumed by Dr. Carrington."

      "He assumed, then, СКАЧАТЬ