Global Issues. Kristen A. Hite
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Название: Global Issues

Автор: Kristen A. Hite

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Социология


isbn: 9781119538486


СКАЧАТЬ Census).

      19 19 OECD, Development Co‐operation Report 2018: Joining Forces to Leave No One Behind, p. 33.

      20 20 Ibid., p. 40.

      21 21 ONE Campaign, The Trillion‐Dollar Scandal (2014), at (accessed July 2015).

      22 22 Ibid.

      23 23 UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, SEcretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, document ST/ESA/328 (2010), p1, at

      24 24 Minority rights Group International, World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples – Brazil, Yanomami (2008).

      25 25 James Brooke, “Brazil Evicting Miners in Amazon to Reclaim Land for the Indians,” New York Times (March 8, 1993), p. A4.

      26 26 Ibid.

      27 27 James Brooke, “In an Almost Untouched Jungle Gold Miners Threaten Indian Ways,” New York Times (September 18, 1990), p. B6.

      28 28 Larry Rohter, “A New Intrusion Threatens a Tribe in Amazon: Soldiers,” New York Times (October 1, 2002), p. A1.

      29 29 “Yanomami “Massacred” by Goldminers in Venezuela,” Survival International (August 30, 2012), at‐massacred‐by‐goldminers‐in‐venezuela/ (accessed November 2018).

      30 30 “Deadly measles epidemic hits isolated Yanomami tribe,” Survival International (June 28, 2018), (accessed November 2018).

      31 31 One encouraging sign is that when Western scientists seek information from the medicine men of indigenous peoples about natural drugs and health cures, the medicine men are given new respect. This new respect might help encourage some of their youth to study under them. But, all too often today, when the medicine men die, the knowledge they have acquired dies with them. See Daniel Goleman, “Shamans and Their Longtime Lore May Vanish with the Forests,” New York Times, June 11, 1991, p. B5. As an example of a study showing the harmful effects Western contact can have on the culture of indigenous peoples, see Katharine Milton, “Civilization and Its Discontents,” Natural History (March 1992), pp. 37–43.

      32 32 As one author has written: “[indigenous peoples] may offer living examples of cultural patterns that can help revive ancient values for everyone: devotion to future generations, ethical regard for nature, and commitment ot community among people.” Alan Durning, “Supporting Indigenous Peoples,” in Lester R. Brown et al., State of the World 1993 (New York: W.W. Norton, 1993), p. 100.

        Can We Eradicate Poverty? Mainstreaming Sustainable Development A Pessimistic View: The Persistence of Poverty

        Systematic Approaches A Market Approach The State as Economic Actor A Blended Approach

        Trade and Global Economic Interdependence Global Interdependence Positive aspects Negative aspects

        Geography and Wealth, Geography and Poverty



        Further Reading

      The mere fact that opposing visions of economic development have grown to shape the international agenda is in one sense merely an indication that development concerns are receiving attention on a global scale for the first time in history.

      Lynn Miller, Global Order (1985)

      For most of history, human beings have lacked material wealth. A few individuals in many societies had a higher standard of living than their fellow humans, but the vast majority of people on Earth have shared a common condition focused on meeting their daily needs. The Industrial Revolution brought a fundamental change. Through a fundamentally faster rate of production and consumption, new wealth was created in the industrializing nations in Europe and eventually larger numbers of people prospered. And the differences between the rich and the poor countries and people amplified. A few industrialized countries achieved higher living standards and pulled away from the rest of the world.