Silent Night Man. Diana Palmer
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Название: Silent Night Man

Автор: Diana Palmer

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474048576


СКАЧАТЬ that Millie has orgies down in the basement, because John told them she did.”

      “I can’t believe it,” Tony said to himself.

      “Obviously. You didn’t know the adult John became. You still saw the kid who played sandlot baseball with you in ninth grade.”

      “He had a rap sheet. I never knew.”

      “He was a troubled man. There’s something else, too. My friend at the precinct said that when they searched John’s room, they found an open bank book on the coffee table. It showed a withdrawal of five thousand dollars in cash—John had apparently sold everything of value that he had. The pawn slips were there, too, neatly arranged. There was a note, addressed to Millie, with only a threat: ‘You’ll be sorry.’ The police haven’t told her yet, and they warned me not to say anything. But I’m afraid for her.”

      “What do you think John did with the money?” Tony asked.

      “I don’t know.”

      Tony was frowning. “Any of those gang members ever been suspected of murdering anybody?”

      “Yes,” came the curt reply. “John had a vindictive nature. It wouldn’t surprise me if he didn’t put out a contract on Millie.”

      The John whom Tony knew as a teen wouldn’t have been capable of such actions. The man he was only now coming to know might well have done it. He could hardly get his mind to function. He’d come home with clear-cut ideas of the good guy and the bad woman, and now his theories were worthless. He was remembering Millie’s tragic expression when he accused her of murdering his friend. He was remembering, too, what Frank had just told him, that Millie had cared about him. It was a good bet that she didn’t anymore, he thought cynically.

      Frank checked his watch. “I have to get back to the funeral home. Millie said she was coming over to see John. I tried to talk her out of it, but she said that it was something she had to do, that she felt responsible. Even after all John had done to her, she still felt sorry for him.”

      Tony closed his eyes and groaned. He didn’t know how to tell his friend that Millie had already come to see John, and that Tony had treated her like dirt and made her run out of the building in fear of him. It wasn’t a revelation he was looking forward to.

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