Visiting Consultant. Betty Neels
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Название: Visiting Consultant

Автор: Betty Neels

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781408982068


СКАЧАТЬ on top of her tidy head. All three men were watching her, but she was looking at her godfather.

      ‘Thank you, Uncle Giles. We love coming; you know that. We shall miss it while you’re away.’ She smiled, murmured a pleasant ‘Goodnight’ and shut the door quietly behind her.

      The theatre was clear; she sent the nurses off duty, had a word with Staff, and went to the changing room, from whence she emerged ten minutes later, still looking neat, in a nicely cut tweed suit; its rich greens and browns suited her—the man following her quietly away from the theatre block and down the staircase thought so too. Sophy hadn’t heard him until his voice asked just behind her,

      ‘Can I give you a lift?’

      ‘No, thank you.’ The words were spoken before she could regret them. It would be nice to ride in a Bentley. ‘I live quite close.’ And added crossly, ‘You know that,’ she paused, ‘sir.’

      ‘I’m afraid I made you late, suggesting that you should have tea just now. Allow me to make amends.’

      He crossed the entrance hall with her, obviously sure of getting his own way. They said goodnight to Pratt, the head porter, and she went through the heavy door which he held open for her. She only had to say that she preferred to walk, but somehow the words wouldn’t come. She found herself sitting beside him. The temptation to sink back into the rich cosiness of the leather was great; instead, she sat upright, looking ahead of her, as though she had never seen the streets before. He turned to look at her as they slid along the familiar route.

      ‘You don’t have to be on your guard all the time, do you?’

      Sophy felt the soft hammer of her heart. ‘I don’t know what you mean,’ she said, too quickly.

      ‘Yes, you do, some time we’ll discuss it, but to begin with you might try sitting back comfortably, even if it is only for a few minutes. I must say I’m surprised. I thought you were a sensible sort of young woman.’

      Sophy felt rage wash over her—why did he contrive to make her feel foolish? ‘I’ve no idea what you’re talking about,’ she answered coldly. ‘I’m exactly like thousands of other women.’

      They had drawn up in front of the house; he leant across her to open the door, but didn’t open it. ‘No, you’re wrong; you’re not like any other woman.’ He opened the door at last, and said, ‘By the way, isn’t Bill Evans rather young for you?’

      Sophy had been on the point of getting out, but she turned sharply in her seat, which was a mistake, for he was so near that her cheek brushed his. The touch made her catch her breath, but she managed to say in a tolerably calm voice, ‘I’ve known Bill, for several months; I met you yesterday, Jonkheer van Oosterwelde. I can’t think why it should be any business of yours nor why you should want to know anything about me… Goodnight.’

      His voice came quietly through the gloom of the evening. ‘Ah, yes, that is something else we must discuss, isn’t it? Goodnight.’

      She stood on the pavement, watching the big car disappear into the gathering twilight, her mouth slightly open. Presently she closed it with something of a snap, and went into the house. She had two days off; she was glad. It would be Saturday when she went back on duty, there were no lists on that day, only emergencies, and the RSO was on duty for the weekend. She wouldn’t see the Dutchman until Monday.

      Penny was waiting for her in the hall sitting on the stairs, school books scattered around her. She jumped up as Sophy shut the door.

      ‘I heard a car—Sophy, did he bring you home? Was he waiting for you? How did he know where you were?’ She paused for a much-needed breath, and sank back on to the bottom stair. ‘Where does he come from?’

      Sophy unbuttoned her jacket and sat down beside her sister, kicking off her shoes for greater comfort. She said in an unemotional voice. ‘He’s the surgeon who is relieving Uncle Giles while he goes on holiday.’

      Penny leaned forward and hugged her sister. ‘Sophy, how perfectly marvellous for you! Does he like you? Yes, of course he does—everyone likes you.’ She interrupted herself. ‘Uncle Giles on holiday again? But he’s only just been a month or so ago. He and Aunt Vera came back in September, didn’t they?’ Sophy chose to answer the second question first. ‘Uncle Giles is ill—I expect we shall hear about it when we go there on Sunday. He and Aunt will be away for six weeks.’

      Penny absorbed this information for a moment, then went doggedly back to her first question. ‘You’ve not told me about the stranger—I still want to know. What’s he like, and what is his name, and has he fallen for you?’

      Sophy laughed. ‘Oh, darling, no! He hardly spoke to me in theatre and he only brought me home because we happened to leave the hospital at the same time. He’s a very good surgeon, I imagine, and his name is Professor Jonkheer Maximillan van Oosterwelde.’ She laughed again at the expression on her sister’s face.

      ‘A professor,’ said Penny, ‘and with a name like that. He must be quite old; has he got grey hair?’

      ‘Yes,’ said Sophy. ‘It’s brushed very smoothly back without a parting and he’s got a very high forehead, but his eyebrows are as black as thunder clouds. His eyes are pale blue…’

      She stopped, aware of her sister’s interested gaze, and got to her feet briskly. ‘Bill’s coming to supper on Saturday, so mind and have your homework done—you can’t expect him to help you with your maths each time he comes, you know.’

      Penny giggled. ‘No, I know; but he’s a dear, isn’t he? He likes me too.’ She stated the fact without conceit and added thoughtfully, ‘I’m almost sixteen.’

      Sophy said soberly, ‘Yes, dear, and he’s twenty-two and a very clever boy. In three years’ time he’ll know where he’s going—and so will you.’

      They smiled at each other, and Sophy thought, ‘How strange, she’s almost eleven years younger than I am and she knows who and what she wants already. I only hope Bill is sure enough to wait until she grows up.’ She gave Penny a hug and said, ‘Let’s get supper. I’m off until Saturday; I think I shall go up to Harrods tomorrow and look around. You need a new coat for the winter—it’s your turn, anyway. If I see anything you might like at our price, we’ll go together next week and get it.’

      They went off to the kitchen, happily engrossed in the rival merits of Irish tweed as opposed to a good hardwearing Harris.

      Bill Evans arrived punctually for his supper, and was at once pounced upon and borne away to the shabby comfort of the small study at the end of the hall, where he good-naturedly corrected Penny’s maths. They sat side by side at the desk, while he tried to make her understand the relations of the sides and angles of triangles. Sophy, coming to fetch them, thought how exactly right they were for each other; her pretty, sweet-natured young sister and this awkward, shy boy, who was yet man enough to hide his feelings behind a gentle teasing friendliness. It was strange, but he was never shy and awkward with Penny. Even Grandmother Greenslade, whose opinion of modern youth verged on the vituperative, approved of him; amending her opinion with the rider that Penny was still a schoolgirl and was to be treated as such.

      Supper was a cheerful, rather noisy meal, with a great deal of talk. Even Sinclair, prowling in and out with second helpings, joined in from time to time, accompanied and hindered by the Blot and Titus, who liked to keep track of the food. The conversation was lively and varied, largely because the Greenslades had learned СКАЧАТЬ