Fortune's Mergers. Bronwyn Jameson
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Название: Fortune's Mergers

Автор: Bronwyn Jameson

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежная классика

Серия: Mills & Boon By Request

isbn: 9781408970553


СКАЧАТЬ gaily, Eliza looked around the room. “Quite a crowd, huh?”

      Gina followed her gaze and stifled a shudder at the number of unfamiliar faces. “And then some.”

      “Oh, look!” Eliza cried excitedly. “The Australians have arrived!” She lifted a hand high, catching the attention of the two men who had entered the room and motioned for them to join her.

      “You’re going to love these guys,” she said in an aside to Gina and Diana. “Max is a cousin of ours. Mom and Dad met up with him while they were in Australia and invited he and his business partner, Zack Manning, to visit us in the States. They’re interested in horse breeding and want to check out Skylar’s setup.”

      As the men made their way through the crowded room, Gina noticed the recognition that flared in Diana’s eyes, as well as the shock.

      Eliza caught Max’s hand and pulled him into the group. “You already know Case,” she said, beginning the introductions. “And this is his date, Gina Reynolds, and this,” she said draping an arm at her friend’s waist and hugging her to her side, “is Diana Young.”

      Diana tipped her head in greeting. “Hello, Max.”

      Max muttered something that Gina couldn’t quite hear, then said to the group as a whole, “If you’ll excuse me, I need to speak to Patricia and Nash.”

      Gina watched him stride quickly away, his friend Zack following, and wondered at the odd exchange.

      “Let’s mingle,” Eliza said, and turned away, with her friend Diana in tow.

      “That’s odd,” Gina said, with a frown.

      “What’s odd?” Case asked.

      “Judging by Diana’s expression when Eliza first pointed Max out, I would’ve sworn she already knew him. Yet, they greeted each other as if they were total strangers. And did you notice his expression? He looked almost … angry.”

      Case reared back to look at her suspiciously. “Are you sure you’re a children’s author and not a detective? That’s two clandestine incidences you’ve noticed since arriving.”

      She gave her chin a haughty lift. “Can I help it if I’m more aware of my surroundings than you are? And I was right about Maya,” she added stubbornly. “Something is definitely going on between her and Creed.”

      “Oh really,” he said doubtfully.

      She tipped her head discreetly toward Creed. “If you don’t believe me, look for yourself. Creed’s giving Maya’s boyfriend the evil eye.”

      “What?” Case glanced toward Creed. He studied his brother for a moment, then stubbornly shook his head. “He’s probably got his mind on something else and is totally unaware of who he’s looking at or his expression.”

      “I don’t think so,” Gina said doubtfully.

      Teasing her with a smile, he leaned close to whisper, “Since you seem determined to stir up a romance, real or imagined, you might want to check out Max’s friend, Zack, and Skylar.”

      Gina scanned the room until she saw the two standing near the doorway, openly flirting. Her eyes shot wide. “Why, they’ve only just met!” she whispered in return.

      Laughing, he slung an arm around her shoulders. “Come on, Super Sleuth. I’ve got something even more surprising I want to show you.”

      When he reached the center of the room, he stopped and drew her to his side.

      “Could I have everyone’s attention a moment?” he called loudly.

      Conversations slowly dwindled as people turned to see what was going on.

      Uncomfortable at being the center of attention, Gina turned her face against Case’s shoulder. “What are you doing?” she whispered frantically. “Everyone’s staring.”

      He looked down at her and smiled. “Of course they are.”

      “Case …”

      Ignoring her pleading look, he turned his attention to the crowd again and directed his next words to them.

      “As you all know, family is very important to me. The Fortunes have been blessed with one of massive size, with branches that literally stretch all over the world. Over the years, we’ve had our share of misfortune, as well as success, and through it all we’ve stuck together, offering each other whatever support and encouragement was needed at the time. We’ve laughed together, cried together, and celebrated together.

      “Growing up in this house we’re gathered in this evening, I’ve taken part in quite a few celebrations, everything from births to deaths and everything in between. Tonight I’m asking my family and friends to share in a special celebration with me.”

      A sliver of apprehension snaked down Gina’s spine as Case turned to face her. Taking her hand in his, he slipped his other into his jacket pocket, then slowly sank to one knee, pulling out a ring.

      Gina gaped, too stunned to speak.

      His gaze on hers, he slid the ring onto her finger and said in a voice loud enough for everyone in the room to hear, “Gina Reynolds, would you do me the honor of marrying me and becoming my wife?”

      The room was so quiet, she heard the wood shift in the fireplace. Everyone seemed as shocked by Case’s proposal as she was. She didn’t know what to say. Yes? No? Are you crazy?

      But he didn’t seem to need an answer.

      With his gaze on hers, he stood and pulled her into his arms. With everyone in the room watching in shocked silence, he kissed her with a passion that stole her breath.

      A single clap of hands sounded, as the guests slowly absorbed the unexpected announcement. Others gradually joined in, until applause rolled like thunder through the cavernous room.

      Case spent the drive home on his cell phone, talking to someone about a business deal that he and Creed were putting together. It wasn’t exactly the behavior one might expect from a man who’d just proposed, but it was just as well, because Gina couldn’t have carried on a coherent conversation if her life depended on it.

      While he conducted business, she sat in the passenger seat of the Escalade, her hands gripped in her lap, her thumb pressed against the ring that circled her finger, still trying to sort through what had just occurred.

      Why had he proposed? she asked herself for what seemed like the millionth time since Case had popped the question. He’d never once hinted at marriage, never so much as whispered the words “I love you.” They weren’t a couple … or at least she’d never considered them as such. The length of their relationship—if one could call it that—certainly didn’t lead a woman to expect a proposal. Two weeks was hardly enough time for two people to become acquainted, much less engaged.

      She glanced down at her hand and the ring that adorned her left finger. The setting was gorgeous, with rows of baguettes surrounding a huge center diamond. Any woman who received such a stellar engagement ring should be ecstatic, over-the-moon in love.

      Gina СКАЧАТЬ